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Free Middle School Social Studies Lesson Plans

Free Middle School Social Studies Lesson Plans
Kidipede - History for Kids home page NEW! Kidipede's pages organized according to California state standards Teachers' guides for what to do in class (religion, philosophy, environment...) Scavenger hunt through the site for certain information (lists of things to search for here) Have the students put together questions for their peers to answer. Create a History Museum with each kid making an artifact; invite their parents for museum night. Put together a class newspaper about China (for instance), with creative sports pages, food pages, political news and religious news. Put together what was happening all over Europe, Asia and Africa in a particular time period (use the maps section). Have students take different sides of a war (the Crusades, the Punic Wars, the American Revolutionary War, the Persian Wars, the Peloponnesian War, the Hundred Years' War) and hold peace talks to try to settle their differences. Do hands-on craft projects like spinning or and weaving a piece of cloth. Related:  Geography and social studies.Per mirar

History Facts for Kids - History for Kids Check out our Sugardoodle blog! | globalization | globalisation | what is globalization | globalization dilemmas | globalization debates | pros cons globalization | global issues | international relations | international issues World History Activities What’s Here The number of hands-on projects you can do for world history studies is limited only by your imagination. See how you can easily make ancient civilizations come alive for young students! How I Designed Our Ancient Civilizations Unit The world history information in our third grade social studies text left much to be desired: there were too many details and a lack of comprehensive focus. The unit is comprised of a variety of activities: reading the textbook and trade books, internet research, Discovery Channel videos downloaded from United Streaming, web quests, hands-on activities, reenactments, worksheets, skits, home research projects, and more. We spent a week each on Prehistoric Times, Ancient Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, Ancient China, Ancient Greece, Middle Ages, and the Renaissance/Age of Exploration. When we started the world history unit, I created a bulletin board with a section for each time/setting we would study. Activities and Bulletin Board Recommended Resources

Enseñar a pensar, nuevo currículum: Project Zero - Observatorio Profuturo Aprendizajes que tengan utilidad en la vida del futuro y que sirvan como conexiones de ampliación para favorecer comprensiones de alto alcance en la vida real de los alumnos… ¿Hacia un nuevo currículum? David Perkins, doctor en Matemáticas e Inteligencia Artificial por el Instituto de Tecnología de Massachusetts (MIT), considera que “los niños tienen que aprender a enfrentarse a lo desconocido y a lo inesperado” para habituarse a manejarse en un mundo que cambia continuamente. Ya que, según Perkins, “en la actualidad no hay ningún compromiso más importante que educar a la próxima generación para este mundo tan complejo”. Project Zero: Estrategias de aprendizaje y de pensamiento en el aula Project Zero es un proyecto de investigación desarrollado en la Universidad de Harvard. David Perkins fundó, junto a Howard Gardner, en la Escuela de Educación de la Universidad de Harvard, Project Zero, inicialmente un centro de investigación para el desarrollo cognitivo. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

History Link 101 Sample unit plan for Part 1 - World History & Geography Sample unit plan This sample plan includes suggestions for introducing the course and covering Unit 1, Part 1 of the Student's Friend. The lesson plan may be adapted for use with later units by incorporating alternate activities such as those found in Teacher's Aids. Unit 1 - Origins of the Earth and Humans: the stage and the actors 1. 2. 3. 4. - Review class information and policies. - Complete course pre-test - Select a subject for research paper. - Begin library research and complete five research notecards including bibliography card. - Read pages 1 and 2 in the Student's Friend. - Identify key points from topics on pages 1 and 2. - Participate in class discussions regarding key points and the content of Unit 1. -View and discuss video materials relating to the content of Unit 1. -Complete unit exam. 5. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. p. q. r. s. t. u. 6. a. 7. a.

ÀUDIO: La lliçó magistral de Junqueras sobre Sant Joan d’ara fa un any Abans de fer el pas a la política institucional, Oriol Junqueras era conegut als mitjans pel seu paper com a divulgador sobre història que el va fer col·laborar en programes radiofònics com ‘En guàrdia’, ‘El nas de Cleòpatra’, ‘Minoria absoluta’ i ‘Tu diràs’. Com a record d’aquesta etapa, ara fa un any va participar en el programa ‘Estat de gràcia’ de Catalunya Ràdio per parlar de les tradicions paganes relacionades amb la festa de Sant Joan. Escolteu ací la lliçó magistral de Junqueras: Butlletí de notícies de VilaWeb Rep les notícies de VilaWeb cada matí al teu correu Junqueras hi va explicar qüestions com la importància del solstici d’estiu per a moltes cultures, els suposats poders purificadors que adquireix d’entrada l’aigua la nit de Sant Joan, la relació del foc amb la festa o el component satíric de moltes fogueres. Missatge de Vicent Partal Vosaltres podeu unir-vos-hi també i fer, amb el vostre compromís, que aquest diari siga més lliure i independent.

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