VUELOS BARATOS: Buscador de Vuelos Baratos
As you have chosen todays date, on the next page you will only see flights leaving after the current time. We would like to make it very clear to passengers that you must check in at least 30 minutes before departure. Germanwings can only carry children who are under the age of 12 when they travel if they are travelling with a responsible adult. Children and accompanying adult must be reserved on the same booking (same booking number). If the adult accompanying the child is not the legal guardian, we need written consent from the parents and/or legal guardians. Children from 5 to 11 can travel unaccompanied on direct services within Germany (unaccompanied minor service. Infants under 2 are not entitled to a seat. Alternatively you can use a child seat in a separate seat. More information on travelling with children Remember: normally the age at the time of the last flight in the booking is the age applicable.
HALCON VIAJES - Vuelos baratos - Vacaciones - Hoteles - Ofertas - HALCONVIAJES.COM
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