Timeago: a jQuery plugin
MotionCAPTCHA – Stop Spam, Draw Shapes - Joss Crowcroft
MotionCAPTCHA is a jQuery CAPTCHA plugin, based on the HTML5 Canvas Harmony procedural drawing tool by Mr Doob and the $1 Unistroke Gesture Regonizer algorithm (and the more recent Protractor algorithm improvement), requiring users to sketch the shape they see in the canvas in order to submit a form. Update: I’ve scheduled a code jam day to smash out the next version of MotionCAPTCHA and a full advice/implementation guide, so if you’re keen to use this anywhere, head over to the Github page and hit ‘watch’, or subscribe to updates via RSS Also, I didn’t make that video demo of MotionCAPTCHA – if I had I definitely would have used better music. Version 0.2 adds mobile-support, so if you’re on mobile, you can now play with the demo! Demo • Code on Github tl;dr – this plugin is mostly a proof of concept for now, but check the roadmap to see the status and plans. How It Works For now, here’s how it works (if you need a step-by-step guide, there’s a How-To below): Technology / Credits Roadmap v0.3
TextBelt - Free Texting API - No Ads
robicch/jQueryGantt ? GitHub