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Hot Potatoes iPlayboy : Playboy sur l'iPad Avec quelques mois de retard, Hugh Hefner a rempli sa promesse lancée en début d'année sur Twitter : Playboy est disponible sur l'iPad… mais par le biais d'une application web, iPlayboy. Dès janvier dernier un porte-parole du magazine avait prévenu qu'il ne faudrait pas compter sur une application native pour accéder au contenu dans son intégralité (lire Playboy sur iPad : du nu oui, mais en web app). Rien n'a donc changé sur ce point. Une application native, plus sélective sur le contenu avait été néanmoins évoquée à l'époque. Apple a grandement assoupli ses règles pour les éditeurs, mais ne laisse toujours passer les magazines montrant un bout de peau, au nom de son article 18 : « les applications contenant des éléments pornographiques, définis par le dictionnaire Webster comme “des descriptions explicites ou la présentation d'organes sexuels ou d'activités visant à stimuler l'érotisme plutôt que des sentiments esthétiques ou affectifs.” » restent interdites.

Water Absorbing Crystals Finding the Polymer In a Real Baby Diaper Start by collecting a number of disposable diapers. Any toddler's diaper will work. Invite your students to carefully examine the disposable diapers. The Pouring Test Determine the amount of water a disposable diaper can hold by slowly pouring about 1/4 cup (approximately 50 ml) of warm tap water into the center of the diaper. Finding the Secret Polymer Place a new diaper on a piece of black paper. So, How Does the Powder Absorb Water? Most common synthetic polymers are said to be hydrophobic (water-fearing), which means that they do not absorb water. Water-Absorbing Crystals Purchasing Information: Super absorbent crystals are sold at lawn and garden centers under many different trade names including HydroSource or SoilMoist. Super absorbent polymers are rapidly becoming one of the most exciting environmental education topics in classrooms worldwide. Science Activities 1. Will the polymer crystals absorb anything other than water? 2. 3.

PollSnack TabletQuiz. Créez un sondage ou un quizz pour une tablette ou un smartphone TabletQuiz est un service qui vous permet de créer en quelques clics un sondage ou un questionnaire genre quiz pour les tablettes type iPad ou les smartphones iOs ou Android. Votre questionnaire optimisé pour ces dispositifs mobiles bénéficiera de toutes leurs fonctions multimédia et leur facilité d’adoption et d’usage. Grâce à son aspect novateur votre taux de réponse risque de battre des records. Vous pouvez créer votre quiz ou sondage en quatre petites étapes. Vous élaborez tout d’abord votre questionnaire sur le site dédié de TabletQuiz . vous pouvez proposer jusqu’à vingt questions avec possibilité de réponses multiples et illustrations possibles avec des images, des sons ou des vidéos. Vous pourrez ensuite installer l’application sur votre mobile ou sur votre tablette via le navigateur web et ajouter ainsi l’icone de votre questionnaire à votre écran d’accueil. Le service est encore en test. Vous pouvez tester TabletQuiz gratuitement ici. Like this: Like Loading...

Superabsorbent polymers have become an important component of diapers during the last 10 years Superabsorbent Polymers (SAP): Superabsorbent polymers are primarily used as an absorbent for water and aqueous solutions for diapers, adult incontinence products, feminine hygiene products, and similar applications. Undoubtedly, in these applications, superabsorbent materials will replace traditional absorbent materials such as cloth, cotton, paper wadding, and cellulose fiber. Commercial production of superabsorbent polymers began in Japan in 1978, for use in feminine napkins. The use of superabsorbent polymers revolutionized the diaper industry. Superabsorbent polymers are prepared from acrylic acid and a crosslinker by solution or suspension polymerization. The properties of superabsorbent polymers can be employed in many different applications. (source: AMCOL website) Demand: Diaper Manufacturers: Approximately 75% of the superabsorbent polymers used worldwide are sold in diaper products from five major companies. Superabsorbent Polymer Manufacturers: Overall Construction: Cost Analysis:

Survs Self-sealing cracks with superabsorbent polymer Cracking of concrete structures is a common problem due to the intrinsic brittleness of the material. This may lead to severe loss of durability and water tightness. Conventional methods for mitigating this problem such as providing additional reinforcement or movement joints in new structures and resin injection to seal cracks in existing structures may not always be appropriate or sufficient. The aim of this study is to investigate the potential of superabsorbent polymers (SAP) as an admixture for self-sealing cracks in concrete. SAP are unique cross-linked polymers that can absorb a vast amount of liquid and swell substantially to form a soft insoluble gel (Fig. 1 & 2). Fig 1: Dry SAP powder and swollen SAP gel. Fig 2: Optical micrographs of different types of SAP and schematic representation of a cross-linked SAP network. Self-sealing mechanism As concrete hardens, the SAP releases water and shrinks (Fig. 3), leaving behind pores with sizes ranging from tens to hundreds of microns. F.

How do superabsorbent polymers work? Water molecules are drawn into the network across a diffusion gradient - formed by the Sodium neutralization of the polymer backbone. The polymer chains want to straighten but cannot due to the cross-linking. Thus, the particles expand as water moves into the network. The water is held tightly in the network by Hydrogen-bonding. Superabsorbent Polymer Network: Another benefit of these polymers – when dealing with waste containing metals – is the polycarboxylate (-COOH, -COONa) nature of the polymers. Superabsorbent Polymer is being used at many sites to solidify waste so that it passes Paint Filter Test (EPA 9095). Our product is included on the Hanford (WA) approved sorbent list and The Nevada Test Site, EnviroCare of Utah, WCS of Texas and many State landfills have all accepted wastes solidified with our product. After Two Minutes... Rapid Solidification! The advantages of Waste Lock® Superabsorbent Polymers over mineral or plant-based absorbents include: Contact Us Today
