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Intel Teach Elements (Online PD)

Intel Teach Elements (Online PD)

Needs Assessment Cómo gestionar tus referencias bibliográficas (Mendeley + Dropbox + GoodReader) La gestión de referencias bibliográficas y de los documentos en PDF es fundamental para cualquier persona que se dedique a la investigación y, de forma más general, para cualquier persona en proceso de aprendizaje que deba gestionar información en este formato. En el presente artículo voy a explicar la parte de mi Entorno Personal de Aprendizaje que aborda esta área tan crucial para mi trabajo. Parto de la base de que existen otras alternativas. La siguiente combinación de aplicaciones y dispositivos es la que actualmente yo utilizo. En concreto los dispositivos con los que ahora trabajo son Mac (MacBook Pro, iPad e iPhone), si bien las aplicaciones que utilizo son multiplataforma (o existen alternativas) con lo que no debería haber problema a la hora de adaptarlas a otro entorno. Para funcionar necesitas disponer de las siguiente aplicaciones: Mendeley es un gestor de referencias bibliográficas que integra las funcionalidades de una red social de investigadores. Mendeley en la nube

Part One: Ten Steps… Transforming Past Lessons For the 21st Century Digital Classroom Welcome to this four part series devoted to bringing curriculum to the digital era. In this series of posts I want to walk you through ten practical steps I have found helpful in transforming yesterday’s lessons into 21st century digital treasures! I even include some awesome links that you will find useful in the process! Before introducing this goldmine of resources… I want to thank you for continuing to return and for continuing to share this blog with others. If you haven’t subscribed, please take a moment to do so. Quick Note – I have been getting a lot of request asking if I will make a visit to your school, organization, or conference. Introduction I travel across the country presenting and in-servicing teachers and continually post to this Blog various ways to infuse 21st century skills and technology into the curriculum. Part One: Steps One through Three…. Step One – Locate That One Special Lesson - Find that successful lesson from the past that you wish to transform.

EdTech Leaders Online: Online PD Teachers and school leaders need flexible access to high-quality, engaging professional development that is immediately applicable in their schools and classrooms, is aligned to Standards, builds communities of learners and provides hands-on experience with new technology tools for learning. ETLO online professional development courses help teachers and school leaders update their content knowledge and pedagogical skills, align teaching to the Common Core, learn new assessment strategies, incorporate technology tools effectively, differentiate and personalize instruction, address diverse learning needs and styles, integrate project based learning approaches and more! In the current budget environment, educational organizations are seeking proven, capacity-building approaches that can be adapted and grown to meet their particular needs and sustained locally in a cost-effective way. ETLO courses qualify for CEUs through local universities.

Qué es Big Data y por qué interesa al Social Media y los negocios Evolucionar y ser capaces de responder a las tendencias de mercado y negocio es la clave para mantenernos al día y dar respuesta a los cambios que se producen en nuestro entorno, de otro modo, corremos el riesgo de estancarnos, quedarnos atrás y perder nuestra cuota de mercado. Renovarse o perecer. Por ello es esencial que conozcamos las tendencias que expertos y grandes consultoras especializadas detectan e investigan, entre las cuales, para 2013, parecen ser claras ganadoras el Mobile Marketing, el Social TV, el Social Commerce, el Marketing de Contenidos y el Big Data. Pero ¿qué es el big data y por qué es interesante para los Medios Sociales? Se trata pues de, en primer lugar, recopilar datos, de establecer medios y herramientas que nos faciliten la monitorización y medición, y no sólo hablo de Redes Sociales, sino de datos en general que faciliten a las empresas un mejor conocimiento de sus áreas de negocio y por ende, mejore sus estrategias y toma de decisiones tácticas.

Going Deep: STEM in the Connected Classroom “Everybody in this room understands that our nation’s success depends on strengthening America’s role as the world’s engine of discovery and innovation. And that leadership tomorrow depends on how we educate our students today—especially in science, technology, engineering, and math.” – President Obama to a gathering of CEOs, scientists, teachers, and others. September 16, 2010 My timing is impeccable! I took the job as STEM education facilitator for six counties in my state just when this STEM thing is getting lots of attention. Even the president has been talking it up. I’d have to confess though that this attention also worries me. If any of this sounds familiar, it’s the same approach and attitude that led to technology getting a shady reputation in education. STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) is not a separate subject, and you don’t “do” STEM just by doing any one of its pieces. The STEM connection Expanding STEM across the curriculum

Professional Development & Program Evaluation A Economia do futuro, como será? A nossa atual economia (muito pouco econômica) já levou porrada de todos os lados. Políticos, empreendedores, investidores e, frequentemente, até economistas. Cá entre nós, a boa ideia inicial do sistema já foi pro brejo. Isso você já sabe. Assine nossa newsletter Receba ferramentas de gestão gratuitas toda semana! Uma das grandes questões que temos para ser respondidas é: qual a nova definição de progresso e como nos organizaremos para isso? Intrigado por esse assunto, me deparei por iniciativas como o FIB (Felicidade Interna Bruta), que divide a vida em várias esferas e mede, tanto com números quanto questionários, quão feliz o povo está. Qual é a solução real então? A solução está no FIB, está no HPI, como está também em diversos outros métodos, mas o que interessa aqui não é dialogarmos sobre que método é o certo, porque vai limitar o nosso horizonte. O mais belo desse novo paradigma é que, como você muito bem viu, ele é focado no local. O que você acha? Google+

Yes, You Can Teach and Assess Creativity! A recent blog by Grant Wiggins affirmed what I have long believed about creativity: it is a 21st-century skill we can teach and assess. Creativity fosters deeper learning, builds confidence and creates a student ready for college and career. However, many teachers don't know how to implement the teaching and assessment of creativity in their classrooms. While we may have the tools to teach and assess content, creativity is another matter, especially if we want to be intentional about teaching it as a 21st-century skill. In a PBL project, some teachers focus on just one skill, while others focus on many. Quality Indicators If you and your students don't unpack and understand what creativity looks like, then teaching and assessing it will be very difficult. Synthesize ideas in original and surprising ways.Ask new questions to build upon an idea.Brainstorm multiple ideas and solutions to problems.Communicate ideas in new and innovative ways. Activities Targeted to Quality Indicators

Providing Professional Development for Effective Technology Use ISSUE: Whether technology should be used in schools is no longer the issue in education. Instead, the current emphasis is ensuring that technology is used effectively to create new opportunities for learning and to promote student achievement. Educational technology is not, and never will be, transformative on its own, however. Lack of professional development for technology use is one of the most serious obstacles to fully integrating technology into the curriculum (Fatemi, 1999; Office of Technology Assessment, 1995; Panel on Educational Technology, 1997). Overview | Goals | Action Options | Pitfalls | Different Viewpoints | Cases | Contacts | References OVERVIEW: The role of the classroom teacher is the crucial factor in the full development and use of technology in the schools (Office of Technology Assessment, 1995; Trotter, 1999). To reach the goal of preparing teachers for effective technology use, a well-designed professional development program is essential. Ongoing Process.

PLOS Problem Solving with Design Thinking with Mary Cantwell "Think of today as a prototype. What would you change?" Tim Brown Session Description: Join us for a conversation about design thinking, a holistic approach to problem-solving. Design Thinking | Could this be (the only) authentic 21st century pedagogy? Design Thinking is a process for practical, creative resolution of problems or issues that looks for an improved future result. To Get Started: Read What is Design Thinking? Encouraging Empathy Then... Additional Ways to Deepen Your Understanding of Design Thinking Videos: Articles + Books: Design Thinking Schools / Programs / Initiatives: Purely for Fun (Yet Very Useful) Jornal Nacional - Maior rede de supermercados da Grã-Bretanha vende hambúrguer com carne de cavalo A Comissão de Direitos Humanos da ONU fez mais um apelo para que os responsáveis pela violência na Síria sejam julgados por crimes contra a humanidade. Navi Pillay cobrou mais ação do Conselho de Segurança. Comissão de Direitos Humanos da ONU faz apelo para diminuir violênc... Acompanhado da primeira dama, Barack Obama ajudou na reforma de uma escola de ensino fundamental em Washington. Presidente dos Estados Unidos dedica sábado ao trabalho voluntário Nos últimos dois anos, os criminosos desviaram mais de R$ 2 milhões. Polícia do Rio prende quadrilha que roubava contas bancárias na int... Um grupo de cidadões criou um movimento em Pernambuco que incentiva a captura de tubarões no estado. Incentivo à pesca de tubarões revolta ambientalistas em Pernambuco O calor e a alta umidade vão continuar provocando temporais. Domingo (20) deve ter chuva na maior parte do país O líder político Ahmed Dogan discursava na convenção do partido quando um atirador surge de arma em punho e causa uma confusão.
