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Jesse James Garrett: The Elements of User Experience

Jesse James Garrett: The Elements of User Experience
What the reviewers are saying: "brilliant" "invaluable" "a must-have" "an instant classic" "a quantum leap in explaining user experience" "will change the way you think about Web development" "the best book I have read so far about creating a great user experience" "there is probably no better book on the market that so clearly and rationally covers the entire area of user experience" read more reviews What it says on the cover: Smart organizations recognize that Web design is more than just creating clean code and sharp graphics. But creating the user experience can seem overwhelmingly complex. The Elements of User Experience cuts through the complexity of user-centered design for the Web with clear explanations and vivid illustrations that focus on ideas rather than tools or techniques. Advance praise for The Elements of User Experience: "Finally, a concise explanation of user experience that synthesizes its many disparate parts. From the Introduction: This is not a how-to book.

Your app makes me fat — Serious Pony An experiment asked one group of dogs to sit, just sit, nothing else, for a few minutes before being released to play with their favorite treat “puzzle” toy (the ones where the dog has to work at getting the treats out of it). The other group of dogs were allowed to just hang out in their crates before getting the treat puzzle. You know where this goes: the dogs that had to sit — exercising self-control — gave up on the puzzle much earlier than the dogs that were just hanging out in their crate.The dogs that were NOT burning cognitive resources being obedient had more determination and mental/emotional energy for solving the puzzle. Now think about what we're doing to our users. If your UX asks the user to make choices, for example, even if those choices are both clear and useful, the act of deciding is a cognitive drain. If your app is confusing and your tech support / FAQ isn't helpful, you’re drawing down my scarce, precious, cognitive resources. Your app makes me fat.

Bonnes pratiques pour l'interface utilisateur Ces lignes directrices sont conçues pour aider les développeurs et les designers à créer une expérience cohérente et agréable sur ​​le bureau elementary. Elles ont été écrites pour les concepteurs d'interfaces, les graphistes et les développeurs de logiciels qui travailleront sur ​​elementary OS. Elles définiront non seulement des éléments et des principes de conception spécifiques, mais instilleront également une philosophie qui vous permettra de décider quand il sera approprié d'y déroger. Pour vous aider à atteindre ces objectifs, ces lignes directrices couvriront les éléments de base de l'interface, comment les utiliser et les agencer de manière efficace, ainsi que la conception d'une application s'intégrant correctement avec le bureau. Cependant, gardez à l'esprit qu'il s'agit de lignes directrices, pas d'un livre de loi. Pour les sections qui n'ont toujours pas été rédigées, veuillez vous référer au GNOME HIG Ce que le design n'est pas Concision Pensez en terme de modules Vitesse État
