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Teachers toolbox - Professor John Hattie's Table of Effect Sizes

Teachers toolbox - Professor John Hattie's Table of Effect Sizes
Hattie says ‘effect sizes' are the best way of answering the question ‘what has the greatest influence on student learning?'. An effect-size of 1.0 is typically associated with: • advancing learners' achievement by one year, or improving the rate of learning by 50% • a correlation between some variable (e.g., amount of homework) and achievement of approximately .50 • A two grade leap in GCSE, e.g. from a C to an A grade An effect size of 1.0 is clearly enormous! Below is Hattie's table of effect sizes. Terms used in the table (Interpreted by Geoff Petty) • An effect size of 0.5 is equivalent to a one grade leap at GCSE • An effect size of 1.0 is equivalent to a two grade leap at GCSE • ‘Number of effects is the number of effect sizes from well designed studies that have been averaged to produce the average effect size. • An effect size above 0.4 is above average for educational research Some effect sizes are ‘Russian Dolls' containing more than one strategy e.g. Beware Over-interpretation!

Visible Learning Archives Welcome to the second day of the Visible Learning World Conference in London. We’ll keep you updated with live impressions from the conference. For real-time updates make sure to follow the #VLWorld2016 hashtag on Twitter. Conference organizers Osiris Educational Panel discussion with Andy… The Visible Learning World Conference 2016 took place in (surprisingly sunny) London. Recently, John Hattie’s two books Visible Learning and Visible Learning for Teachers have been translated into Chinese. “Improving Schools through Visible Learning: Research, Practice and Impact”. Tagged with: Andy Hargreaves, Barry Hymer, Craig Parkinson, David Hopkins, Deb Masters, Guy Claxton, Helen Butler, James Nottingham, John Hattie, Mick Waters, Shirley Clarke, Tony MacKay, Visible Learning, Visible Learning into Action, Visible Learning World Conference Posted in Visible Learning John Hattie’s new policy paper is a double issue about distractions and solutions.

Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy Resources As part of preparing for a series of presentations at various conferences this year, I have developed six quick sheets for Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy. These resources outline the different taxonomic levels and provide the Digital Taxonomy Verbs with some (this is not exhaustive) possibilities for classroom use. For the complete Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy go to the Educational Origami Wiki @ Here are the quick sheets: As always I would appreciate comments, feedback and suggestions. 6 cappelli De Bono (Vizzari su Mindomo) 6 cappelli De Bono Cappello rosso Qual è la mia/nostra reazione immediata all'argomento o alla sfida? Che sensazioni ho/abbiamo? Che cosa mi/ci piace o non mi/ci piace? Sono/siamo entusiasta/entusiasti della proposta/dell'idea/del lavoro? Ho/abbiamo qualche brutta sensazione o qualche brutto presentimento a riguardo? Cappello verde Quali alternative si possono concepire? Che cosa farei/faremmo se non avessi limiti fisici o sociali? Che cosa farei/faremmo se avessi/avessimo molte risorse a disposizione? Che cosa farei/faremmo se avessi/avessimo molto tempo a disposizione? Come potrei sorprendere persone competenti in materia? Come potrebbero persone estranee considerare la cosa? Come risolverei/risolveremmo i problemi se avessi/avessimo poteri particolari? Cappello giallo Che cosa posso/possiamo ottenere? Che benefici posso/possiamo aspettarci di bello? Che cosa posso/possiamo cambiare per migliorare ancora? Che cosa mi/ci entusiasma di questa idea o di questo lavoro? Cappello bianco Cappello blu

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Research into what makes the biggest difference to student achievement. Feedback is at the top of the list. This is bidirectional, from student to teacher and from teacher to student. by irsanderson Jun 19
