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The Museum of the Future

The Museum of the Future
Posted: March 31st, 2014 | Author: Jasper Visser | Filed under: Technology | Tags: connections, innl, museum of national history, network, news, semantic web, website | 0 CommentsinShare0 When we learned that the Museum of National History was going to disappear late 2011, we tried to find a new home for our highly successful (and often un-museum-like) products. Last week the new home for our INNL website and network was announced. The platform Oneindig Noord-Holland (Endless North-Holland) has taken over the content and ideas of INNL and will incorporate them in a new and revised version of their own platform, due later this year. The award winning INNL website told stories about the history of the Netherlands in a social and connected way. The innl-network connected these stories with the wider web and collections from other institutions, and allowed everybody to access these collections in an easy and intuitive way to tell their own stories.

Enhancing Museum Narratives with the QRator Project: a Tasmanian devil, a Platypus and a Dead Man in a Box Steven Gray, Claire Ross, Andrew Hudson-Smith, Melissa Terras, Claire Warwick; University College London, UK Abstract Emergent mobile and web-based technologies offer museum professionals new ways of engaging visitors with their collections. Marshall McLuhan Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Étudiant les transformations culturelles apportées par l'imprimerie dans le monde occidental, il considère que le médium de communication a plus d'importance que son contenu, comme il l'énonce dans la formule « Le message, c'est le médium »[n 1], et tente de prévoir les bouleversements qu'entraînera la télévision. Biographie[modifier | modifier le code]

Memorias del mundo campesino: escuelas radiofónicas (1947-1988), una experiencia educativa forjada en el campo ​El Museo Nacional de Colombia presenta la exposición temporal Memorias del mundo campesino: escuelas radiofónicas (1947-1988), una experiencia educativa forjada en el campo, la cual se exhibirá a partir del 16 de abril en la Sala de Adquisiciones Recientes. Por medio de un aparato radial de 1954, fotos testimoniales de las décadas de 1950 a 1970, así como de algunas cartillas educativas desarrolladas por Radio Sutatenza, la exposición busca recordar el contexto de alfabetización y educación no formal del campesinado colombiano durante las décadas de mayor transformación del país, cuando su identidad dejó de ser rural y se convirtió en urbana. Memorias del mundo campesino: escuelas radiofónicas (1947-1988), una experiencia educativa forjada en el campo se presenta en el Museo Nacional de Colombia, gracias a la donación de piezas de la Fundación Acción Cultural Popular. La entrada a la muestra es gratuita.​ Información de interés

exploring museums, technology, and ideas Museum 2.0 The Museum Visitor That Didn’t Exist In 1979 - Museum Hack Not so long ago, the idea of calling your friend from another country was an absurd idea. But technology made it happen. And not so long ago, the idea of carrying a computer in your hand was an absurd idea. But technology made it happen. Filip Noterdaeme: The Drama of the Gifted Duchamp Here is a gem of a show that, although small in scale, yields too many intellectual and aesthetic pleasures to be ignored. Duchamp champion and scholar Francis M. Naumann has orchestrated a family reunion of sorts where four out of the six Duchamp siblings partake as if in a rendezvous d'outre tombe. Three brothers -- Raymond, Jacques, and Marcel, and one sister, Suzanne -- light the lights while delighting in sophisticated puns and tender double entendres.

HIGH LINE BILLBOARD: Maurizio Cattelan and Pierpaolo Ferrari for Toilet Paper Maurizio Cattelan (b. 1960, Italy) lives in Milan and New York. Recent solo exhibitions include Foundation Beyeler, Riehen, Switzerland (2013); Whitechapel Gallery, London (2012); the Menil Collection, Houson (2010); the DESTE Foundation for Contemporary Art, Athens (2009); and the Tate Modern, London (2007), among others. A major retrospective of his work was shown at the Guggenheim Museum, New York in 2011. Turntable: Listen & Rate Music Online With Your Friends (US only) Spotify and iTunes are great for listening to music, but when it comes to adding the social element to it, nothing beats Turntable. Turntable is a web service that lets you listen to music with other people online. Everybody in a virtual room takes turn to become the DJ and play their song. Other people can then vote on the song being great or lame. If enough lame votes accumulate, the song is skipped. The whole room listens to the song at the same time and you can also chat with anybody in the room while listening to music.
