Kids Games - Educational Computer Games Online | TurtleDiary DigitalStorytelling “I know only one thing about the technologies that awaits us in the future:We will find ways to tell stories with them.” Jason Ohlar Presentation brought to you by American TESOL! Check out their other video presentations! Slideshow of the Presentation Download the Hand-Outs from the Presentation! *Elements of the Story- Hand-out by Kevin Hodgson *Character Development- Hand-out by Kevin Hodgson *Storyboarding- Hand-out by Kevin Hodgson *Storyboarding- Hand-out by Bernajean Porter Videos Featured in the Presentation *A Short Love Story in Stop Motion by Carlos Lascano A SHORT LOVE STORY IN STOP MOTION from Carlos Lascano on Vimeo. *How A Short Love Story was Created *Chiarastella- Stop Motion Film by Raffaella Traniello's class Chiarastella from Raffaella Traniello on Vimeo. *How Chiarastella was Created *How to create stopmotion claymation films using PowerPoint by Maryna Badenhorst. Featured Tools/ Websites from the Presentation! *Creaza - Create comics, make movies, edit audio, and more! *Storybird
Gamification, 10 buoni esempi di aziende che giocano Fabio Viola«I giochi a oggi sono il miglior strumento mai inventato per motivare le persone e incollarle a uno schermo: ecco perché le aziende utilizzano sempre più spesso la gamification per aumentare l’engament con i propri utenti/clienti, rafforzare la loyalty al brand, migliorare processi e rendere meno noiosi alcuni compiti». A parlare è Fabio Viola, esperto di gamification, game designer, autore del blog, coordinatore didattico del master in Engagement & Gamification dello IED Milano e membro del comitato scientifico del master in Gamification dell’Università Tor Vergata a Roma. Un guru della materia, insomma, che ci tiene a sgombrare subito il campo dalle definizioni non corrette del termine gamification. A Fabio Viola, che è stato anche ospite di EconomyUpTv (GUARDA LA VIDEOINTERVISTA), abbiamo chiesto di raccontarci dieci casi in cui le aziende hanno utilizzato la gamification con efficacia. Ecco la sua lista. Zombies, Run! English Attack! quant’altro.
Cube Engine Games The Guide to Digital Games and Learning | MindShift | KQED News | KQED Public Media for Northern CA MindShift Guide to Digital Games and Learning How can games unlock a rich world of learning? This is the big question at the heart of the growing games and learning movement that’s gaining momentum in education. The MindShift Guide to Digital Games and Learning [PDF] explains key ideas in game-based learning, pedagogy, implementation, and assessment. This guide makes sense of the available research and provides suggestions for practical use. The MindShift Guide to Digital Games and Learning started as a series of blog posts written by Jordan Shapiro with support from the Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop and the Games and Learning Publishing Council. Here's a preview of the table of contents: Introduction: Getting in the Game (Page 4) An overview of games in the classroom from Katie Salen Tekinbaş, executive director of the Institute of Play. What the Research Says About Gaming and Screen Time (Page 6) Much of the research around digital games and screen time is evolving.
Grant Description - Libraries, Literacy and Gaming - CastleCat Community at Manhattanville College Projects and presentations completed with support from an American Library Association grant. Includes presentation for EDU 5617 (New Technologies and Literacy) taught by Courtney Kelly. Last Updated: Oct 4, 2011URL: Print Guide Assistive Technology Matching Game Can you match the picture to the name of the assistive technology? Quia Web A subscription service that allows teachers to design games such as concentration, hangman, word jumbles or scavenger hunts.Scratch Scratch is a new programming language that makes it easy to create your own interactive stories, animations, games, music, and art -- and share your creations on the web.Inform Inform is a design system for interactive fiction based on natural language. Description Loading... More Information Close
Augmented Reality in Education | Işıl Boy's Blog String Augmented reality is a 3D learning environment which connects real and virtual world. It provides interactive tools for learning, and fosters informal learning. Besides, augmented reality increases motivation and engages learners. Above all, augmented reality is good for kinesthetic learners; it enables learners participate interactively with computer generated simulations. My Top 3 Augmented Reality Apps: Quick Writer: is a text editor which enable you to watch things while you are typing. Digital Storytelling with Augmented Reality: Zooburst: is a digital storytelling app that lets you create your own 3D pop-up book. How to Create Augmented Reality: You can create augmented reality with Metaio! Some Articles on Augmented Reality:
Flash CS4 Professional Digital Classroom (9780470410936): Fred Gerantabee, Aquent Creative Team, AGI Creative Team
Adrift 5 is a text-based user interface that allows users to test and create text adventures. This program is free to download and has the same features as an early text adventure games made popular on early computers. by aaron_literacy_resources_collection Jun 21