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40 Great Photographer Portfolio Websites for Inspiration

40 Great Photographer Portfolio Websites for Inspiration
Inspiration by Bill Jones 38inShare Here is a collection of fantastic portfolio web design. Jeremy Cowart Koen Demuynck Mitchell Kanashkevich Joon Brandt Frederik Clement Brent Stirton Les Forrester Alberto Ovied Ashley Lebedev Jill Greenberg Paolo Boccardi Eric Ryan Anderson Lara Jade Corey Arnold Andrew Gransden David Hill Gavin Gough Your Beautiful Photography Dimitris Theocharis Robert Dann Chase Jarvis Jonathan Glynn Smith Jan Sochor Lisa Bettany Denis Reggie Christian Oth Levon Biss Little Hellos Mark Velasquez Daniel Kennedy Photography Rinze Van Brug Emmanuel Rouzic Raven Photography Carlos Alonso Bodas Kenn Reay Jason Bell James Day Photography Evaan Kheraj David Vasiljevic What’s your favorite portfolio site? Create an amazing portfolio site using Work, a beautiful wordpress theme by Theme Trust or check out more premium wordpress themes here. Like Our Site? 104 Comments

Perfect Full Page Background Image Learn Development at Frontend Masters This post was originally published on August 21, 2009 and is now updated as it has been entirely revised. Both original methods are removed and now replaced by four new methods. The goal here is a background image on a website that covers the entire browser window at all times. Let’s put some specifics on it: Fills entire page with image, no white spaceScales image as neededRetains image proportions (aspect ratio)Image is centered on pageDoes not cause scrollbarsAs cross-browser compatible as possibleIsn’t some fancy shenanigans like Flash Image above credited to this site. Awesome, Easy, Progressive CSS3 Way We can do this purely through CSS thanks to the background-size property now in CSS3. Works in: Safari 3+Chrome Whatever+IE 9+Opera 10+ (Opera 9.5 supported background-size but not the keywords)Firefox 3.6+ (Firefox 4 supports non-vendor prefixed version) View Demo CSS-Only Technique #1 Big thanks, as usual, to Doug Neiner for this alternate version.

Comment faire de la photo infrarouge Vous avez certainement déjà vu des photos infrarouges. Celà consiste à filtrer la lumière pour ne capturer que la partie "infrarouge" du spectre lumineux, ce qui donne un rendu mystérieux et saisissant. Ce procédé existe depuis longtemps : "au temps de l'argentique", on utilisait un film spécial, avec un filtre. Au premier abord, une photo infrarouge peut ressembler à une photo noir et blanc "normale". Photo par boonna Voici quelques pistes pour savoir comment s'y prendre. Retirer le filtre devant le capteur Il faut savoir que la plupart des reflex numériques actuels ont un filtre anti infrarouge devant le capteur, pour améliorer la qualité des images prises en conditions "normales". Si votre appareil est équipé d'un tel filtre, vous devrez le démonter. Attention : il vaut mieux faire ceci sur un vieil appareil, et être conscient des risques de déterioration liés à l'ouverture du boitier en cas de mauvaise manipulation. Nikon : D70/D70s D50 D100 D1X Canon : 5D 10D 20D Rebel XT Rebel

25 Fresh Designer Portfolio Websites Posted by Chris Thurman on Feb 22nd Check out some of the freshest, most interesting designer portfolios from around the web. Many of these are new for 2011 and all of them are worth a look or two. Enjoy! A designer’s portfolio website is absolutely essential in attracting new clients. For other design inspiration be sure and check out some of these other galleries: Chris Thurman Dan Sweet Heck House Gerren Lamson Forefathers Group Chigo Design Asthma Studio Shift Creative Visual Republic Forever Heavy Pointless Corp Elegant Seagulls Mark Hobbs Brizk Teixido Brad Langdon Andrew Tebbott Stephen Gacheru Ruudvan Eijk Pieoneers iGeekify Ben Darby Karel-Jan Tolsma Hugo Rodrigues Vinu Mamen

5 Unmistakable Lessons That Model Shooting Teaches You Working with models can be rewarding and frustrating, often all at the same time. For many photographers shooting falls more into documenting, even if you are composing the shot. If you think about it, wedding, engagement, family, landscapes, birding, photojournalism, and even macro photography are all ways to document what you see. Working with a model is vastly different, and can truly change how you approach photography and people. Partnership. Photo by: SashaW Smile. Photo by: bryangeek Explain your shooting style. Photo by: nicola.albertini Read body language. Photo by: ZOBEL Music solves almost everything. Photo by: scottwills What I’ve learned working with models isn’t photography related much at all, it’s how to be a better human.

35 Beautiful Photography Websites Advertisement Interest in photography has exploded over the last 10 years, largely thanks to the developments in digital photography. Cameras and computers have become cheaper and more powerful, software more sophistocated and printers can now print photos that are as good (if not better) than anything produced in a chemical darkroom. Now, once you’ve acquired a digital setup, the economic restrictions of film and development costs have been removed and the cost of photography is virtually nil. Along with these developments in photography has been the parallel development of the Web. Ten years ago websites were largely clumsy, HTML driven constructions. The result is that photographers are finding new and exciting ways to showcase their best work online. You may want to take a look at the following related posts: Beautiful Photography Websites Bottle Bell Photography5 The graphic design of this website perfectly complements the fantasy world of the photographer’s vision. Last Click Resources

Photographier un feu d’artifice avec un filtre de densité neutre Tout photographe de paysage a sûrement déjà pensé à utiliser un filtre de densité neutre pour photographier un paysage avec un temps de pose assez long. En effet, si jamais il vous arrive de vouloir utiliser votre trépied en plein jour pour effectuer une pose longue, sans ce filtre, le résultat sera une photo toute blanche, même avec les réglages les plus bas (ISO 100 et f/22) car il y a beaucoup trop de lumière en journée pour cela. Le filtre de densité neutre sert alors de lunettes de soleil pour votre objectif, afin d’atténuer les rayons lumineux qui touchent le capteur. Alors que la période des feux d’artifice bat son plein, et que vous avez déjà lu notre Mercredi Pratique pour savoir comment réaliser une belle photo de feu d’artifice, voici un conseil un peu décalé pour obtenir un résultat non moins étonnant : utiliser un filtre de densité neutre sur votre objectif lors d’un feu d’artifice.

Louisville, KY Web Designer | Chris Thurman Outstanding Examples of Portrait Photography Portrait photography or portraiture is the capture by means of photography of the likeness of a person or a small group of people (a group portrait), in which the face and expression is predominant. The objective is to display the likeness, personality, and even the mood of the subject. Like other types of portraiture, the focus of the photograph is the person’s face, although the entire body and the background may be included. A portrait is generally not a snapshot, but a composed image of a person in a still position. A portrait often shows a person looking directly at the camera. Unlike many other photography styles, the subjects of portrait photography are often non-professional models. However, many portraits are created for public display ranging from fine art portraiture, to commercial portraiture such as might be used to illustrate a company’s annual report, to promotional portraiture such a might be found on a book jacket showing the author of the book. Photo By : Lifeware

How To: Resizeable Background Image Published by Chris Coyier If you are looking for how to do FULL SCREEN BACKGROUND IMAGE, go here. My friend Richard recently came to me with a simple CSS question: Is there a way to make a background image resizeable? As in, fill the background of a web page edge-to-edge with an image, no matter the size of the browser window. Also, have it resize larger or smaller as the browser window changes. Wow, that's a tall order. Finished Project: What's The Weather? Go ahead and resize your browser window around and notice how the image will resize to fit. First Attempt Well my first thought was that this really needs to be a CSS background-image. You guessed it, jQuery. Second Attempt (better) While the first attempt did a decent job, it failed at the most fundamental level: it wasn't "resizeable". We can, again, use jQuery and the dimensions plugin to get our browser window's width. Third Attempt (best) Forget this javascript business! See a demo of this in action. More about

Jason Lee : photographier ses enfants de manière créative En ce samedi de weekend prolongé, découvrons le travail de Jason Lee, un photographe de mariage devenu papa et qui expérimente des idées très créatives avec ses deux filles, Kristin et Kayla. Jason Lee a commencé à prendre en photo ses deux enfants lorsqu’il a appris que sa mère était atteinte d’un cancer. Pour lui permettre de prendre des nouvelles de ses deux petits enfants, Jason a lancé en 2006 le blog Kristin and Kayla, toujours en ligne aujourd’hui. Un conseil donc : l’enfance est un moment important dans la vie, alors n’hésitez pas à photographier vos enfants de toute les manières, pour conserver des souvenirs pour eux lorsqu’ils seront plus grand, mais également pour faire partager leur croissance avec le reste de votre famille ou de vos contacts. Voici quelques unes des photos de Jason Lee que nous avons apprécié : Avec ça, fini les portraits de famille classiques et tristes, laissez place à votre imagination ! Pour aller plus loin :

50 Awesome Portfolio Websites Portfolio websites are often excellent sources of design inspiration because every designer and agency wants to create a great impression with a quality design. Portfolio sites frequently show creativity and innovation that might not be as common yet with other types of sites. While browsing through the portfolio sites of other designers can provide inspiration for your own portfolio site, it also provides inspiration that can be used on all different types of projects. It’s helpful that there are so many high-quality portfolio sites out there that can be sources of design inspiration. In this post we’ll showcase 50 excellent portfolio sites so you don’t even have to go out and find these great designs on your own. Looking for hosting?

You Don’t Need A Big Studio Or Lots Of Gear To Make Beauty Portraits Photo By Scott Bourne - 2012 If you have 200 square feet of space, access to some white foam core, black foam core a few light stands or C-stands, and one single 150 watt or greater light in a reflector, beauty dish or soft box, you have everything you need to make pretty, dramatic portraits. I recently had the honor, privilege and joy of teaching alongside my pal Matthew Jordan Smith at our local SMUG meeting here in Vegas. We worked in a local rental studio to accommodate our 40 students. We found a 150-watt head attached to a silver beauty dish on a C-stand with a boom arm. Here you see a photo of the set behind the scenes. Photo by Scott Bourne 2012 What makes this work is that we’re using the beauty dish VERY close to the model – less then three feet away. You can make incredible portraits with minimal gear. Oh and you can go the other way too. Go out there and shoot some beauty shots. Like this: Like Loading... Related Selecting The Right Light Modifier In "Technique & Tutorials"

Less is More: Fundamentals of Minimalist Web Design Fighting the battle against clutter is something every designer undertakes, whether it's on their own site or when designing for a client. Your web site’s design should enhance your site's purpose by putting the focus on the content and being usable by everyone. Taking the extra time to ensure no detail is left overlooked will produce an effective and attractive website. Republished Tutorial Every few weeks, we revisit some of our reader's favorite posts from throughout the history of the site. This tutorial was first published in October of 2010. Define the Site's Purpose Your site needs a clearly defined purpose to eliminate any confusion from the start... First things first - before opening up your favorite graphics app to design your hot new minimal site, you will need to establish what the site is going to be used for. My site needs to ______________________________________. By clearly defining a purpose early on, you will be able to use it to help keep your design on track. Unity
