Online Code Repository The goal is to have working code for all the algorithms in the book in a variety of languages. So far, we have Java, Lisp and Python versions of most of the algorithms. There is also some old code in C++, C# and Prolog, but these are not being maintained. We also have a directory full of data files. Let know what languages you'd like to see, and if you're willing to help. Supported Implementations We offer the following three language choices, plus a selection of data that works with all the implementations: Java: aima-java project, by Ravi Mohan. Unsupported Implementations Implementation Choices What languages are instructors recommending? Of course, neither recall nor precision is perfect for these queries, nor is the estimated number of results guaranteed to be accurate, but they offer a rough estimate of popularity.
Home page Richard Gruet @ Created Oct 8, 2001. Last updated on Apr 21, 2013 Welcome to this page, entirely dedicated to Python. A bit of propaganda I am a big fan of Python, a so called scripting language comparable to Perl but far more readable and elegant (in my opinion, no offense ;-) It is free and available for a wide variety of platforms. Eric Raymond, author of the famous essay on the Open Source movement "The Cathedral and the Bazaar" explains why Python is his favorite programming language there. Just try Python! Python Quick Reference This is a (relatively) Quick Reference for Python in a single long HTML page. If you want to print the Quick Ref, try first from your browser (I suggest to select styles Printing or Modern B&W). This version of the Quick Reference has been created by Stefan McKinnon Høj-Edwards from the PQR 2.6. Quick reference for Python 1.52 (HTML single page) OmniORBpy utilities ipy idlb idlb is a simple IDL definition textual browser written in Python on top of the ATT's omniORB ORB. Warning!
(the eff-bot guide to) The Standard Python Library ::: (the eff-bot guide to) The Standard Python Library [home] [zone] Based in part on over 3,000 newsgroup articles written by Python veteran Fredrik Lundh since 1995, this book provides brief descriptions and sample scripts for all standard modules in the Python 2.0 library. For more information on the book and the print editions, see (the eff-bot guide to) The Standard Python Library. The edition (based on the 2001 O’Reilly edition) Individual pages: The Standard Python Library (HTML) Printable chapters: Preface1. Note: All chapters are distributed as PDF files; to read them, you need Adobe Reader (formerly known as Adobe Acrobat) or compatible software. Updates New Modules in Python 2.1New Modules in Python 2.2New Modules in Python 2.3New Modules in Python 2.4 (coming soon)New Modules in Python 2.5 (coming soon) rendered by a django application. hosted by webfaction.
Python Help, Python Code, Python Tutorials, Python Programming It looks as if the Python programming language has grown up. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) just spent $3 million to help fund a start-up company that is exploring and improving Python’s capabilities in the areas of big data and analytics.Continue reading Python 3.2 is now available for download. Python 3.2, the youngest generation of the Python programming language, has just received its fourth alpha release. Python Snippets and Recipes This is the page for various snippets, examples, and smaller python modules. Several of these recipes accompany blog entries or Python articles. Method Overloading Method overloading is a language feature typically found in statically typed languages, where which version of a method can be determined at compile time by the types and number of arguments. frommethodOverloadingimportMethodOverloading class SomeClass(object): __metaclass__ = MethodOverloading def __init1__(self, x=int, y=int, z=int): self.test = (x, y, z) def __init2__(self, string=str): self.test = string Piping Objects with Operator Overloading Functional languages and programming environments like Powershell often have first class syntax for piping objects between functions. listdir('.') >> notolderthan('2/3/08') >> prettyprint Painless Properties The syntax for creating properties with getters and setters in Python is more verbose than other languages (like C# for example). from__properties__importWithProperties Rich Comparison
Swampy: Installation Instructions If you have Python and Tkinter, you can install Swampy from the Python Package Index. If you need help installing Swampy, Tkinter or Python, see the detailed instructions below. These instructions are a work in progress; if you have suggestions for improvement, let me know. The following instructions are for Python 2. Once you have Swampy installed, try out some of the examples is this tutorial. Linux Install Python To see if you already have Python, open a terminal (Applications->Accessories->Terminal) and type python on the Linux command line. Macintosh Install Python According to, Python comes pre-installed on Mac OS X, but due to Apple's release cycle, it's often one or even two years old. Windows Thanks to Jaymie for help improving these instructions. Python 3 Swampy for Python 3 is not available as a package. Swampy source for Python 3: import swampy.TurtleWorld You would just specify the module, like this: import TurtleWorld
Joe Gregorio | BitWorking | Python isn't just Java without the compile I've had several conversations recently where it's become clear to me that some people view dynamic languages like Python and Ruby as just Java without the compile step. Yes, one of the advantages of a dynamic language is the ability to drop the compile from the edit/compile/run cycle, but there is much more to it than that. [Update: Some corrections. Now let's not start a language war here; to be perfectly clear, I'm not calling Java a bad language nor am I impugning the skills or mental prowess of Java programmers, what I want to do is just introduce some of the abstractions that are present in Python and Ruby that are missing from Java. First-class functionsKeyword parametersDefault parametersTuplesParallel assignmentEfficient multiple return values ContinuationsUser-defined operatorsClosuresMeta-programming Let's look at each of these abstractions in detail in Python. First-class functions You can define a standalone function, it doesn't have to be a member of a class. Continuations
The Python Tutorial — Python v2.6.1 documentation Python is an easy to learn, powerful programming language. It has efficient high-level data structures and a simple but effective approach to object-oriented programming. Python’s elegant syntax and dynamic typing, together with its interpreted nature, make it an ideal language for scripting and rapid application development in many areas on most platforms. The Python interpreter and the extensive standard library are freely available in source or binary form for all major platforms from the Python Web site, and may be freely distributed. The same site also contains distributions of and pointers to many free third party Python modules, programs and tools, and additional documentation. The Python interpreter is easily extended with new functions and data types implemented in C or C++ (or other languages callable from C). This tutorial introduces the reader informally to the basic concepts and features of the Python language and system.
Head First Design Patterns - Google Book Search Python for Fun This collection is a presentation of several small Python programs. They are aimed at intermediate programmers; people who have studied Python and are fairly comfortable with basic recursion and object oriented techniques. Each program is very short, never more than a couple of pages and accompanied with a write-up. I have found Python to be an excellent language to express algorithms clearly. From many years of programming these are some of my favorite programs. Many thanks to Paul Carduner and Jeff Elkner for their work on this page, especially for Paul's graphic of Psyltherin (apologies to Harry Potter) and to the teams behind reStructured text and Sphinx to which the web pages in this collection have been adapted. Chris Meyers
5 Reasons Why You Should Learn Python Programming | Programming Tips That Help You Become a Better Programmer digg If you are new to Python programming or in computer programming in general, it would certainly be important for you to get some information on the advantages and disadvantages of the language and understand why would somebody want to use it. In this post, i will not enter into the technical details of the language nor use fancy words to describe you some of the language specifics. My intention is to give you some simple insight so that you can decide for yourself whether or not it would be a good idea for you to choose Python as your main programming language or just use it for certain projects. There are some very good reasons for which you would want to use python that i will be enlisting for you below : (please bear in mind that there might be more reasons why one should use python, but this is what i feel about the language based on my own experience with it) You may feel that this is not that important but for scripting languages it really is a great asset.
Home - How to Build a Simple Twitter Client using Python Building a Twitter client is nothing new to those of us here. We've done it in WCF and Silverlight. To be honest though, using the Twitter API is a great way to exercise two very useful parts of a language and framework - making web requests and parsing XML. That's what we're going to do today. We're going to build a very simple command line twitter client (read-only) using Python. Today's app will be very simple. Here's what the first five tweets in the output will look like: Date: Thu Jul 22 19:46:19 +0000 2010Tweet: VS 2010 Productivity Power Tools Update (with some cool new features) via @scottgu #vs2010 #programming Date: Thu Jul 22 17:34:45 +0000 2010Tweet: SQLite 3.7.0 released #sqlite Date: Wed Jul 21 19:08:01 +0000 2010Tweet: 20+ Required #Windows Apps: Web DesignerGÇÖs Choice via @nettuts - I personally love Notepad++ myself! The first thing we do is create an HTTPConnection object for