Agenda 21 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Iceweasel
Agenda 21 is a non-binding, voluntarily implemented action plan of the United Nations with regard to sustainable development.[1] It is a product of the UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992. It is an action agenda for the UN, other multilateral organizations, and individual governments around the world that can be executed at local, national, and global levels. The "21" in Agenda 21 refers to the 21st Century. It has been affirmed and modified at subsequent UN conferences. Structure and contents[edit] Agenda 21 is a 300-page document divided into 40 chapters that have been grouped into 4 sections:
Computing for Sustainability
New (Dec 2011): “Sustainable Lens: A visual guide” published by NewSplash available through Amazon. How to convey the essence of sustainability in a few sketched lines? I’m wading through the net and my bookshelves to find examples of the genre.
American Policy Center - Iceweasel
In One Easy Lesson Awareness of Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development is racing across the nation as citizens in community after community are learning what their city planners are actually up to. As awareness grows, I am receiving more and more calls for tools to help activists fight back. Many complain that elected officials just won’t read detailed reports or watch long videos.
Ecologically Sustainable Organizations: An Institutional Approach
Abstract Our main objective in this article is to join the growing group of “green” organization theorists by demonstrating the usefulness of institutional theory as an approach to ecologically sustainable organizations. Institutional theory helps to understand how consensus is built around the meaning of sustainability and how concepts or practices associated with sustainability are developed and diffused among organizations. We extend institutional theory by offering hypotheses in four different areas: (a) the incorporation of values into organizational sustainability.
Millennium Development Goals - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Iceweasel
The Millennium Development Goals are a UN initiative. The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are eight international development goals that were established following the Millennium Summit of the United Nations in 2000, following the adoption of the United Nations Millennium Declaration. All 189 United Nations member states at the time (there are 193 currently) and at least 23 international organizations committed to help achieve the Millennium Development Goals by 2015, the goals follow: Each goal has specific targets and dates for achieving those targets.
What is Sustainability?
Home » Who We Are » What is Sustainability? Sustainability is broadly defined as meeting the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs . The term “sustainability,” when applied institutionally within a university, is the development of a process or management system that helps to create a vibrant campus economy and high quality of life while respecting the need to sustain natural resources and protect the environment . Sustainable programs are those that result from an institution’s commitment to environmental, social and economic health, or the “triple bottom line.”
United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Iceweasel
The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development ( UNCSD ), also known as Rio 2012 , Rio+20 ( Portuguese pronunciation: [ˈʁi.u ˈmajʒ ˈvĩtʃi] ), or Earth Summit 2012 was the third international conference on sustainable development aimed at reconciling the economic and environmental goals of the global community. Hosted by Brazil in Rio de Janeiro from 13 to 22 June 2012, Rio+20 was a 20-year follow-up to the 1992 Earth Summit / United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) held in the same city, and the 10th anniversary of the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in Johannesburg. The ten day mega-summit, which culminated in a three-day high-level UN conference, was organized by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs and included participation from 192 UN member states — including 57 Heads of State and 31 Heads of Government, private sector companies, NGOs and other groups. Background [ edit ] Objectives [ edit ]
ICLEI - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Iceweasel
ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability , founded in 1990 as the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives , is an international association of local governments and national and regional local government organizations that have made a commitment to sustainable development . The association was established when more than 200 local governments from 43 countries convened at its inaugural conference, the World Congress of Local Governments for a Sustainable Future, at the United Nations in New York in September 1990. [ citation needed ] Today, more than 1200 cities, towns, counties, and their associations in 70 countries comprise ICLEI's growing membership. [ citation needed ] ICLEI works with these and hundreds of other local governments through international performance-based, results-oriented campaigns and programs. Programs [ edit ] The organization is now officially called 'ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability'. Governance [ edit ] EcoMobility [ edit ]