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From E-Learning to We-Learning

From E-Learning to We-Learning
The corporate training industry is undergoing some major changes. Over last few months we have been involved in many discussions with organizations about the tremendous needs to build, manage, and formalize their social and collaborative learning programs. This is being driven by many factors: the slowing economy, the "always-connected" nature of the workforce, and the explosion of social software tools and platforms now available. In many ways, this transition is very similar to the last "big thing" to hit corporate training - the "e-learning" era. I think today's transformation is very similar and we have much we can learn from that history. The History of E-Learning and What We Learned E-learning radically changed the training industry. Today of course as e-learning has matured, there are many forms of online training and education. In addition, the original "concepts" of e-learning have changed. Enter "We-Learning" Now here we are again, in the middle of a whole new era. 1. 2. 3. 4.

55 Herramientas web para crear cuestionarios y encuestas en clase Hoy, mientras estaba navegando a través de mi Google Plus alimenta me encontré con esta excelente lista creada por la ayuda en el aula. La lista cuenta con una gran cantidad de herramientas web útiles que los profesores pueden utilizar en el aula para crear cuestionarios y ejecutar encuestas. Varias de las herramientas mencionadas en esta lista ya han aparecido en en el pasado, pero algunos son nuevos para nosotros. Te invitamos a echar un vistazo y compartir con nosotros lo que piensas de ellos. Sin duda alguna una buena cantidad de recursos para cualquier docente que desee hacer pruebas cortas! About Gustavo Martinez Phd. en computación, bloguero por afición, amante de la tecnología, aportando todo lo que aprendo con la comunidad de Internet.

Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: Connected Learning Explained Are we really taking advantage of this digital information age to enhance the quality of today's education? Are we keeping pace with the fast-changing learning styles of our students? Do we know when, how, and what technology to use in our classrooms ? We are preparing students for jobs that do not exist yet but unfortunately some of us are still using old fashioned techniques. Connected Learning: 'ESSENCE' from DML Research Hub on Vimeo. 3 formas de crear un juego de laberinto en PowerPoint Pasos Método 1 de 3: Crear un botón de acción personalizado 1Abre PowerPoint. Anuncio 2Agrega un título y un subtítulo. 3Haz un menú rápido agregando un botón de “Jugar” y otro de “Instrucciones”. 4Construye lo siguiente (lo cual se usará en el juego):FigurasBotones de accionesBotones personalizados 5Dibuja un botón de acción, llenando toda la diapositiva. 6Ahora haz una diapositiva de “Game over”(para cuando alguien pierda). 7Regresa a la diapositiva donde hiciste el botón de acción. 8Haz clic derecho en el botón. 9Haz clic en la pestaña que dice “Acción del mouse”. 10Coloca un hipervínculo hacia la diapositiva de “Game over'. 11Cambia el color de relleno y contorno a blanco para que las personas no vean dónde está. 12Haz un laberinto con las figuras predeterminadas. 13Guarda el archivo. Método 2 de 3: Usando imágenes para bloquear los caminos Método 3 de 3: usando la configuración de acciones Consejos ¡Las animaciones se ven muy bien en el juego! Advertencias

Educators as Social Networked Learners This fall, I am getting the opportunity to design and teach a graduate course for Boise State University’s Education Technology Program entitled, Social Networked Learning. The majority of students in the program are K-12 in-service teachers who are seeking ways to enhance their teaching with integrated and emerging technologies. Course Description This course explores collaborative and emergent pedagogies, tools, and theory related to the use of social networks in learning environments. The ideas, content, and exercises presented in this course are driven by two basic tenets: We are living, learning, and educating in an information-rich (Shirky), connected (Siemens), creative (Florida), participatory (Jenkins) culture.This culture is seeing growth, development, and evolution of information and technology as never seen before in the history of humankind. Learning Goals Course Modules Course Assignments Assignment

Bancos de recursos gratuitos En esta sección encontrarás bancos, galerías y colecciones de sonidos, fotografías, ilustraciones, animaciones, vídeos, iconos y símbolos de uso libre o con licencias Creative Commons para utilizar en tus trabajos y proyectos didácticos. Bancos de recursos multimedia Banco de recursos multimedia (ISFTIC). Es un sitio creado para estimular y facilitar la creación de materiales didácticos. En él podrás encontrar fotografías, ilustraciones, sonidos, animaciones, vídeos y símbolos relacionados con las áreas y materias de las distintas etapas y niveles educativos.Internet Archive. Biblioteca digital formada por sitios de internet y objetos culturales en formato digital. Bancos y colecciones de recursos gratuitos solo audio Bancos y colecciones de imágenes gratuitas Iconspedia . Bancos y colecciones de imágenes + texto Earth from Space (NASA). Videotecas y colecciones de vídeos

Connected Learning: The Power Of Social Learning Models DML (a “Digital Media and Learning” project), believes in the “the power of participation.” And they’ve created a learning model overview to prove it. We recently published our Inside-Out Learning model, an attempt to return the learning to the families, organizations, and communities authentic to the learner. DML’s model is similar in philosophy, underscoring the role of interdependence. Called Connected Learning, the model is a response to changing face of culture as it relates to social and digital media. Connected Learning “is an answer to three key shifts as society evolves from the industrial age of the 20th century and its one-size-fits-all factory approach to educating youth to a 21st century networked society.” 1) A shift from education to learning. 2) A shift from consumption of information to participatory learning. 3) A shift from institutions to networks.

Top 10 Universities With Free Courses Online #1 UC Berkeley Ranked as the #1 public school in the United States, Berkeley offers podcasts and webcasts of amazing professors lecturing. Each course has an RSS feed so you can track each new lecture. For printable assignments and notes you can check the professors homepage, which is usually given in the first lecture or google his name. Even though the notes, homework and tests are not directly printed in the berkeley website, as they are in MIT and other courseware sites, it's not a problem to find them. I personally tried to use it for John Wawrzynek's machine structures class and the nutrition courses. Visit:Berkeley WebcastsVisit:Berkeley RSS FeedsVisit:UC Berkeley on Google Video Getting The Most From Berkeley Webcasts Berkeley Videos are in .rm format and real player can be a pain. Download:Real Alternative PluginDownload:Media Player Classic For Windows XP/2000Download:Media Player Classic For Windows 98/ME #2 MIT Open Courseware Getting the Most Out of MIT OCW Download:Foxit Reader

MOOCs: A view from the digital trenches By Kevin Werbach On April 15, 2013 The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, where I’m a professor, is among the world’s oldest, largest, and best business schools, with 11 academic departments, 20 research centers, 230 standing faculty, and an endowment nearing $1 billion. With all those resource, it has produced 92,000 living alumni. Now consider this: Over the past eight months, in two sessions of a course, I myself taught more than 140,000 people from 150 countries. In other words, I reached more students than all of my colleagues, combined, ever. If you’re interested in higher education, you’ve probably heard spectacular reports and wild predictions about MOOCs. The first session of my course on gamification, the application of digital game design techniques to business, had some of the highest rates of engagement and completion of any offering on the Coursera MOOC platform. So, what’s the secret to an effective MOOC? Not to say my course didn’t have its glitches.

Microbial Life - Educational Resources Teaching and learning about the diversity, ecology and evolution of the microbial world; discover the connections between microbial life, the history of the earth and our dependence on micro-organisms. The expansive Sunset Lake of the Black Sand Basin is one of the largest thermal bodies of water in Yellowstone National Park. Details This site contains a variety of educational and supporting materials for students and teachers of microbiology. Microbial Life in Extreme Environments: Mammoth Terraces, Yellowstone National Park. Microbial Life in Marine Environments: Pancake ice in Ross Sea, Antarctica. Find out more about the myriad of microorganisms that live in marine environments. Microbial Observatories: MO study site at Conch Reef, Key Largo. Explore profiles of several microbial observatories, NSF-funded projects dedicated to the discovery and characterization of novel microorganisms and microbial communities of diverse environments. Research Methods: Euastrum agalma. Micro*scope:

How Virtual Reality Meets Real Life Learning With Mobile Games Participatory games let students see archival footage of events that happened in the places where they stand. (Rosenfeld Media/Flickr) The buzz around games and learning has mostly focused on how educators can learn from game structure to create engaging learning experiences. Or else, educators are experimenting with video games meant to help students practice academic skills. Less attention has been paid to a niche of mobile gaming seeking to bridge the gap between the screen and the real world — pervasive gaming. “Most games are not automatically motivating,” said Benjamin Stokes, postdoctoral scholar at the University of California, Berkeley School of Information and co-founder of Games for Change. Giving students the opportunity to make meaningful choices isn’t at the center of every classroom, especially when it comes to civics. In these situated games, students play a game on mobile devices that also requires them to interact with the real world. Related

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