F*ck Yeah Headlines PostScript :: Character Bios Sasha Kovalev Gender: Male Birthday: February 3rd (16) Height: 6' Sasha is a shy but determined foreign exchange student from Russia. He was really into track and his girlfriend, Lana, until she broke up with him and he twisted his ankle at a county track meet. After pushing his recovery process and tearing a tendon past repair, Sasha decided to try for a new beginning in the USA. Sasha likes crime shows, trying new foods, and outdoorsy things. Misha Sokolov Gender: Male Birthday: October 25th (15) Height: 5' 4" Misha is a introverted blogger. Constantine Sokolov Gender: Male Birthday: May 15th (17) Height: 6'1" Constantine loves pick up lines almost as much as he likes taking facebook pictures. Colleen Newton gender: Female birthday: July 30th (16) Height: 5' 6" Colleen is an optimistic and endlessly energetic weeaboo.
Unlife Scary Go Round Comics by John Allison - April 1, 2016 Darths and Droids Many of you probably know DM of the Rings. If not, and you are familiar with Lord of the Rings or roleplaying games, you might enjoy it. If you are familiar with both, you will enjoy it. Basically, Shamus Young, the creator, has treated Lord of the Rings as the fantasy campaign of a long-suffering Dungeon Master saddled with all too typical players, and illustrated it in the form of a comic using screencaps from the movies. Brilliant idea, and very well done. And I constantly boggle that (a) nobody did it before, and that (b) nobody has copied him yet. Alas, DM of the Rings has recently come to an end, having told the story to the ending. Shamus: Which reminds me: This comic is popular enough that I'm surprised nobody else has done something similar. I smells me a challenge... Transcript GM: Right.
Engaging The Enemy - Title and Credits “Engaging The Enemy” is a multi-chapter arc in the superhero comic The Young Protectors written and published by me, Alex Woolfson. Pencils are by Adam DeKraker and colors are by Veronica Gandini. I very much hope you enjoy it! Some navigation tips: At the bottom of each comic, there is a navigation menu giving you the choice to go to the First, Previous, Next and Last pages. Left Arrow: Previous PageRight Arrow: Next PageShift + Left Arrow: First PageShift + Right Arrow: Last PageShift + Down Arrow: Random Page
Wolfmen Ava's Demon Wondermark JERKFACE A-HOLE – The comic diary of a teenaged girl dealing with the toxic combo of feelings and a sense of humour. Garfield Minus Garfield