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What 100 Experts Think About The Future Of Learning

What 100 Experts Think About The Future Of Learning
If you’re an educator, surely you know that technology has and will continue to have an incredible impact on learning. Whether it’s the Internet, innovative learning tools, or teaching technology itself, these two subjects are intertwined. In these talks, you will find essential information for educators concerned with technology. General Learn about making technology work in education and more in these talks. Rethinking the Student Experience in the 21st Century Public Research University: See how a diverse student body and technology can make a difference in the student experience today. Sharing Education These talks explore the idea of open, shared education. Hector Ruiz on Connecting the World: Hector Ruiz lectures on Internet access for everyone. Creativity & Innovation Watch these talks to see how you can foster innovation and the creative spirit. Ken Robinson Says Schools Kill Creativity: Ken Robinson’s lecture makes a case for a more creative education system. Internet & New Media Related:  matthieudubrulle

The Difference Between Linear and Exponential Thinking | In Their Own Words As humans we evolved on this planet over the last hundreds of thousands of years in an environment that I would call local and linear. It was a local and linear environment because the only things that affected you as you were growing up on the plains of Africa was what was in a day’s walk. It was local to you. Today we’re living in a world that is exponential and global. To give a visualization of this, if I were to take 30 linear steps, it would be one, two, three, four, five. That’s the difference between our ability to project linearly and project exponentially. In Their Own Words is recorded in Big Think's studio. Image courtesy of Shutterstock.

9 Characteristics Of 21st Century Learning The label of “21st Century learning” is vague, and is an idea that we here at TeachThought like to take a swing at as often as possible, including: –weighing the magic of technology with its incredible cost and complexity –underscoring the potential for well thought-out instructional design –considering the considerable potential of social media platforms against its apparent divergence from academic learning Some educators seek out the ideal of a 21st century learning environment constantly, while others prefer that we lose the phrase altogether, insisting that learning hasn’t changed, and good learning looks the same whether it’s the 12th or 21st century. At TeachThought, we tend towards the tech-infused model, but do spend time exploring the limits and challenges of technology, the impact of rapid technology change, and carefully considering important questions before diving in head-first. The size of the circles on the map are intended to convey priority. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

INFOGRAPHIC: Best iOS Apps For Mobile Learning The “problem” with having a smartphone is that there are simply too many apps to try out. Just as you’ve found 10 good apps to try, another 20 come along, demanding your time and attention. Suddenly, everything else in your life is put on hold, as you try out the latest new iOS game or the latest Android productivity app (ironic, I know). But which ones are the best in their respective categories? Which of the suggested apps have you tried? Infographic Source: Image Source: Icons Splash Out Of Black Phone via Shutterstock

34 Remarkable and Surprising Things About The Future — Life Learning 34 Remarkable and Surprising Things About The Future I’ve been reading and thinking about the future a lot recently, and decided to spend a week “nerding out” at Singularity University, to satisfy my curiosity. It was a great event, featuring experts from across the entire spectrum of technology and innovation. In this post I’ll share the ideas I’ve been developing for some time — based on my own research as well as time at spent at SU — on how we should think about the future and the myriad opportunities it presents. I am extremely optimistic about our future being a world where powerful technologies solve some of our biggest challenges across a range of industries from medicine to transportation to energy and many others. This will result in a significantly better standard of living for all as well as many remarkable inventions, in the same way that we live significantly better and different lives than our great great grandparents did. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 14. 15.

Valuing Creativity | Good Enough Mothering Recently I was introduced to the work of Ken Robinson and to his thoughts about education. He points to the failure of current systems of education to meet the challenges we now face and the need to create alternatives. He believes that systems of mass education tend to suppress the natural capacity for creativity with which we are all born. In his view, it is urgent that we cultivate these capacities and he feels we must rethink the current dominant approaches to education to make sure that we do. As I read his recent TED talk I thought about how his ideas apply to us as parents as we raise our children. What seems especially relevant is the emphasis on the extraordinary capacities that children have for creativity and innovation. This was a response to a class assignment to invent something. Left to their own devices children create wonderful art work. The idea that there is a “right” way to do everything is something that often gets in our way as parents. blog comments powered by

Exploring connected versus/and networked learning On a very wet, Australia day long weekend I’m hoping to explore some of the differences, similarities and connections between networked and connected learning. This is all part of my attempt to participate in #etmooc which is currently looking at “Connected Learning – Tools, Processes & Pedagogy”. Networked learning is the term I’m most familiar with and it appears to have a longer history. I’m wondering where connected learning has come from, why and what does it offer as a concept? #etmooc and Connected Learning #etmooc’s connected learning introduction is hosted in a Google doc. The “connected learning” term seems to derive from this infographic on connected learning and the folk who developed it. My vague recollection is that this work is coming from a newly announced collection of American academics and researchers. Networked learning . (the Wikipedia page adds Illich). Openness in the educational process. I wonder if a table can show the overlap here. References Ross, J. (2012).

Is technology making us more or less intelligent? Editor’s note: This article is part of our collaboration with Point Taken, a new program from WGBH that will next air on Tuesday, June 21 on PBS and online at The show features fact-based debate on major issues of the day, without the shouting. The smartphone in your hand enables you to record a video, edit it and send it around the world. With your phone, you can navigate in cities, buy a car, track your vital signs and accomplish thousands of other tasks. And so? Each of those activities used to demand learning specific skills and acquiring the necessary resources to do them. Now all of those tasks are solved by technology. These are not recent trends, but part of the history of technology since the first humans began to farm. Specialized knowledge As Adam Smith noted in his 1776 “Wealth of Nations,” specialization enables people to become more efficient and productive at one set of tasks, but with a trade-off of increased dependence on others for additional needs.

18 Mind-Blowing eLearning Statistics You Need To Know It's no secret that the training landscape has changed dramatically over the past ten years as eLearning and mobile technologies have gone from early-adopter novelties to mainstream essentials. Still, there are plenty of traditional companies out there who aren't buying all of the eLearning hype or can't convince their boss or HR team to experiment in the brave new world of eLearning. So we've rounded up more than a dozen powerful stats that are sure to be eye-openers, if not total mind-changers. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. eLearning is the second most important training method within organizations, with companies increasingly moving towards blended learning and eLearning, rather than instructor led training sessions. 6. 7. 8. 4,600,00 college students are currently taking at least one of their classes online and by 2014 this number will increase to 18,650,000. 10. 11. 12. 13. eLearning is proven to increase knowledge retention by 25% to 60%. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.
