Castlevania PS3 Backup Works on 3.55 GeoHot Custom Firmware! - PS3 NEWS - PlayStation 3 News - PS3 Hacks 171w ago - Today riku.kh3 has shared the first Castlevania: Lords of Shadow (BLES01047) signed and packed EBOOT that works with the recently released GeoHot 3.55 PS3 Custom Firmware followed by 3D Dot Game Heroes. Download: Castlevania: Lords of Shadow (BLES01047) Signed & Packed EBOOT / 3D Dot Game Heroes (BLES00875) Installable Package with Decrypted EBOOT To quote from PSGroove: He has managed to run Castlevania: Lords of Shadow from his internal hard drive, while on Geohot's 3.55 Custom Firmware. He achieved this by patching the game's main executable file (EBOOT.BIN) and making the PS3 think it's a PSN game. Originally Posted by riku.kh3 Castlevania: Lords of Shadow (BLES01047) signed & packed EBOOT (33.5MB) 1) Install PKG file. 2) Transfer contents of USRDIR folder, EXCEPT EBOOT.BIN, to /devhdd0/game/BLES01047/USRDIR/ Thats all! OK, here's the guide to patch your own games: That's it. This also works from 3.41, with no jailbreak dongle, video below (courtesy of TheRuler): Changelogs:
Playstation 3 (PS3) Hacking and Modding Community - PS3 Hacks, Mods, Homebrew Pretty Gamer [GUIDE] Get on PSN with 3.55 - PSX-SCENE: The oldest and most trusted Playstation Scene Community First off, a fair warning. If - and I say if - we get banned from this in the future, it's not my nor anybody else's fault. You're taking the risk yourself just like you have Jailbroken your console.Now, some info. Using this you can connect to PSN while running 3.55 or lower.
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