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Bitstrips for Schools: Stop Bullying Comic Challenge

Bitstrips for Schools: Stop Bullying Comic Challenge

One in five young people has suffered online abuse, study finds | Society Cyberbullying is a worse problem among teenagers than drug abuse, according to almost half of all young people surveyed in a new study that finds one in five has experienced online abuse. In the global YouGov survey of more than 4,700 teenagers from across the world, a fifth of those who had experienced cyberbullying said it had made them consider suicide, and more than half said being taunted online was worse than being bullied in person. A quarter of those bullied closed down social media accounts and more than a fifth skipped school, the survey commissioned by Vodafone found. Of those who were bullied, almost 40% did not tell their parents, citing feelings of shame or fear. Researchers spoke to 13- to 18-year-olds from the UK, Germany, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, New Zealand, Greece, South Africa, US, Ireland and the Czech Republic. New Zealand had the highest number of teenagers who said they had experienced cyberbullying, followed by the US and Iceland.

No to Bullying – Speakeasy News Thursday 3 November is anti-bullying day in French schools (Journée nationale “Non au harcèlement”) and 14-18 November is anti-bullying prevention week in the U.K. This selection of sites and videos from across the globe will help you broach this important subject in the classroom. The Education nationale‘s Non au harcèlement site has excellent resources in French. Bullying is a topic which is by its nature cross-curricular and the message will get across all the better for being approached at different angles in different classes. It is also an important part of the parcours du citoyen, and l’éducation aux médias et à l’information (cyberbullying) and would work well as part of an EPI on the theme of Information, communication, citoyenneté or Corps, santé, bien-être, sécurité with your EMC, French, Technology or Art colleagues. Some of the posters and videos produced by pupils on the Non au harcèlement site are excellent examples what can be achieved:
