Carte de France cliquable en SVG avec la librairie js Raphaël Je vous propose de faire une carte cliquable des régions françaises (hors Dom Tom), le but ici est d’avoir une carte compatible avec les anciens navigateur (oui même notre ami IE) et sur un maximum de terminaux, donc adieu flash (Flash n’étant pas supporté sur les ipad, iphone et Android). On va donc se concentrer sur le format SVG (wikipédia) et surtout pour assurer la compatibilité avec les anciens navigateurs on va utiliser la librairie JS Raphael. Voici les étapes * Volontairement je ne m’étendrais pas sur la création du fichier SVG, mais sachez qu’avec un logiciel de dessin vectoriel comme inkscape, en sélectionnant un objet (les contours des départements par exemple) et en faisant Ctrl+ Maj + X (Editeur XML) la première ligne « d » correspond aux coordonnées dont nous avons besoin. Voilà vous avez téléchargé les fichiers, nous allons créer une simple page web nommée index.html, et un répertoire « js » pour nos fichiers javascript. Créer notre page web : <! Sources :
Circle, instagram icon By Neil Hainsworth View designer profile SVG - Base64 PNG - Base64 Help License: Free for commercial use (help for licenses) Additional sizes Free Social Icons - 143 vector (SVG) icons View all icons in icon set 17 comments SVG PNG AI CSH More Please wait SVG PNG AI CSH More SVG PNG AI CSH More SVG PNG AI CSH More SVG PNG AI CSH More SVG PNG AI CSH More SVG PNG AI CSH More SVG PNG AI CSH More SVG PNG AI CSH More SVG PNG AI CSH More SVG PNG AI CSH More SVG PNG AI CSH More SVG PNG AI CSH More SVG PNG AI CSH More SVG PNG AI CSH More SVG PNG AI CSH More SVG PNG AI CSH More SVG PNG AI CSH More SVG PNG AI CSH More SVG PNG AI CSH More View all icons in icon set Related icons SVG PNG AI More SVG PNG AI CSH More SVG PNG AI More Premium SVG PNG AI More SVG PNG AI CSH More SVG PNG AI CSH More PNG More SVG PNG AI CSH More SVG PNG AI CSH More SVG PNG AI More SVG PNG AI More SVG PNG AI CSH More SVG PNG AI CSH More SVG PNG AI CSH More Sponsors
The Making of Octicons Animating Along a Curved Path This demonstrates how to animate the position of an element along a curve. Click the button or drag the dots to see the animation. You can use this example as a tool to find the right XY values for start, end, and control points that will give you the right shape path for your own animation on a curve. The curved line shown here between points 0 and 3 is just for preview purposes, and is not part of animation on a curve. To see anim along a path, click the button above, or drag point 0, 1, 2, or 3. The X and Y of point 0 is [92,103] The X and Y of 1, 2, and 3, are the sub-arrays in array value of "curve:" in the anim.set() Setting up the HTML First we add some HTML to animate. <div class="example"><button id="btn-animate" class='yui3-button'>Animate On Path</button><div id="demo">A</div></div> Creating the Anim Instance Now we create an instance of Y.Anim, passing it a configuration object that includes the node we wish to animate. Changing Attributes Running the Animation Complete Example Source
Sweet16sitesforcollegestudents.pdf 20 @fontface Icon Sets The pros for using @fontface icon sets far outweigh the cons. First of all, there are the obvious benefits of being infinitely scalable and being able to style them dynamically using any CSS property (color, gradients, shadow…). Secondly, its much easier to manage one single font file as opposed to juggling lots of individual images or having to create sprites. Thirdly, a single font file will only need a single HTTP Request for all the icons you use. And finally, just to round things off and finally convince you of the benefits of using @fontface icons, they look amazing. As @fontface icons are a relatively new trend that is slowly moving into the mainstream, there are very few icon-sets that are available in a font format. Modern Pictograms Number of Icons/Characters: 89 Price: Free License: Open Font License → Download Page: Modern Pictograms → Web Symbols Typeface Number of Icons/Characters: 77 Price: Free License: SIL Open Font License (OFL) → Download Page: Web Symbols Typeface → Fico
Beachfront B-Roll The Secret to Ultra-Sharp Photos The following post on The Secrets to Ultra-Sharp Photos is by San Francisco based photographer Jim M. Goldstein. Learn more about him at the end of this post. As previously noted the best photo tip I ever received had to do with sharpness and up until the time in which I received this tip I had little understanding of how to consistently get sharp photos. I’ll never forget when I was a teenager I borrowed my mothers film SLR and ventured out into Yosemite valley while on a family vacation to photograph flowers, the landscape, etc. Whether you’re using film or digital cameras the optics of lenses hasn’t changed as optics are all about math and physics. “When the lens is focused on the hyperfocal distance, the depth of field extends from half the hyperfocal distance to infinity.” – Photography, Phil Davis, 1972. The short and sweet tip for those using shorter focal length lenses is to focus 1/3 of the way into your photo with a smaller aperture setting to maximize your depth of field. where
HTML for Icon Font Usage Where are we at right now in terms of the best markup for using icon fonts? Let's cover some options I think are currently the best. You want the icon to enhance a wordYou want the icon to stand alone but still be functional or informational And our major goals here are: As good of semantics as we can getAs little awkwardness for screen readers as possible This ground has been treaded before, but I think the following techniques are a small step forward. Enhancing a word Let's say we have a header like "Stats" and we want to set it apart from other headers on the page and emphasize it's meaning. <h2 id="stats" class="stats-title">Stats</h2> Result: So to get that icon in there (remember we're talking font icons here, we can't just pad the left and use a background) we'll need to insert some content. Using a pseudo element is tempting because 1) they aren't read by most screen readers 2) we don't need dedicated markup for the icon which is a semantic ideal. But alas! And the CSS is: Hey, it works
Personal & Family Financial Planning - University of Florida | Coursera About the Course This course is activity-based with emphasis on your life as the basis for your work. In addition, you will learn how to apply the principles you learn in a family environment. Course Syllabus Week 1 Understanding Personal Finance: Path to financial security and time value of money. Week 2 Financial Statements, Tools, and Budgets: Managing your flows and reviewing your statements. Week 3 Managing Income Taxes: Income tax basics. Week 4 Building and Maintaining Good Credit (Credit cards and consumer loans): Credit basics. Week 5 Managing Risk: Risk management basics and insurance overview. Week 6 Investment Fundamentals (Investing in stocks and bonds): Rules of investing; Debt and equity. Week 7 Investing through Mutual Funds (Retirement planning): Mutual funds and managed portfolios; create a personal investment plan. Week 8 Personal Plan of Action: Putting your personal plan together.
Free Icon Fonts for Web User Interfaces By Jacob Gube This roundup features 18 free icon fonts that can be used in your commercial projects. The icon fonts in this post are perfect for your app user interfaces (UIs). What are Icon Fonts? Icon fonts are font files that have symbols and glyphs (e.g. arrows, folders, magnifying glasses) instead of standard alphanumeric characters. Icon fonts are like dingbat fonts, but are designed specifically for UIs. And because they’re treated like web fonts, icon fonts: Have great cross-browser support (even IE6, for example, can render web fonts using the @font-face rule)Can be scaled on-the-fly if the user adjusts their web browser settingsCan be rendered with different colorsCan embody font- and text-related CSS properties (like text-shadow and gradient) See icon fonts in action by visiting my friend Chris Coyier’s icon fonts demo page. To learn how to use icon fonts, read this tutorial on CSS-Tricks: HTML for Icon Font Usage. Free Icon Fonts 1. Number of icons: 137. 2. Number of icons: 121. 3.
The Language and Tools of Financial Analysis - The University of Melbourne | Coursera About the Course This course is the first in the four-course Specialization Essentials of Corporate Financial Analysis and Decision-Making. In this course you will develop an understanding of the definitions of key accounting measures - but more importantly you will learn how accounting information is used on a daily basis in financial markets by analysts, investors and CFOs. Instructors from the University of Melbourne, together with their partners at BNY Mellon, bridge the gap between historical asset valuation reflected in financial statements and the forward-looking needs of market participants seeking to assess current value in the face of future uncertainty. Courses created in partnership with: Course Syllabus Module 1: An introduction to accounting principles: The language of capital markets Recommended Background Suggested Readings Texts which should be found on every finance professional’s shelf...Berk, J. & Demarzo, P. (2014) Corporate finance - the core (3rd ed.) Course Format
A roundup of great icon fonts Icon fonts are incredibly useful when designing a site, and have a huge number of advantages over regular icons. Because they are delivered as a font file and embedded like a font, these icons are easily scalable, their color can be altered live, rather than having to edit images; along with that, various effects can be added via coding, such as shadows, stroke effects, or gradients, making them far more versatile than images. Here, we will be rounding up some of the best icon fonts the world wide web has to offer, for you to use on your sites. Fico Fico is a fantastic looking font, presented on a beautiful site, which makes it a joy to download and use. Pixelated Pixelated is a font which, despite all it’s charm, has a practical use. Entypo Surprisingly for a font with 100+ icons, Entypo comes completely free of charge, and like Pixelated, is available for commercial use. Uicons Iconic Iconic is an open source icon set consisting of 171 icons in various formats, including as a font. Sanscons