* Professional service robots - Continued Increase Professional service robots - Continued Increase World Robotics 2012 - Service Robots published Taipei, 30 August 2012 - About 16,400 service robots for professional use were sold in 2011, 9% more than in 2010, reports the IFR Statistical Department in the new study "World Robotics 2012 - Service Robots", which was published on Thursday in Taipei. The sales value increased by 6% to US$ 3.6 billion. Main applications: Defence and milking robots With about 6,600, service robots in defence applications accounted for 40% of the total number of service robots for professional use sold in 2011. The total number of field robots - mainly milking robots - sold in 2011 was about 5,000 units, accounting for a share of 31% of the total unit supply of professional service robots. Considerable growth potential of logistic systems and medical robots Sales of medical robots increased by 13% compared to 2010 to 1,051 units in 2011. A strong growing sector will be the mobile platforms in general use.
NCCR Robotics Automaton Astro Teller has an unusual way of starting a new project: He tries to kill it. Teller is the head of X, formerly called Google X, the advanced technology lab of Alphabet. At X’s headquarters not far from the Googleplex in Mountain View, Calif., Teller leads a group of engineers, inventors, and designers devoted to futuristic “moonshot” projects like self-driving cars, delivery drones, and Internet-beaming balloons. To turn their wild ideas into reality, Teller and his team have developed a unique approach. It starts with trying to prove that whatever it is that you’re trying to do can’t be done—in other words, trying to kill your own idea. The ideas that survive get additional rounds of scrutiny, and only a tiny fraction eventually becomes official projects; the proposals that are found to have an Achilles’ heel are discarded, and Xers quickly move on to their next idea. The moonshots that X has pursued since its founding six years ago are a varied bunch.
Robot Association Taiwan European Robotics Technology Platform EUROP, the European Robotics Technology Platform, is an industry-driven framework for the main stakeholders in robotics to strengthen Europe’s competitiveness in robotic R&D, as well as global markets, and to improve quality of life. To this aim EUROP has developed a joint European Strategic Research Agenda (SRA), which would help focus research initiatives and innovative activities towards maximum impact. The SRA was published in July 2009. EUROP is one of several European Technology Platforms (ETPs) supported by the EU. The European Robotics Coordination Action (euRobotics CA), an EU project within the Seventh Framework Programme of the Information and Communication Technology, currently supports EUROP. EUROP's roots go back to October 2004, when leading European robotics organisations started to formulate the need for a consolidated approach to European robotics, which led to the constitution of EUROP as an ETP in October 2005. The SRA was first launched in 2005. Please note:
null | EEE | Singapore Polytechnic About the Centre The centre aims to develop robotics and intelligent system solutions to meet the needs of the Singapore’s infrastructure inspection, logistics, healthcare, transport, and edutainment industries and offer our students an industry relevant education with a global orientation. Capabilities and Technical Services The Centre specializes in development of cutting edge technologies including navigation and mapping in dynamic environments, object recognition and manipulation, human robot interaction, human intent recognition, adaptive behaviours, ambient intelligence, standardization and system integration. Our research labs undertakes industry, funded and competition centred projects with the aim of meeting the needs of Singapore’s infrastructure inspection, logistics, healthcare, transport, and edutainment industries. Project Showcase Collaboration Singapore Technologies Kinetics, SingaporeSingapore University of Technology and DesignSingapore Kindness MovementSt. Back to the top.
GetRobo ・Robots A-Z There are currently 527 robots listed alphabetically hereDates are approximate (may be the year the robot began development, or the year in which it was first unveiled to the public). If you find an error, please send us your correction using the contact form here. ▲ top of page Sioux ontwikkelt technische software voor zorgrobot Rose - Nieuws - Engineersonline.nl Sioux heeft onlangs de ontwikkeling van de technische software van zorgrobot Rose afgerond. Mede dankzij deze software kan Rose intelligente thuiszorgtaken verrichten zoals eten in de magnetron doen, een pak melk pakken, een dienblad optillen of de tafel met een doek afnemen. Door toenemende vergrijzing stijgt de zorgvraag en tegelijkertijd is er een daling van het aantal zorgverleners. Technische innovatie kan een belangrijke rol spelen om deze impasse te doorbreken. Robot Rose (Remotely Operated SErvice robot) is het eindresultaat van het Pieken in de Delta project Tele-operated Service Robot (TSR). Technische uitdaging Om robots in de zorg te kunnen gebruiken, moest Sioux grote technische obstakels overwinnen. De voordelen ten opzichte van industriële robots zijn echter groot. "Wij geloven dat wij door het toepassen van technologie de wereld aangenamer, veiliger, plezieriger, schoner en gezonder kunnen maken. Kijk wat Rose allemaal kan op
Marine Robotic Centre - Home NODE 科学、技術、サブカル ニュース シンガポール初の等身大ヒューマノイド「NASH」動画 Nanyang Technological University (NTU) による「 NASH (NTU Advanced Smart Humanoid)」だそうです。 まだヨタヨタですが、今後。 ソニー、電力を機器ごとに管理できる「認証型コンセント」を発表 電力を利用者や機器ごとに管理、利用する提案 「認証型コンセント」を開発 ~非接触ICカード技術と新開発「電力線重畳通信技術」により実現~ 具体的には、非接触ICカード技術NFC/FeliCaを応用して電気機器認証を行う「認証型コンセント: FeliCaタイプ」と、新技術「電力線重畳通信技術」により、電源ケーブルを介して電気機器認証を行う 「認証型コンセント:電力線重畳通信タイプ」を開発しました。 制限したい方にとってはいいでしょうが、これまで誰でも使えたコンセントが使える人/機器が制限されるようになるわけで、不便に感じる状況も生じてしまうかもなとちょっと思いました。 ひざの上にPCを載せて使えるクッション付きテーブル 上海問屋から。 似たような商品を僕も使ってますが、ソファーでくつろぎながらノートPCを使うときには、この手の商品があると便利というか、ラクチンです。 花粉予報をプッシュで通知してくれるアプリ「花粉アラーム」 今年も花粉の季節が到来したようです。 「花粉アラーム」は、花粉予報をプッシュで通知してくれるiPhoneアプリ。 花粉アラーム カテゴリ: 天気 価格: ¥85 未来の「ガラス」 さしづめ「ガラス2.0」といったところでしょうか。 解説付きのムービーもこちらにあります。 銅板レリーフを彫る過程をバーチャル体験できるアプリ「Carve the Copper Relief」 「Carve the Copper Relief」彫る 銅板レリーフは、iPhoneやiPadで銅板レリーフを下書きからバーチャル体験できるアプリ。 フェルトペンで下書き、ボールペンでなぞって転写して、へらや釘で打って、いぶし液で着色。 彫る 銅板レリーフ カテゴリ: エンターテインメント 価格: 無料 ネズミみたいなヒゲで周囲の環境をセンシングする移動ロボット動画 University of the West of Englandのジャコウネズミ(Etruscan Shrew)にインスパイアされたロボット。
Biometrie: Schau mal, wer da guckt | Fraunhofer Interessiert blickt die junge Frau auf die Videowand. Die neuen Styles gefallen ihr ausnehmend gut. Wenig später betrachtet ein älterer Mann die neue Herrenkollektion. Wie von Zauberhand erscheinen auf der Wand immer die für den Betrachter richtigen Outfits. Möglich macht das ein Produkt der Firma Visapix. Neu ist, die Software erkennt das Alter In der Regel überprüfen Markt- und Werbeforschungsinstitute mit der neuen Technologie, ob die jeweilige Werbebotschaft bei den richtigen Kunden angekommen ist. Entstanden ist Shore™ in den vergangenen zehn Jahren in den Laboren des IIS. »Eigentlich kamen wir aus dem Biometriebereich und haben das System zunächst für die Personenerkennung entwickelt. Seit rund einem Jahr haben die Erlanger Forscher in dem Berliner Unternehmen Visapix GmbH einen Partner für die Vermarktung des Systems gefunden.
robots hacks [Thomas Kølbæk Jespersen] and his classmates at Aalborg University’s Robot Vision course used MATLAB code and URscript to program a Universal Robots UR5 to stack up Duplo bricks. The Duplo bricks are stacked into low-fi Simpsons characters — yellow for Homer’s head, white for his shirt, and blue for his pants, for example. The bricks are scattered randomly on a nearby table, while a camera mounted above the table scans the bricks and assists in determining the location, color, and orientation of the elements. This involves blob analysis which helps the computer decide what pixel is part of a brick and what isn’t. After running a recursive grassfire algorithm with 4-connectivity, the computer gives each pixel a number and assigns it to a blob. To determine the orientation (the bricks are all assumed to be stud-side up and not overlapping) the blob is divided into quadrants and within each quadrant, the distance between the center of the blob and its farthest pixel is measured.