Turklish TEFL » ESL Lesson Plans Here are a collection of lesson plans that have been created with adult Turkish learners in mind although most lessons could easily be used in any country. Each lesson aims to address the unique environment of the Turkish classroom and to help with obstacles faced by many teachers here. I will try to provide lessons that will highlight features of the Turkish classroom and perhaps set a template for creating future lessons along the same lines. A lot of these lesson plans will be linked to discussions on my main blog. You can click on the link under the lesson plan to check out the blog portion. Current Total Number of Plans (28) + (8) Video lesson plans = (35) They are organized by level from Beginner to Intermediate & Up. Create a Country Level: All This is a lesson the famous Chris Westergaard demoed for me and some other trainees on our TEFL course. Dictionaries and their Discontents Level: All Tank Battle! Press Conference Level: Elementary & Up Dream Vacation Level: Pre-Int & Up Mr.
The definite article The word "the" is one of the most common words in English. It is our only definite article. Nouns in English are preceded by the definite article when the speaker believes that the listener already knows what he is referring to. The speaker may believe this for many different reasons, some of which are listed below. When to use "the" General rules Use the to refer to something which has already been mentioned. Examples On Monday, an unarmed man stole $1,000 from the bank. Use the when you assume there is just one of something in that place, even if it has not been mentioned before. We went on a walk in the forest yesterday. Use the in sentences or clauses where you define or identify a particular person or object. The man who wrote this book is famous. Use the to refer to people or objects that are unique. The sun rose at 6:17 this morning. Use the before superlatives and ordinal numbers. This is the highest building in New York. Use the with adjectives, to refer to a whole group of people.
NALDIC | EAL News | Jump in EAL learners working at Level 2 or below in English at age 11 The latest attainment data for bilingual pupils shows little change in the gap in achievement between bilingual pupils and their English speaking peers at the end of Key Stage 2 but a marked increase in EAL learners being judged to be below Level 3 in the English assessments. This year, more than 6,000 bilingual pupils were judged to be working at Level 2 or below (B) and therefore not able to take the assessment. This is a marked increase on the previous five years in both number and percentage terms. Due to changes in the Key Stage 2 assessments for English, this year's statistics are not directly comparable with previous years, but many of the messages remain the same. 2012 Key Stage 2 results show: 76 per cent of EAL and bilingual pupils achieved the expected level in both English and mathematics at the end of Key Stage 2 compared to 80 per cent of pupils whose first language is English.
Grammar,Vocabulary ESL Worksheets,Printables,Tests,Puzzles Inglese – ImparaDigitale Una parola al giorno per tenere sempre accesa la tua curiosità. In italiano, in inglese, in francese, in tedesco e in spagnolo la tua pillola lessicale quotidiana. Ogni giorno, per ciascuna lingua una parola selezionata dalle Redazioni Lessicografiche Zanichelli, con la definizione tratta dallo Zingarelli, il Ragazzini, il Boch, il Nuovo Dizionario di Tedesco e il Grande Dizionario di Spagnolo. Esercizi interattivi di inglese, francese, tedesco e italiano, per migliorare le proprie competenze linguistiche gratuitamente. Sito di un insegnante della scuola primaria di Bergamo: risorse, spunti ed idee per l’insegnamento della lingua inglese nella scuola primaria, introduzione delle nuove tecnologie nell’insegnamento, link, materiali scaricabili, piccoli corsi di autoaggiornamento per gli insegnanti. Sul sito di sapere.it sono disponinibili Dizionari multilingue.Link alla risorsa Continue reading Traduce qualsiasi lingua. E’ di un madrelingua inglese, molto veloce e facile da usare.
Get English Lessons Graded English language dictations free online 1 Students 2 Introductions 3 Numbers 4 Whose? 5 Names and Numbers 6 A Timetable 7 A Form 8 A Friend 1 9 A Friend 2 10 A Friend 3 1 My Cat Trotsky 2 Strange Food (Anonymous) 3 Tears and Laughs (Samuel Beckett) 4 More Beckett 5 Numbers 6 That man 7 Charlie & the Chocolate Factory (Roald Dahl) 8 East of Eden (John Steinbeck) 9 The Unicorn (James Thurber) 10 A Tale of Two Cities (Charles Dickens) 11 Describing Self 1 12 Describing Self 2 13 Describing Self 3 14 The Cemetery 15 My Two Friends 16 Routine 1 The Wolf (James Thurber) 2 Pooh (A A Milne) 3 1984 (George Orwell) 4 Prufrock (T S Eliot) 5 The Owl (James Thurber) 6 The Emperor's Clothes (H C Andersen) 7 Numbers 8 Earthly Powers (Anthony Burgess) 9 Remains of the Day (Kazuo Ishiguro) 10 Sons and Lovers (D H Lawrence) 11 Lord of the Flies (William Golding) 12 Emma (Jane Austen) 13 The Great Gatsby (Scott Fitzgerald) 14 The Hobbit (J R Tolkien) 15 Three Men in a Boat (J K Jerome)
English Grammar Games and Notes - Woodward English English Corner: English grammar exercises, vocabulary games, reading exercises ESL Materials, Resources and Teaching Ideas English as a Second Language (ESL) Provide fun activities to help students study English vocabulary, writing and spelling. Improve pronunciation and comprehension. Improve students' academic English as well as their social English. Make decisions on instruction based on individual student data. ESL teachers help their students to develop proficiency in all aspects of their English language use at one time, a huge task. Pronunciation and Context for ESL Students VocabularySpellingCity utilizes both spoken and written English in games and activities, so students learning English can learn to pronounce words correctly. VocabularySpellingCity provides choice in word lists, so you can match the lists you use to each class or student. If you have a particular set of words you'd like your students to learn, simply create your own list on VocabularySpellingCity. ESL students often struggle with sound alike words (homophones), multiple meaning words, and various kinds of figurative language. Record Keeping for ESL