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The dark side of Dubai - Johann Hari, Commentators - The Indepen

The dark side of Dubai - Johann Hari, Commentators - The Indepen
The wide, smiling face of Sheikh Mohammed – the absolute ruler of Dubai – beams down on his creation. His image is displayed on every other building, sandwiched between the more familiar corporate rictuses of Ronald McDonald and Colonel Sanders. This man has sold Dubai to the world as the city of One Thousand and One Arabian Lights, a Shangri-La in the Middle East insulated from the dust-storms blasting across the region. He dominates the Manhattan-manqué skyline, beaming out from row after row of glass pyramids and hotels smelted into the shape of piles of golden coins. And there he stands on the tallest building in the world – a skinny spike, jabbing farther into the sky than any other human construction in history. But something has flickered in Sheikh Mohammed's smile. Once the manic burst of building has stopped and the whirlwind has slowed, the secrets of Dubai are slowly seeping out. I. Karen Andrews can't speak. Her story comes out in stutters, over four hours. II. III. IV. V.
