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Sofinnova Exclusively dedicated to Life Sciences investments, Sofinnova Capital VII is amongst the largest funds in Europe Press release > Sofinnova Partners is an independent venture capital firm based in Paris. Over the past 40 years, the firm has financed and accompanied almost 500 companies. We invest in start-ups, early-stage companies, corporate spin-offs and occasionally turnaround situations. Sofinnova Partners proactively sources deals, takes a lead role, is most often the first institutional investor in Round A financings, and leads its portfolio companies until exit. DN Capital - venture capital company investing in digital media, communications and enterprise software firms

Breega Capital Breega Capital, a new player in the European venture capital industry launched 3 months ago and bringing together renowned investors, has just finalized its first investment in Clic and Walk. The stake of 750,000 euros is to fund the French start-up which has designed a mobile application enabling any smartphone owner to carry out remunerated missions in order to collect reliable field marketing data in real-time for major brands or distributers. This first transaction perfectly coincides with Breega Capital’s strategy to focus on investments between 500,000 and 2,000,000 euros in innovative technology companies that are facing the ‘equity gap’ whereas they can provide evidence of a real market need for their solution by generating a minimum of revenue. The final objective of Breega Capital is to make these companies profitable within 12 to 18 months before launching them abroad. “France is overflowing with innovative companies that can create future growth. About Clic and Walk

Private Equity Expert - Home | Crédit Agricole Private Equity Accel Partners | Worldwide | Home CapHorn Invest - Accueil Les business angels - APCE, agence pour la création d'entreprises, création d'entreprise, créer sa société,l'auto-entrepreneur, autoentrepreneur, auto-entrepreneur, auto entrepreneur, lautoentrepreneur, reprendre une entreprise, aides à  la création d'ent Le créateur d'entreprise innovante et/ou à fort potentiel de développement rencontre souvent des difficultés pour financer son projet et constituer des fonds propres suffisamment solides pour répondre à ses besoins.Il peut être amené à faire appel à des Business angels à la fois pour renforcer ses capitaux et pour bénéficier des compétences et du réseau de ses investisseurs. Définition Un business angel est une personne physique qui décide d'investir une partie de son patrimoine financier dans des sociétés innovantes à fort potentiel. Souvent ancien entrepreneur lui-même, ses conseils et son carnet d'adresses sont généralement aussi précieux que les sommes qu'il peut apporter à la société.On estime qu'il existerait actuellement 7 000 business angels en France contre 40 000 au Royaume Uni et 400 000 aux Etats-Unis. On distingue plusieurs profils de business angel : L'entrepreneur "récidiviste" dont l'investissement se situe entre 50 000 et 500 000 € par an. Mode d'intervention Qui contacter ?

Kima Ventures Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Kima Ventures est un fonds d'investissement lancé en mars 2010 par Xavier Niel et l'entrepreneur/business angel Jeremie Berrebi. Ce fonds d'investissement a pour objectif d'investir dans 50 à 100 startups par an à travers le monde. Site officiel Portail de la finance ORKOS Capital Orkos Capital is a private equity management company created in 2006. The members of the Orkos Capital team started working together in the early 1990’s and have been acting as an independent team since 1999. Orkos is a Greek term which means "the oath". This choice reflects our commitment towards our investors as well to our investee companies. Our approach is to offer long-term support to management teams with a deliberate innovation-based value creation strategy in the sectors of information and communications technologies. Since 1990, we have invested around 400 M€ through the funds ETMF I, ETMF II and Orkos III.
