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A Day at School

Describe a normal school day in the life of a student in your country including hours, class subjects, meals, rules, dress, and extra-curricular activities. What options are there in your country to take online classes through distance learning, even for children? Listen to the conversation by pressing the "Play Audio" button of the audio type you want to hear, and answer the questions. Press the "Final Score" button to check your quiz. [ Other Audio Option: Play Window Media ] Listen to the conversation again as you read the Quiz Script. Now, practice these grammar and listen exercises to improve your use of English on the topic of study abroad: Study Abroad: Language Study and University Degrees (Simple Present Tense) What thing did you most enjoy about your school life in your country? the length of the school year a typical day at school teacher and student interaction school rules (e.g., dress, hair styles, chewing gum, talking in class, cheating, arriving late, etc.) Related:  English

[Anglais @ Créteil] Les TICE en action Utilisation du TNI en compréhension de l’écrit L’entraînement à la compréhension de l’écrit en cours de langues vivantes implique pour l’enseignant le recours à différentes démarches visant à amener les élèves à développer des stratégies de repérage d’informations et d’accès au sens et notamment à l’implicite. Dans cette perspective, l’’utilisation du Tableau Numérique Interactif permet ainsi à l’enseignant d’avoir à sa disposition un outil polyvalent, lui donnant la possibilité d’annoter le texte, de le découper, de créer des liens, d’illustrer, d’y associer (...) lire la suite de l'article Audacity et l’expression orale : doubler l’enregistrement lire la suite de l'article The other side of the coin Intitulé du projet The other side of the coin Auteur Claire Névot Présentation sommaire Il s’agit d’un projet interdisciplinaire dans lequel la langue (...) lire la suite de l'article Activités possibles avec Moodle, un espace d’e-learning Créer et faire parler un avatar La baladodiffusion

Goals and Techniques for Teaching Grammar The goal of grammar instruction is to enable students to carry out their communication purposes. This goal has three implications: Students need overt instruction that connects grammar points with larger communication contexts. Students do not need to master every aspect of each grammar point, only those that are relevant to the immediate communication task. Error correction is not always the instructor's first responsibility. Overt Grammar Instruction Adult students appreciate and benefit from direct instruction that allows them to apply critical thinking skills to language learning. Teach the grammar point in the target language or the students' first language or both. An important part of grammar instruction is providing examples. Be sure the examples are accurate and appropriate. Relevance of Grammar Instruction In the communicative competence model, the purpose of learning grammar is to learn the language of which the grammar is a part. Traditional: grammar for grammar's sake

Class Reunion Class or school unions are times when people get together with former classmates and relive past experiences in high school. Listen to the conversation and answer the questions. [ Other Audio Options: Play Window Media ] Listen to the conversation again as you read the Quiz Script. Do former classmates in your area or country hold class reunions? eLanguages Poetry for Teens Breakups and Heartbreak Browse poems about difficult love and relationships ending, including poems by Elizabeth Bishop, Patrick Rosal, and Derek more Family Browse poems exploring many different kinds of family relationships and addressing complicated, often conflicting feelings about more Gender and Sexuality Browse poems navigating and celebrating the complexities of gender and sexuality, including poems by Saeed Jones, Trace Peterson, and Anne more Grief and Loss Browse poems about grief, including a poem by Li-Young Lee about the death of a parent and a poem by Juan Felipe Herrera on the loss of a more Heritage and Identity Browse poems about family, history, culture, and identity, including poems by Elizabeth Alexander, Chen Chen, and Terrance more Love and Relationships Mental Health Browse poems about anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues, as well as poems about hope, resilience, and more Self

Back to School Supplies What kinds of schools supplies do you usually need to buy before the start of a new academic year (e.g., pen, pencils, laptop or desktop computers, PDA, calculators)? Listen to the conversation by pressing the "Play Audio" button and answer the questions. Press the "Final Score" button to check your quiz. [ Other Audio Options: Play RealMedia | Play Window Media ] Listen to the conversation again as you read the Quiz Script. Most students enjoy having new school supplies at the beginning of every year. Having a computer, netbook, or other electronic devices is almost becoming a necessity at schools today. Want to Tell People About This Listening Activity? Now, write your ideas on a similar topic at Randall's ESL Blog HERE. Randall's Sites: Daily ESL | ESL Blog | EZSlang | Train Your Accent | Tips For Students | Hiking In Utah

Enseigner les langues avec le numérique : ressources en ligne et outils numériques Le rapport de l’Inspection Générale “Modalités et espaces nouveaux pour l’enseignement des langues” de novembre s’attache à recenser et analyser les innovations principales observables dans les cours de langues vivantes et préconise l’usage d’outils numériques (baladodiffusion, TNI, ENT, visioconférences,...). Grâce au site creatice, on peut dans l'académie de Versailles et sur projet, emprunter du matériel pendant six semaines entre deux périodes de vacances. § les ENT, le cahier de texte numérique Les Environnements Numériques de Travail arrivent dans les établissements scolaires. Le cahier de texte est une fonctionnalité centrale de l'ENT. Éliot-textes est le cahier de textes utilisé dans l'ENT Lilie. Un blog recense les usages de l’enc 92: Laurence Langlois Bluem, exemple d’utilisation des forums en anglais en 6e : § la baladodiffusion

Deutsche Dialoge SG Dialog #10: Jobsuche Diesen Dialog hat Oliver mit Ellen eingesprochen – die beiden leben bei Augsburg und haben einen eigenen Podcast, das „Morgenradio“. Das ist eine gute Alternative zum Radio am Morgen. Hier der Text des Dialoges: Sag mal, ich wollte dich mal was fragen. Was denn? Ich bin gerade auf der Suche nach einer neuen Arbeitsstelle. Oh. Da wurden leider einige Mitarbeiter entlassen. Entlassen? Weil das Geschäft nicht gut läuft. Geht das einfach so? Nein, ganz so war es auch nicht. Was ist eine Abfindung? Eine Abfindung ist Geld, damit ich nicht von heute auf morgen ohne Einkommen dastehe. Aha, verstehe. Ich würde gerne weiter im Bereich Marketing arbeiten. Und möchtest du Vollzeit arbeiten? Nein, Vollzeit kann ich leider nicht arbeiten, weil ich drei Kinder habe. Hast du sonst noch Einschränkungen? Ich habe leider kein Auto, daher wäre es gut, wenn ich mit den öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln in die Arbeit fahren könnte. Ich habe da eine Idee. Oh, das wäre super! Das mache ich! Gerne.

School Report How are school grades determined at different levels of education in your country (e.g., test, quizzes, reports, participation, etc.)? How are grades listed on report cards? In the USA, letters are often used to indicate performance (A, A-, B+, etc.). First, listen to the conversation by pressing the "Play Audio" button, and answer the questions. [ Other Audio Options: Play RealMedia | Play Window Media ] Listen to the conversation again as you read the Quiz Script. What was the hardest class you took in high school? Academic honesty is often regarded as a key part of a student's success in the classroom and in the future workplace. Want to Tell People About This Listening Activity? Please write your opinions on a similar topic at Randall's ESL Blog HERE. Randall's Sites: Daily ESL | ESL Blog | EZSlang | Train Your Accent | Tips For Students | Hiking In Utah

L'Agence nationale des Usages des TICE - Communiquer en anglais avec les blogs et le tableau numérique Dans le cadre du projet européen iTEC (innovative Technologies for an Engaging Classroom), Solène Gousselin, professeure d’anglais au collège de Sèvres (92), réalise une séquence pédagogique sur les Jeux Olympiques de 2012 en classe de 4e section internationale, en utilisant le tableau interactif, le blog et d’autres outils numériques pour développer la communication entre élèves. L’origine du projet L’enseignante avait réfléchi à la réalisation d’une séquence permettant aux élèves d’être dans des situations authentiques de communication et de dédramatiser l’expression orale et écrite en l’anglais. Le déroulement de l’activité La classe est divisée en cinq groupes d’environ cinq élèves chacun. Les aspects techniques L’enseignante et les élèves disposent de plusieurs outils pour réaliser le travail. Les plus-values pédagogiques Les deux principales plus-values sont l’aisance d’expression en anglais et l’autonomie des élèves. Mônica Macedo-Rouet

Using plays in the language class Here are some suggestions and guidance on how to get the best from your students. Using plays with language learners can Improve their reading and speaking skillsEncourage creativityHelp them experiment with language -tone of voice, body language and their own lines if they are involved in writing the play.Bring them out of themselves -some students like performing or find the script gives them confidenceInvolve the whole class – non speaking parts can be given to learners who do not wish to speak or are less confident. Plays suitable for language learners Short narratives based on very brief scenes of 2-3 lines maximumPlays with more than one narrator and plenty of humour through actionPlays that can be broken up with songs.One or two scene mini-plays based on stories familiar to the class. Making your own plays Work from a photo, a cartoon or a video clipDevise mini plays based on recognisable characters from films the students likeTake a 10 minute sequence of the film. Internet links

LearnEnglish | British Council | Coventry City football team I wanna talk about supporting Coventry City, the team I’ve supported since I was a young boy at school. Coventry City are a team from the West Midlands near Birmingham where I grew up and just to give a bit of background on the club, it was founded back in 1883 and we were founding members of the Premier League. But in 2001, after thirty-four consecutive years in the top division, we were finally relegated and since that year, we’ve been in the Championship or the second tier of the English Football…Leagues. Our only real honour was winning the FA Cup back in 1987. Em…people ask why I don’t support one of the big teams. Supporting a team’s like being part of family, you can’t just choose to leave the family if there’s some disappointments.

L'Agence nationale des Usages des TICE - Langues étrangères : pourquoi utiliser les TICE par Nathalie Pross * Enseignants en langues connaissez-vous votre leitmotiv ? Selon le Conseil américain de l’enseignement des langues étrangères, il se décline en "cinq C" : Communication : "communiquer dans des langues autres que la langue native " Cultures : "acquérir des connaissances et une compréhension d'autres cultures" Connexions : "établir des connexions avec d'autres disciplines et acquérir des informations" Comparaisons : "se familiariser avec la nature du langage et de la culture" Communautés : "participer à des communautés multilingues chez soi et à travers le monde" En France, où un plan de rénovation de l'enseignement de langues est en cours : ces dimensions apparaissent également dans la notion de "compétence de communication". réception (écouter, lire) production (s'exprimer oralement en continu, écrire) interaction (prendre part à une conversation) médiation (traduction et interprétation). Raconte-moi une histoire… Deux écrans du site web de W. M. Recommandations

Reader's Theater Editions (Readers Theatre, Free Scripts, Short Children's Plays) Reader’s Theater Editions are free scripts for reader’s theater (or readers theatre) adapted from stories written by Aaron Shepard and others—mostly humor, fantasy, and world tales from a variety of cultures. A full range of reading levels is included, with scripts aimed mostly at ages 8–15. The scripts may be freely copied, shared, and performed for any noncommercial purpose, except they may not be posted online without permission. As noted in the listing, some scripts come also in a “Team Version,” scripted for four readers with at least two females. These scripts are offered primarily for smaller groups such as after-school programs and homeschoolers, as well as for college and professional readers. Special features are available for many scripts.
