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The International Dyslexia Association Promoting literacy throug

Join our Mailing List Knowledge and Practice Standards for Teachers of Reading IDA created a dyslexia resource kit, Dyslexia in the Classroom: What Every Teacher Needs to Know, for educators everywhere. The kit can help raise awareness, share best practices, and be a resource to the school’s administration and staff. Click on the graphic to download your kit today! Do you think you or your child may have dyslexia?

Related:  Dyslexia and difficulties with Reading

Why Copying from a Board is Ineffective for Dyslexics Saturday, May 9, 2015 Why Copying from a Board is Ineffective for Dyslexics Having to take notes by copying from a board or projection while a teacher is lecturing is challenging for any learner, because it requires students to multitask and constantly shift modes of learning. The process demands students to read, listen and write while making sense of the material. However, for students with dyslexia this teaching method can be disastrous. Reading Goes Digital – 6 Ways Technology Enhances Reading Practices — Digital Rhetoric Collaborative Over the past several years, we at Subtext have talked to and observed teachers in schools at all different stages of technology integration. While some teachers have class sets of iPads or Chromebooks, others have only a few classroom computers, or access to a school computer lab. Despite these differences, we would submit a simple principle that helps teachers be successful in their efforts: When literacy instruction goes digital across the curriculum, reading can be transformed as it becomes more impactful, engaging, and effective for students.

Indications of Dyslexia- About Dyslexia- the British Dyslexia Association If a child has several of these indications, further investigation should be made. The child may be dyslexic, or there may be other reasons. This is not a checklist. 1. Persisting factors. There are many persisting factors in dyslexia, which can appear from an early age. Literacy Lowdown- Word Study Activities Maureen Hayes, PreK-6 Humanities Supervisor This Month's Focus: Meaningful Word Study Activities In my January/February Smore, I shared information for supporting word study and phonics development in your classroom. This Smore will extent that and focus on making activities, lessons, and home practice meaningful for your students each week. When we know better, we do better... Word Study is about understanding patterns in words, and being able to apply these patterns to spell and read unknown words.

What Parents Need to Know About Dyslexia (Reading Disability) — AAPOS Sheryl M. Handler, M.D. Reading So much more than words on a page The More that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go -Dr. Seuss "Come let me take you on a journey; to teach you, to fascinate you, to engage you. Structural brain differences in kids with dyslexia - Reading By Gordon Sherman, Ph.D. Nature loves diversity. No two human brains are alike — by design. Diversity propels evolution by enhancing a species' ability to adapt to changing environments. How does this relate to dyslexia? Hold that thought while we talk about the brains of children with reading difficulties.

Dyslexia: An Ounce of Prevention... I recently read an article that suggested that children are not learning disabled until they attend school and fail to adequately learn to read and write. The author referred to this as “school-induced learning disabilities.” The article went on to suggest that if those same kids were simply taught the way they learned, they would not only not need special education services, but they would not need a label of “learning disabled,” or as in most cases of learning disabilities, dyslexia. If you ask parents of a child who is eventually identified with dyslexia, they will tell you that their child was a normal, happy, curious, intellectually-capable child from birth to kindergarten; and for those bright, curious preschoolers who were not identified with dyslexia and did not receive the appropriate intervention, something slowly changed.

20 Ways To Help Your Child Learn Their Sight Words Welcome to my second blog in the series “Literacy in the Primary Classroom”. In this blog I focus on how educators and parents can use games in their home and classroom to help children learn sight words successfully. When children begin Primary School they are usually given a list of sight words to learn each week. Sight words are the frequently used words that come up in beginner reading books. Seven Strategies to Teach Students Text Comprehension 1. Monitoring comprehension Students who are good at monitoring their comprehension know when they understand what they read and when they do not. Dyslexia International Dyslexia impacts the individual, society and the economy at large. Dyslexia is neurologically based and often hereditary. It causes difficulties in reading, writing, spelling and organization. Dyslexia makes fluent reading difficult, which affects not only academic success but also self-esteem and social-emotional development. Dyslexia and the individual Dyslexia, also known as specific reading difficulties, is the most common form of learning difficulty with a prevalence of 10 percent or more of any given population, depending on the orthographic system, type and degree of dyslexia, reading age assessed and sampling methods used
