Videos can be an effective tool for teaching and learning English (or, for that matter, any academic subject) if used strategically and not as a "babysitting" device. My colleague Katie Hull Sypnieski and I wrote a previous post for Edutopia titled Eight Ways To Use Videos With English-Language Learners that shares instructional strategies for many kinds of clips. Here are a few of my favorite videos to use with those exercises. Video Playlist: Resources for English-Language Learners Watch the player below to see the whole playlist, or view it on YouTube. Mr. More Resources on How to Teach ELLs With Video For more sources of good videos designed for English-language development, and for ideas on how to use them, visit these websites: The Best Popular Movies/TV Shows For ESL/EFL (& How To Use Them) is an exhaustive collection that I've developed.
Strategies in Language Learning
Share your Song Lyric Sheets – EFL CLASSROOM 2.0
Let's share here, our song lyric sheets! I will upload most of mine, many which go with the videos in the discussion - International Singers in English. Here are the complete videos but for info. about each singer go to the discussion. Also, in our videos tagged "lyrics" - you can get a lyric sheet with the video and also activity ideas. Most of the time, I do a "foldem" lyric sheet.
Using Photos With English Language Learners
"A picture is worth a thousand words." -- Unknown Though the origin of this popular adage is unclear, one thing is clear: using photos with English-Language Learners (ELLs) can be enormously effective in helping them learn far more than a thousand words -- and how to use them. Usable images for lessons can be found online or teachers and students can take and use their own. The activities presented below connect to multiple Common Core Standards including the following ELA Standards: Integrate and evaluate information presented in diverse media and formats, including visually, quantitatively, and orally. Develop the topic with relevant, well-chosen facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples. Picture Word Inductive Model The Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM) is one of our favorites. Research has shown that it is an effective way for students to learn to develop vocabulary and to read. Thought Bubbles Picture Dictation Bloom's Taxonomy Image Detective
Universal Design for Learning: An Introduction
Universal Design for Learning aims to make modifications in three broad areas that together deliver a programme that will best meet the needs of all learners. In each area the barriers to success are identified and where possible removed or minimised. UDL identifies three essential Neural Networks that combine to produce effective learning, each network as a corresponding place in the learning process. Present information and content in different waysDifferentiate the ways that students can express what they knowStimulate interest and motivation for learning Universal Design for Learning is about identifying the needs of all learners and then planning to deliberately meet these needs. Is UDL just making things easier, too easy? No. In some cases the barrier to learning may be that the intended task was too easy for the student. How can I learn more? CAST is the ideal starting point for an exploration of UDL and for resources to guide the development of programmes.
A CLIL TO CLIMB: Useful Resources
Here you will find a collection of links to some free useful resources; they're listed in alphabetical order. The links open on a new tab or window. If you find this page useful, PLEASE tell other people about it - you can tweet, send it to Facebook, etc at the end of the page. Most of these resources have been used by me at one time or another, and the links will be constantly updated, so be sure to keep coming back! Apps Any.Do Task ManagerCamera ScanDictionary.comDropboxMacmillan Sounds AppMusixmatch (The best audio player I've tried. Audio Editing and Podcasting AudacityAudioBooPodomaticSound Cloud (record and share)VocarooVoki Blog List (What other teachers are writing...) Delicious DiigoEvernoteLivebindersPearl TreesPocket (formerly Read it Later)Scoop.itStich.ItSymbaloo Browsers Google ChromeMozilla Firefox Business English Copyrights Referencing Generator (how to cite your sources) The Plagiarism CheckerWikipedia explains Creative CommonsCreating Comic Strips Images Mind Mappers Web Design
Programs | YOUmedia
YOUmedia is designed to support a leveling up process, which is a concept derived from the video gaming community that reflects how gamers advance through various challenges. Each level becomes slightly more challenging than the last. Players remain in a level until they have mastered it and are ready to advance. Youth at any level of expertise should be able to begin a program based on their personal interests and work individually and in collaborations with peers to gain experience. For example, in the student-developed video game podcast at YOUmedia Chicago, students level up by moving from being organized and directed by a mentor in creating a podcast to creating their own rotating feature for the podcast. Students can also level up by taking on specific roles within the production team including audio producer, host, editor and web master. Leveling up happens not only in terms of critical thinking about video games but also through acquiring digital skills.
Do's & Don'ts For Teaching English-Language Learners
The number of English-Language Learners in the United States is growing rapidly, including many states that have not previously had large immigrant populations. As teachers try to respond to the needs of these students, here are a few basic best practices that might help. We have found that consistently using these practices makes our lessons more efficient and effective. Modeling Do model for students what they are expected to do or produce, especially for new skills or activities, by explaining and demonstrating the learning actions, sharing your thinking processes aloud, and showing good teacher and student work samples. Don't just tell students what to do and expect them to do it. Rate of Speech and Wait Time Do speak slowly and clearly, and provide students with enough time to formulate their responses, whether in speaking or in writing. Don't speak too fast, and if a student tells you they didn't understand what you said, never, ever repeat the same thing in a louder voice!
20-Time In Education Inspire. Create. Innovate.
6 Tips for Making the Most of Film in the Classroom
With the advances in technology, it has never been easier to use or create films in classrooms - from elementary school to high school. And let’s face it, using film - whether watching them or actually making them - is often a heat motivator for students of all ages! There are teachers all over the world who are including YouTube or film clips in their lessons on a daily basis. However, although the technical aspects have got easier, this doesn’t necessarily mean that films are being used as effectively as they could be. This year, I’m making a real commitment to using film better in class. 3 Tips for Using Film in Class 1. 2. 3. 3 Tips for Making Films in Class This is where I think the real pedagogical strengths are! 1. 2. 3.Sometimes, it’s not about quality. How about you?
10 Technology Enhanced Alternatives to Book Reports
Resources >> Browse Articles >> Utilizing Technology Featured Author: Mrs. Kelly Tenkely Kelly Tenkely is a technology teacher in a private school. Kelly also trains teaching staff on integrating and implementing technology into the classroom. 6. A bookcast is a movie trailer-like audio review of a book that students can create and share with one another. 7. Capzles is an interactive timeline creator. 8. Wetpaint PBWorks and Zoho Wiki are outstanding online wikis where students can write reviews about books they have read and share them with other students. 9. This incredible website motivates students in 3rd to 8th grade to read using fun podcasts and web videos. 10. This is a great place for students to discuss common genres and books online.