etwinningbasquecountry Eduloc Buscar por filtro avanzado Tipo: Público Joana URL: Descripción: Buscant la relació literària entre paisatge i text, aquest mapa interactiu es presenta com l’eina perfecta per visitar la ciutat de Blanes des d’una perspectiva innovadora i literària: a partir de fragments de l'obra de Joaquim Ruyra Tipo: Público FRANCISCO URL: Descripción: Se trata de una ruta turiatica por la ciudad de Toledo para mostar toda la obra del Greco en dicha ciudad.Esta ruta y todo su material, esta realizada en su totalidad por los alumnos de 3ESO del IES GUADALERZAS Los Yebenes. Tipo: Público Barbara94 URL: Descripción: Recorregut interactiu pel poble de Besalú des d'una perspectiva més medieval i educativa. Tipo: Colaborativo aavlaplana URL: Descripción: Viu la festa major al llarg dels anys. A cada lloc podrem veure com ha evolucionat any darrera any. Copiando escenario, espera un momento...
Free Font Modern Pictograms by John Caserta This license can also be found at this permalink: Copyright (c) 2012, John Caserta (, with Reserved Font Name Modern Pictograms. This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1. This license is copied below, and is also available with a FAQ at: —————————————————————————————- SIL OPEN FONT LICENSE Version 1.1 - 26 February 2007—————————————————————————————- PREAMBLE The goals of the Open Font License (OFL) are to stimulate worldwide development of collaborative font projects, to support the font creation efforts of academic and linguistic communities, and to provide a free and open framework in which fonts may be shared and improved in partnership with others. The OFL allows the licensed fonts to be used, studied, modified and redistributed freely as long as they are not sold by themselves.
The incredible life of Marcus Poncious Eropaeus | Etwinning by Rosario Ortega This entry is not yet available in the language requested. Sorry for the inconvenience. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in the alternative language. You may click the link to switch the active language. The incredible life of Marcus Poncius Europaeus es un proyecto eTwinning-Comenius en el que participan centros escolares de España, Italia, Turquía, Francia, Grecia y Polonia. Se trata de un proyecto interdisciplinar dirigido a alumnado de la etapa de Secundaria con edades comprendidas entre los 14-18 años. El proyecto se basa claramente en la metodología de aprendizaje por proyectos, cuyos objetivos permiten que los alumnos desarrollen destrezas y adquieran los aprendizajes curriculares de las áreas/materias trabajadas. Cada centro desarrolla un capítulo en la vida del personaje y recrea una historia en la que se hace referencia a un problema social de marcada actualidad. Featured projects
Add, addition, append, documents, file, new, plus icon By Sergei Kokota View designer profile SVG - Base64 PNG - Base64 Help License: Creative Commons (Attribution 2.5 Generic) (help for licenses) Additional sizes File Documents Vol.4 - 25 vector (SVG) icons View all icons in icon set 0 comments SVG PNG AI More Please wait SVG PNG AI More SVG PNG AI More SVG PNG AI More SVG PNG AI More SVG PNG AI More SVG PNG AI More SVG PNG AI More SVG PNG AI More SVG PNG AI More SVG PNG AI More SVG PNG AI More SVG PNG AI More SVG PNG AI More SVG PNG AI More SVG PNG AI More SVG PNG AI More SVG PNG AI More SVG PNG AI More SVG PNG AI More View all icons in icon set Related icons Premium SVG PNG AI More SVG PNG AI More
Homo Deus by Yuval Noah Harari review – how data will destroy human freedom | Books At the heart of this spellbinding book is a simple but chilling idea: human nature will be transformed in the 21st century because intelligence is uncoupling from consciousness. We are not going to build machines any time soon that have feelings like we have feelings: that’s consciousness. Robots won’t be falling in love with each other (which doesn’t mean we are incapable of falling in love with robots). Yuval Noah Harari’s previous book, the global bestseller Sapiens, laid out the last 75,000 years of human history to remind us that there is nothing special or essential about who we are. The evidence of our power is everywhere: we have not simply conquered nature but have also begun to defeat humanity’s own worst enemies. Not all of this is new. We are just at the start of this process of data-driven transformation and Harari says there is little we can do to stop it. Some people have given up the fight. This is a very intelligent book, full of sharp insights and mordant wit.
Iconion : Free Icon Maker Forget ideology, liberal democracy’s newest threats come from technology and bioscience | John Naughton | Opinion The BBC Reith Lectures in 1967 were given by Edmund Leach, a Cambridge social anthropologist. “Men have become like gods,” Leach began. “Isn’t it about time that we understood our divinity? Science offers us total mastery over our environment and over our destiny, yet instead of rejoicing we feel deeply afraid.” That was nearly half a century ago, and yet Leach’s opening lines could easily apply to today. The title that Leach chose for his Reith Lecture – A Runaway World – captures our zeitgeist too. But in the last five years or so even that cautious, pragmatic optimism has begun to erode. A classic example is the field of artificial intelligence (AI), defined as the quest to enable machines to do things that would require intelligence if performed by a human. There’s a sense, therefore, that we are approaching another “end of history” moment – but with a difference. This looks like determinism on steroids. In a way, it’s a story about the evolution and nature of modernity. How come?