Cut the Strings! | Reaching for The Sky
Today is Saturday, January 18, 2014. I’ve been thinking recently about all the times in my life when I have managed to cut the puppet strings, the times when I have refused to do the expected, the times I have forged my own path. Looking back, I realize that I should have done it sooner in some cases, that I could have done it a bit more smoothly in other cases. My first experience at thumbing my nose at society seems a little silly now, but I realize that I had to start somewhere, and it’s a good thing to take baby steps before giant leaps. When I was 15, I decided that I wasn’t going to wear a girdle anymore. When I decided to major in linguistics instead of getting a teaching license in English or something, I feel that I was able to cut the strings again, if only because I was warned many times that my chosen field would not provide me with any jobs. The next time I decided to go against society was when I married a Japanese. Cut the strings! Like this: Like Loading...
Right in the feels
Plus beau le Morpeug
Précédemment dans Plus belle la vie : Guy, pirate aux «firewalls hyperpuissants» (sur son netbook première génération) n'a rien de mieux à faire que d'embêter l'instit du quartier. Le jeune homme - évidemment sans vie sociale, on est pas à un cliché près - s'est en effet vu rejeté après avoir réglé les problèmes de wifi de la mère de famille. Et comme il appréciait ces moments de vie sociale, il se décide à pirater l'ordinateur de la famille, envoyant des mails incendiaires et commandant des serpents sur eBay. Après avoir soupçonné la grand mère volage, l'instit finit par accuser Guy, et engage la flic hackeuse du quartier pour lui donner une leçon. Bon ça fait déjà beaucoup, mais le pire est à venir. Outre le statut de «Supertroll» niveau 70, on appréciera le magnifique «give me five» pas du tout télécommandé. Lire les réactions à cet article. Virginie MALBOS
Bad thermodynamics: Entropy | The Planetologist
Usually my blog entries comment on some specific news item, but in other cases I’m motivated not by a particular current event or pseudoscience eruption, but by student questions or offhand comments I hear that demonstrate and remind me of some example of common bad thinking. One such example is the dramatically wrong way thermodynamics – specifically the concept of entropy – is often depicted in the popular media, in particular by opponents of evolution by natural selection. Opponents of evolution are motivated by ignorance, and it shows. When they talk about thermodynamics and entropy, the supporters of creationism or “intelligent design” like to pretend they know something about the subject. Which is why I get frustrated at people who don’t understand entropy in the least, but have no qualms wielding it as a blunt instrument to attack evolution. What is entropy, anyway? An ice cube is more ordered than the puddle of water it changes into in about ten minutes on your counter top.
Things like this make me smile and think. I like it
Jamie's Rants - Jamie Kitson's Ranting Blog
the 40 (41 actually) greatest dog gifs of all time
Quincy, M.E. – The Punk Rock Episode | half-assed productions
Posted on 28. Aug, 2013 by Greg in Half-Assed Posts Ever since the late Jack Klugman passed away back last December, I’ve been meaning to do sort of a tribute. This episode was heavily traded back in the day, along with Marilyn Manson on Donahue talking about the dangers of “Moshing”. The episode starts out at a Punk Rock club, a bunch of “punks” are all anxious to see the band “Mayhem”. The band starts by insulting the crowd saying they’re ugly. So, Quincy examines the body. Her counselor comes in and tells Quincy on how bad Abby is. So, Quincy goes down to the punk rock club to investigate. Abby all depressed over the loss of her “boyfriend”, Zach, gets a lecture from her mother. I’m not going to spoil the whole thing for you. Anyway, my late teen years, I spent a lot of time listening to punk rock and going to punk rock shows. So, that’s my public service announcement. -Greg
Flirting, Courtesy of Daily Odd Compliment