Getting Started Using HTML5 Boilerplate - Dan Wahlin's WebLog Whether we like it or not, HTML5 is all the rage now days. With the recent news on “code name” Windows 8’s upcoming support for HTML5 and JavaScript that hype has intensified even more. I’m personally in favor of what HTML5 brings to the table although I do worry about browser compatibility issues that will naturally crop up. Compatibility issues are something that Web developers have been dealing with since the days of Netscape 4 (layers) and IE4 (divs) though so it’s really nothing new; it’s just intensified with all of the new functionality that the various HTML5 specs define. Getting started building HTML5 compatible sites can be challenging especially for people who haven’t been involved in Web development projects for awhile. “HTML5 Boilerplate is the professional badass's base HTML/CSS/JS template for a fast, robust and future-proof site. What’s in HTML5 Boilerplate? CSS Support The index.html File First, you’ll note that the standard HTML5 doctype declaration is defined.
10 of the Best CSS3 Code Generators This article was written in 2011 and remains one of our most popular posts. If you’re keen to learn more about CSS3, you may find this recent article on transform techniques of great interest. I have rose-tinted memories of CSS2.1. Rounded corners may have caused hours of Photoshopping grief, but it was simple. Most developers could recall the few dozen properties without referring to reference books every two minutes. CSS3 changes everything. CSS 3.0 Maker CSS 3.0 Maker is a fabulous tool. CSS code can be copied from the Codeview box and downloaded within an HTML file which demonstrates the effect. Photoshop users will love LayerStyles. Code can be copied from the dynamically-updated “CSS Code” viewer in the bottom-left of the screen. CSS3 Generator CSS3 Generator uses a wizard-like approach to define styles. CSS3 Generator highlights which browsers and versions support the effect and, where possible, provides IE-specific filter code. westciv CSS3 Sandbox CSS3 Playground
Initializr - Start your HTML5 project in 15 seconds! Dive Into HTML5 HTML5 Canvas Particle Animation | if then else UPDATE: yes, I know some people out there will see some flickering when viewing the demo. This is because a) I didn’t implement a double buffer, and b) there is no built-in canvas support for double buffering. There is a very simple solution, but I’ll save that for another time. Having never really been a user of Apple products, I guess it’s not all that surprising that I’ve never been to the MobileMe website. However, after Googling something like the lines of “most popular e-mail providers,” I came across its login page and was blown away. Holy moly, that looks amazing. After poking around the source and giving up on 100% comprehension, I decided it might be fun to take a whack at my own thoroughly underwhelming homage to the MobileMe page. The Setup For some reason or another, I decided to make a night scene of some mountains and grass for some stars to streak across (I also threw in some parallax, but that’s for another post). The JavaScript Next up is the Circle object.
Tutoriales y muestras de Internet Explorer 9 Propósito Esta documentación proporciona muestras de aplicaciones compiladas con características de Internet Explorer 9, estándares modernos y diseño del mundo real. Cada sección presenta una o más situaciones del desarrollador seguidas de varias tareas. Audiencia del desarrollador Estas muestras y tutoriales están escritos para desarrolladores web que tienen conocimientos intermedios de JavaScript y de los objetos y modelos de eventos de Document Object Model (DOM). Requisitos de tiempo de ejecución Internet Explorer 9 Nota Las características de sitios anclados requieren que ejecutes Windows 7. En esta sección Temas relacionados
Internet Explorer Learning - HTML5 HTML5 es la próxima gran actualización de la especificación W3C HTML proporciona una estructura estándar para la presentación de contenido en la web. La especificación W3C HTML5 agrega nuevas características como la compatibilidad con gráfico SVG y Canvas, soporte multimedia de audio y vídeo, así como nuevas API para facilitar a los desarrolladores crear aplicaciones web ricas e interactivas. Como CSS2.1, CSS3 da a los diseñadores y desarrolladores la capacidad para aplicar semántica de presentación a sus páginas HTML. Tutoriales Volver arriba Blog de MSDN España Primeros pasos con HTML5HTML5 es una nueva definición del estándar para la construcción de páginas Web. Jugando con el CanvasDentro del estándar HTML5 uno de los componentes más atractivos del elemento Canvas. Ejemplos IMDb Video Panorama Demo Este ejemplo requiere un navegador compatible con HTML5, como Internet Explorer 9 o la Platform Preview de Internet Explorer 10.
How To Build A Site That Looks Great On Every Screen HTML5 Microzone Juri Strumpflohner Integrating Node.js with a C# DLL An option that came to mind is to design the DLL as a self-contained process and to invoke it using Node.js's process api. Turns out this is quite simple. Just prepare your C# application to read it's invocation arguments s.t. Sarah Ervin The Best of the Week (Mar. 28): HTML5 Zone Make sure you didn't miss anything with this list of the Best of the Week in the HTML5 Zone (Mar. 28 to Apr. 03). HTML5 Zone Link Roundup (Apr. 5) For a look at what's been happening outside of the HTML5 Zone, we've assembled a collection of links including those about bug removal in Angular.js, a look at the fascinating Macaw framework, and several updates on the Mozilla CEO controversy. Ariya Hidayat Nashorn: The New Rhino on the Block The most recent Java 8 release came with lots of new features, one of them is the brand-new JavaScript engine to replace the aging Rhino. Evert Pot PHP 5.5.10 Timezone Handling Changes Mike Driscoll Python 201: Decorators Matt Farina
HTML5 Codelab - Google Developer Codelabs Objective/Description: This code lab demonstrates how to enhance UIs with new HTML5 and CSS 3 features. It is presented in several sections; the first designed to help you take advantage of progressive upgrades that you may be able to immediately employ on your sites in degradable ways, and the second focused on new features that would require significant effort or tools to backport for use in legacy browsers. A laptopSome knowledge of HTML and CSS HTML5 is as much as description for a new set of browser capabilities as it is a description of a particular version of the HTML specification. the benefits that HTML5 brings come along with improvements in CSS and JavaScript APIs, this codelab presents them in an integrated fashion. Additionally, many new features are outlined in the HTML5 spec but not yet implemented in browsers and this codelab does not address or use them although you should anticipate that as you begin to implement HTML5 sites that the Getting Set Up That's it! .content ul {