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Social Networking Sites: Safety Tips for Tweens and Teens

Social Networking Sites: Safety Tips for Tweens and Teens
Social networking sites, chat rooms, virtual worlds, and blogs are how teens and tweens socialize online; it's important to help your child learn how to navigate these spaces safely. Among the pitfalls that come with online socializing are sharing too much information or posting comments, photos, or videos that can damage a reputation or hurt someone's feelings. Applying real-world judgment can help minimize those risks. Remind Kids that Online Actions Have Consequences The words kids write and the images they post have consequences offline. Some of your child's profile may be seen by a broader audience than you — or they — are comfortable with, even if privacy settings are high. Even if you delete the information from a site, you have little control over older versions that may exist on other people's computers and may circulate online. Tell Kids to Limit What They Share Tell your kids why it's important to keep some things — about themselves, family members, and friends — to themselves.

Internet Safety: Safe Surfing Tips for Teens Listen Cyberbullying It's not just strangers who can make you feel uncomfortable. Cyberbullying refers to cruel or bullying messages sent to you online. These might be from former friends or other people you know. If you get these bullying messages online, it's often better to ignore them rather than answer them. Fortunately, most people never experience cyberbullying. Other Things to Consider Although email is relatively private, hackers can still access it — or add you to their spam lists. If you don't recognize the sender of a document or file that needs to be downloaded, delete it without opening it to avoid getting a virus on your device. When you're out and about with your devices, keep them secure. Finally, remember that any pictures or text messages that you send could become "leaked," or public, as soon as you hit send. Reviewed by: Michelle New, PhD Date reviewed: October 2014

Creating a Sense of Time in Online Courses April 25, 2011 By: Todd Conaway in Online Education One of the most useful elements of online courses is that they’re available anytime. But along with the timelessness, there is also an absence of time in many activities and pieces of content in the course that can that can lead to feelings of disconnectedness. How closely do we connect actual time to our students’ online experiences? While we all agree that the five-year-old unnarrated PowerPoint is a dangerous and ineffective piece of content in an online course, we would also all agree that we can’t redo each narrated piece of content each semester. How to Create “Time” in an Online Course One option is to create an updated introduction to the older material. A sense of time is created in discussion boards because they have only that week to complete the work and there is an understanding that the conversations happen in time. Keeping the Flowers Fresh Lastly, keep the flowers fresh.

Internet Safety for Teens You’re a commodityTerms and conditionsSettings and permissionsIdentity theftRespectWho is exposing you online?Information is permanent Internet safety isn’t about a bunch of rules telling you “never do this”, or trying to scare you into safe behavior. Staying safer just takes learning a few things Most of you are already pretty good at using the online sites you’re interested in or have friends that help you. But there is a real difference between the steps you’ve taken to be safe online and what it really takes to be safe and savvy online. You are a commodity The way ‘free’ services make money is not by selling advertising. Every piece of information you post, and every action you take online has commercial value to someone. As you provide information consider how it is being sold, bought, or simply taken and make sure you’re okay with potential outcomes. [Back to Top] Why the terms and conditions matter on your profiles and sites Identity theft is a big issue for teens

An open letter to administrators… As he says, “Don’t take this open letter as us trying to tell you how to do your job. As Educators we must all be open for suggestions and advice…” And the reality here is that each one of his points are ones well worth both being reminded of and/or reflecting on. I’ve never met Justin, but I feel like he is one of my teachers (in more ways than one). He is a digital colleague and I hope that like me, you’ll appreciate the value of some of the things he shares below: Dear administrators, We have a lot of respect for what you do. 1) – When making decisions that are going to affect our classes or our students, we would really appreciate it if you would ask for our opinions and feedback first. 2) – Will you please come to our classrooms more often. 3) – It would really mean a lot to us if you would participate in our professional development days. 6) – It would be much appreciated if you would include teachers, students and community members when developing the building’s vision and goals.

i-SAFE Inc. Founded in 1998, i-SAFE Inc. is the leader in Internet safety education. Available in all 50 states, Washington, D.C., and Department of Defense schools located across the world, i-SAFE is a non-profit foundation whose mission is to educate and empower youth to make their Internet experiences safe and responsible. The goal is to educate students on how to avoid dangerous, inappropriate, or unlawful online behavior. i-SAFE accomplishes this through dynamic K-12 curriculum and community outreach programs to parents, law enforcement, and community leaders. It is the only Internet safety foundation to combine these elements. Since its inception, i-SAFE has revolutionized the way the world looks at Internet safety education. Education Once again i-SAFE sets the standards for all others to follow in Internet safety education. Simply put, the i-LEARN Online program and the i-Mentor Network bring the education to you.

READ Magazine: Fiction, nonfiction, and reader’s theater for grades 6–10 Language Arts Grades 6–8 | 5 issues | $8.99 A compelling mix of classic and contemporary fiction and nonfiction for grades 6–8. Organized into two main sections—literature and writing—each issue focuses on a specific theme and contains excerpts from well-known fiction and nonfiction works as well as original literature, including read-aloud plays and short stories. Plus, every issue examines a literary element as part of our LSI, or Literary Scene Investigation, series. Also includes grammar exercises, writing prompts, and author interviews. NEW!

Horizon report 2011 (resumen español): Tecnología, tendencias en conocimiento durante los próximos años Os dejo la novena edición del Informe Horizon Internacional, tradicional diagnóstico y pronóstico del uso de tecnologías y tendencias educativas de futuro, liderado por el New Media Consortium y Educause y en el que tengo el honor de haber participado este año 2011. Destaca el mobile learning y surgen por primera vez el aprendizaje basado en juegos (serious games) o la aplicación de las posibilidades de análisis de datos que nos ofrecen las herramientas TIC para valorar el progreso académico. Queda prometida presentación en castellano. Se presenta este año, como novedad, el Horizon Project Navigator, una plataforma de social media dinámica con un conjunto de herramientas inteligentes y una colección comprehensiva de recursos. Mi resumen-interpretación de los resultados: PRIMER ESCENARIO: Tendencias que serán realidad en un plazo de 12 MESES: -Libros electrónicos Añadiría, ampliando los resultados a algunos temas que fueron muy relevantes pero no llegaron a la final, la siguiente:

Learning Objects: Resources For Distance Education Worldwide | Downes Stephen Downes Abstract This article discusses the topic of learning objects in three parts. First, it identifies a need for learning objects and describes their essential components based on this need. The Need for and Nature of Learning Objects Some Assumptions and a Premise Before launching directly into a discussion of learning objects, it is important to examine some assumptions and a premise. Now for the premise: the world does not need thousands of similar descriptions of sine wave functions available online. Suppose that just one description of the sine wave function is produced. The economics are relentless. Courses? If we accept the premise that institutions will share learning materials, then we need to ask, what will they share? Many sources of online learning materials, for example Telecampus or the Web of Asynchronous Learning Networks list only courses. Why, then, would institutions not share these courses? Table 1.

UNESCO Working Paper Series on Mobile Learning: Latin America Mark West These Working Papers are part of a UNESCO Series , introduced on EduTechDebate here , and examine mobile learning in Latin America. Mobile Devices and Policies The first paper, Turning On Mobile Learning in Latin America: Illustrative Initiatives and Policy Implications , describes a range of mobile learning programs and explores how these programs address educational needs in the region. It also surveys national and local policies related to mobile learning and analyzes their impact. The paper reveals that many Latin American governments have sidelined education initiatives that use or call for mobile phones because they have already made substantial investments in one laptop per child (or 1:1) programs. The paper alludes to debates unfolding in Latin America regarding the cost of mobile learning programs—which use mobile phones and not computers—versus 1:1 laptop programs—which use laptop computers exclusively. What do you think? Mobiles and teacher development
