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Math Bits Secondary Math Resources with the Common Core

Math Bits Secondary Math Resources with the Common Core
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Free Trigonometry Tutorials and Problems Free tutorials and problems on solving trigonometric equations, trigonometric identities and formulas can also be found. Java applets are used to explore, interactively, important topics in trigonometry such as graphs of the 6 trigonometric functions, inverse trigonometric functions, unit circle, angle and sine law. Interactive Trigonometry Tutorials (Applets) Angles in Trigonometry Angle in Trigonometry. Trigonometric Functions Periods Of Trigonometric Functions. Unit Circle in Trigonometry Trigonometric Equations and the Unit Circle. Inverse Trigonometric Functions Inverse Trigonometric Functions. Trigonometry Questions with Solutions Angles Trigonometry Angle Questions With Answers. Trigonometric Functions - Questions With Answers. Analytical Trigonometry Tutorials (Problems, Examples with solutions) Solving Trigonometric Equations Trigonometric Equations. Trigonometry Problems Solve Trigonometry Problems. Trigonometric Identities and Their Applications Trigonometric Identities.

MathNEXUS: Mathematics Portal For the past 29 years, I have taught a mathematics history course, and was even the creator of the course at my university. During this time, I have learned not only a great amount of the history of mathematics, but also have gained experience on how to integrate math history ideas into my normal teaching of mathematics. In an attempt to share some of this gained knowledge and experiences, I now announce the release of a new website Teaching Mathematics History. FREE resources that are being made available: ​An extensive set (about 300 pages) of problem-solving lessons that include student materials, teacher commentary, problem sets, problem commentary, associated writing topics, and references. A multi-level reference list of historical resources that focus on the history of mathematics, ranging from texts to articles. On opening page, you will find links to my two other websites....please explore them as well.

A Stunningly Simple Way To Explain Pi A Stunningly Simple Way To Explain Pi by TeachThought Staff The Digital Media Part Among the most underappreciated gifts of digital media is animation. Animation sounds pretty pedestrian until you imagine a world without it. GIF animations (we pronounce it “jiff”, FWIW) are comprised of a short series of images that produce simple animation. Along with the emoticon, they’re even being used in communication. “These animated GIFs consist of brief loops of bodies in motion, primarily excerpted from recognizable pop culture moments, and are used to express common ideas and emotions. GIF animations are nascent little bits of code, only recently given “Word of the Year” recognition in 2012 by Oxford Dictionary. The Math Part So there’s that–which brings us to the above animation shared by reddit user merelyhere that brilliantly illustrates the significance of “pi.” A Stunningly Simple Way To Explain Pi

Puzzles and Tests (Archimedes Laboratory Project) Math As A Second Language Matemáticas experimentales Han pasado ya 15 años desde que se celebró un importante acontecimiento en el mundo matemático: en 1992, la Unión Matemática Internacional (IMU) declaró el año 2000 como el Año Mundial de las Matemáticas con los objetivos de determinar los grandes desafíos matemáticos del siglo XXI, proclamar a las matemáticas como una de las claves fundamentales para el desarrollo e impulsar la presencia de las matemáticas en la sociedad de la información. La UNESCO acordó en su Conferencia General de 1997 su apoyo y el patrocinio de esta iniciativa. Fue un año de intenso trabajo; alguno de los proyectos llevados a cabo ha conseguido sobrevivir al olvido en diferentes formatos. Uno de estos proyectos ‘supervivientes’ es la exposición virtual interactiva MatemáticasExperimentales realizada por el centro de culturacientífica Centre.Sciences con la colaboración de la UNESCO. Referencias:

Graphs of Functions and Algebra - Interactive Tutorials Free tutorials using java applets to explore, interactively, important topics in precalculus such as quadratic, rational, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric, polynomial, absolute value functions and their graphs. Equations of lines, circles, ellipses, hyperbolas and parabolas are also explored interactively. Graph shifting, scaling and reflection are also included. The definition and properties of inverse functions are thoroughly investigated. A graphical approach to 2 by 2 systems of equations is included. These tutorials can be used either as complements to topics already studied or to learn a new topic through exploration. Functions Questions on Functions (with Solutions). Fractions interactive tutorial on fractions Explore fractions interactively using an applet.

Radio 4 - 5 Numbers - Index Laura Candler's Whole Numbers File Cabinet In this section of the Math File Cabinet you'll find engaging activities to use for whole number place value and basic computation. Many of them use cooperative learning strategies and work well in math centers. Most of the freebies on this page don't include directions or answer keys, but you're welcome to use them to create your own classroom lessons. For more information on math stations and math centers, visit the Math Center page. Featured Whole Number and Operations Freebies More Place Value and Number Sense Freebies Featured Place Value Math Games Whole Number Computation Resources Multiplication Resources This page on Teaching Resources includes resources for helping students master their multiplicaton facts, including a free webinar and links to helpful websites.

Wonders of Math - The Game of Life What is the Game of Life? by Paul Callahan Rules of the Game of Life Life is played on a grid of square cells--like a chess board but extending infinitely in every direction. A cell can be live or dead. A live cell is shown by putting a marker on its square. A dead cell is shown by leaving the square empty. To apply one step of the rules, we count the number of live neighbors for each cell. A dead cell with exactly three live neighbors becomes a live cell (birth). Note: The number of live neighbors is always based on the cells before the rule was applied. In Life, as in nature, we observe many fascinating phenomena. The rules described above are all that's needed to discover anything there is to know about Life, and we'll see that this includes a great deal. Life Patterns A good way to get started in Life is to try out different patterns and see what happens. The R-pentomino is the first pattern Conway found that defied his attempts to simulate by hand. How Complex Can Life Get?

CME Project | CME Project About the Program. The CME Project, developed by EDC’s Center for Mathematics Education and published by Pearson, is a coherent, four-year, NSF-funded high school mathematics program designed around how knowledge is organized and generated within mathematics: the themes of algebra, geometry, and analysis. The CME Project sees these branches of mathematics not only as compartments for certain kinds of results, but also as descriptors for methods and approaches—the habits of mind that determine how knowledge is organized and generated within mathematics itself. As such, they deserve to be centerpieces of a curriculum, not its by-products. The Program’s Structure. Core Principles. Habits of mind. Example of Habits of Mind: Mathematical habits are developed throughout the text and include visualization, performing thought experiments, reasoning by continuity or linearity, and mixing deduction with experiment. Research on CME Project.

Math Worksheets | Free Printable Math Worksheets Algebra II - Math for Morons Like Us As of July 1, 2013 ThinkQuest has been discontinued. We would like to thank everyone for being a part of the ThinkQuest global community: Students - For your limitless creativity and innovation, which inspires us all. Teachers - For your passion in guiding students on their quest. Partners - For your unwavering support and evangelism. Parents - For supporting the use of technology not only as an instrument of learning, but as a means of creating knowledge. We encourage everyone to continue to “Think, Create and Collaborate,” unleashing the power of technology to teach, share, and inspire. Best wishes, The Oracle Education Foundation
