20 Free Exclusive Vector Icons: Calabria
Calabria is a set of 20 free and exclusive vector icons that can be used on websites, logos and more. These icons are absolutely free for both personal and commercial uses and you can go ahead and download yours now. If you’d like to share these icons, please refer your friends to this page. Here’s a full preview of all 20 icons for quick reference. Download yours below and enjoy! Liked the icons? Please enter your email address below and click the download button. WDD staff are proud to be able to bring you this daily blog about web design and development.
fonts, typefaces and all things typographical — I love Typography (ILT)
How to Create a Custom Twitter Background Design
Are you still using the standard Twitter backdrop? If you’re looking leave a lasting impression, you should consider swapping out that plain-Jane image for something more exciting. Your Twitter background helps convey your brand and convey a positive first impression. This is the second of a two-part series of tips to create a strong Twitter profile. In the first part, we covered the first five steps to creating your Twitter profile. Now let’s talk about your image. Creating Your Twitter Background By changing the default Twitter background on your Twitter profile, you show your audience you’re not a spambot. Using Free Twitter Backgrounds If you want to use a free, easy-to-install Twitter background, have a look at what Twitter has to offer first. In addition to these 20 Twitter designs, you’ll see a link to ColourLovers, where you can easily create your own designs. It’s easy to change your Twitter background from the Design tab under Settings. Investing in a Custom Twitter Background
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48 Examples of Excellent Layout in Web Design
Beautiful graphics and colors are great and play a big part in web design, but most would agree that the backbone of a solid user experience is the layout. After all, what good is all of the eye candy if one can not easily read and digest the content. There is nothing better than opening a perfectly organized and readable website – a page where the layout invites you to browse the site’s content. There are several ways to organize and put together a nice layout for your website, and here we’ll show some examples of sites that use grids, columns and blocks to showcase their content. Superawesome leids film festival Kokoro & Moi UX Magazine The Bygone Bureau Live Now Minimalist Design Magazine Computerlove Simon Collison Arnaud Beelen BB – Bisgrafic Blog Derek Mack Magnum Photos The Canary Collective Zachary Pulman de51gn The Grid System iniva graphito.net TBWA – London method.com Theme Jan Sochor AiGA NY Draft skyskraper cheetos Haik Avanian Morphix nocturn Zaum & Brown SF 70folk Cool And The Guide T Magazine next room
CERIG. La typographie est-elle fâchée avec le web ?
Résumé Les contraintes auxquelles est soumise la reproduction du texte sont très différentes lorsqu'on l'imprime ou lorsqu'on l'affiche sur l'écran du moniteur d'un ordinateur. Ce dernier présente en effet une résolution voisine de 72 dpi, très inférieure à celle d'un produit imprimé. La typographie de l'affiché est donc assez différente de celle de l'imprimé. Le web rajoute ses contraintes propres. En effet, le web étant un petit tuyau, le langage de description de page qu'il utilise -- le HTML -- a été conçu de manière à fournir des fichiers de taille aussi réduite que possible. Les ordinateurs récents, qu'ils soient Mac ou PC, possèdent une dizaine de polices en commun. Quels que soient les efforts de présentation consentis par le concepteur d'un site, l'affichage des pages correspondantes dépend de la plate-forme. Le système appelé "police dynamique" consiste à décharger partiellement une police avec la page web dans laquelle elle est utilisée.
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Font Bureau Blog
David Berlow’s Custer RE is the latest addition to our Reading Edge (RE) series. This typeface is the tenth RE family and is available today at Webtype. Learn more about it on the Webtype Blog. More ... In honor of Mike Parker, we present a tribute to honor his work and share stories from colleagues. With contributions from David Berlow, Roger Black, Matthew Carter, Frank Romano, Cherie Cone, and more. ➝ Fontbureau.com/MikeParker More ... Today we announce Matthew Carter’s new typeface, Big Moore. More ... On Wednesday, March 26th from 5:00–7:00 there will be an opening reception at Lesley University for our exhibit, DISPLAY:TEXT, followed by a public talk from Cyrus Highsmith. More ... Type designer David Jonathan Ross. Forma is a neo-grotesk typeface by the Italian type foundry Nebiolo. Roger Black first saw Forma at the Nebiolo stand during the Drupa exhibition in 1977. More ... We’d like to thank everyone for the support in recent days. More ... Then one day ... More ... More ... More ... More ...