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Canada and the First World War

Canada and the First World War

Soldiers of the First World War - CEF Enlist! New Names in Canadian History.Source Introduction Over 600,000 men and women enlisted in the Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF) during the First World War (1914-1918) as soldiers, nurses and chaplains. Library and Archives Canada (LAC) has undertaken the digitization of all service files of CEF members. The Records Records of the Canadian Expeditionary Force - First World War The First World War, fought between 1914 and 1918, was the first of the great world-wide conflicts of the twentieth century, pitting the 'Central Powers' of Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey and smaller allies against the 'Entente', notably the British Empire, France, Russia, Italy, Japan, the United States, and their allies. Shortly after the British declaration of war in August 1914, Canada offered an initial contingent of 25,000 for service overseas. Attestation Papers and Enlistment Forms This series consists of approximately 620,000 individual Attestation papers and Military Service Act Enlistment forms.

Canadian Genealogy Canadian Great War Project - Canadians in the First World War Ship Registration Index Ship Registration is a title system for the ownership of vessels. It was implemented in the late XVIIIth Century to ensure that ships used for the transportation of goods inside the British Empire were built and managed by British citizens, including those from colonies. This system remains in place at present, but with different objectives. The Ship Registration Index Database (SRI) contains more than 78,000 entries of ships registered in ports of Canada between 1787 and 1966. Links of interest Vessel Registration Query System - Transport Canada [ The Canadian Expeditionary Force was raised as an entity separate from the Canadian Militia, as Canada's Army was then known. Regiments of Cavalry and Mounted Rifles, and Battalions of Infantry, were formed and raised in response to the initial call for men from the United Kingdom, assembled at Valcartier in Quebec, and sent to England in the largest maritime convoy to that date in history. The Regiments of the Canadian Army were not mobilized as such, and instead, these Regiments instead recruited for the overseas units. Many of the initial units were formed from one or two Militia units, and despite the official desire of the Minister of Defence to keep these CEF units separate, some adopted regimental insignia from their parent regiments. Other CEF units drew recruits from several separate Militia Regiments, either selecting the identity of one of them, or simply adopting their new numbered identity without question. Regional and Regimental Affiliations - CEF Cavalry Regiments

À propos du recensement de 1911 le recensement a été réalisé Le Recensement de 1911 constitue la cinquième collecte régulière de statistiques nationales. Il a débuté officiellement le 1er juin 1911. Au total, 264 commissaires chargés de coordonner le recensement ont été nommés. Les recenseurs ont parcouru 218 districts de recensement, divisés en plusieurs sous-districts qui comprenaient des cités, des villes, des cantons, des réserves indiennes et d'autres zones moins bien définies. Les recenseurs ont rassemblé des renseignements sur 7 204 838 personnes selon la répartition suivante : Alberta (374 663)Colombie-Britannique (392 480)Île-du-Prince-Édouard (93 728)Manitoba (455 614)Nouveau-Brunswick (351 889)Nouvelle-Écosse (492 338)Ontario (2 523 274)Québec (2 002 712)Saskatchewan (492 432)Territoires du Nord-Ouest (17 196)Yukon (8 512) Ces renseignements ont été compilés en utilisant 13 documents sous forme de tableaux qui comprenaient un total de 549 questions. Du papier au microfilm l’année du recensement (c. Colonne 1.

THE CANADIAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCE Haute-Côte-Nord Détails Catégorie : Mes coups de coeur Créé le lundi 7 janvier 2013 00:46 Écrit par Hervé Affichages : 1393 Ce site me fait rêver, c'est un vrai site d'histoire et de généalogie d'une région, la Haute-Côte-Nord au Québec. Tout y est : les informations, les anecdotes, les histoires, les vieux journaux, des photos, des énigmes, les familles, les patronymes, etc. Contrairement aux blogs de soi-disant généalogistes utilisant les copies et les recopies d'articles savamment mis en ligne par Scoop-It et compagnie, le travail de Nathalie est bien plus colossal, bien plus constructif, une mine d'or à ciel ouvert ! Et vous, avez-vous un coup de cœur à me faire partager ? World War One Cemeteries - A comprehensive guide to Military cemeteries and memorials around the world

PREFEN Objectifs du Programme de Recherche sur l'Émigration des Français En Nouvelle-France Remarque : Les pages de ce site ne sont plus alimentées depuis 2006, date de la fin du Programme de Recherche sur l'Émigration? des Français En Nouvelle-France. Les informations qui y sont fournies correspondent à l’état des recherches à cette date. En 2006 s’est ouverte en France, à Tourouvre (Orne), la Maison de l’émigration française en Canada consacrée au peuplement de la Nouvelle-France. Le Programme de recherche sur l’émigration des Français en Nouvelle-France (PRÉFEN) s’inspire de problématiques reliées principalement à quatre disciplines, soit l’histoire, la démographie, l’anthropologie et la génétique. Les outils développés pour réaliser ce programme de recherche sont de deux ordres. La stratégie de travail mise en œuvre dans ce premier volet de la recherche repose donc sur la recherche sélective d’actes concernant les familles des émigrants.

Thematic Guides - The Public Guide to Sources Relating to Units of the Canadian Expeditionary Force About the guide Library and Archives Canada holds multiple records and files for the First World War (1914–1918), mostly for the Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF). The guide was originally developed over many years by Barbara Wilson, an archivist with the former National Archives of Canada, now Library and Archives Canada. The guide is an indispensable starting point for researching the records that document Canada's participation in the First World War. For researchers interested in a specific unit, the guide is particularly helpful since it brings together information about the unit as well as access to the most relevant files that have been identified and listed. Organization of the guide The guide has a section for each military branch (or corps), such as artillery, infantry, or medical. Each unit contains either background information or archival sources or both. List of Content [Download free PDF Reader]
