LightWindow Demo After researching every single modal window, lightbox, slimbox, etc out there nothing fit the bill. Granted some of them were very nice but only fit a specific purpose, others were a nightmare on the code end, and others were just hacks of another. None of them truly supported all of the features we needed and those that were close could not be easily adapted without a bottle of Prozac near by. Other caveats were the complete lack of ability to style and position the system, and the insane over-kill of some of the systems trying to reproduce either another desktop (As if most computer users aren't confused enough) or the reproduction of a popup window (Show me someone who likes popup windows...). Backwards Compatibility: Tested in Windows Firefox/IE6/IE7/Safari3/Opera & Mac Firefox/Safari/Opera/Netscape (Keep in mind my theme that I have provided can be changed and the advanced level of the theme has an effect on browser compatibility). Quicktime Movie Example - 20MB Local File! or Media
Graphic arts Graphic artists at work during the 1960s A type of fine art, graphic art covers a broad range of art forms. Graphic art typically is two-dimensional and includes calligraphy, photography, drawing, painting, printmaking, lithography, typography, serigraphy (silk-screen printing), computer graphics, and bindery. Graphic art also consists of drawn plans and layouts for interior and architectural designs.[1] The responsibility for effective communication also falls under the auspices of the graphic designer. History[edit] Throughout history, technological inventions have shaped the development of graphic art. Johannes Gutenberg invented an improved movable type mechanical device known as the printing press in 1450, the first outside of Asia. Again during the Renaissance years, graphic art in the form of printing played a major role in the spread of classical learning in Europe. The next major change in graphic arts came when the personal computer was invented in the twentieth century.
Lauren blah to TADA! jQuery.ScrollTo Notice I've pretty much stopped updating this blog, but the plugin development is still on-going. You can find the link to the Github project page at the bottom of the article. Introduction An article about animated scrolling with jQuery inspired me to make a small, customizable plugin for scrolling elements, or the window itself. How to specify what to scroll ? Simple, all the matched elements will be scrolled, for example: $('div.pane').scrollTo(); If you need to scroll the window (screen), then use: $.scrollTo(); How to specify where ? Settings Getting the real scrollable element out of a node In order to find the real element whose attributes will be animated, you need to call $.fn. $(window). Manually finding the scrolling limit ScrollTo always had an internal function that calculates the scrolling limit for both axes. Overloading This plugin accepts the arguments in two ways, like $.animate(). $().scrollTo( , , ); $().scrollTo( , ); In this second case, you can specify the duration in the hash.
Finding Alternative Sources Of Typographic Layout In Our Surroundings - Smashing Magazine Advertisement Studying art and design usually starts with a deep exploration of elements and principles. Among these elements, the most basic ones — line, point and plane — usually figure in a work of art or design. Thus, we can abstract art and design compositions to lines, points and planes when analyzing them. The Framework Of Sources For Typographic Layout According to Wucius Wong in his book Principles of Form and Design (page 42), point, line and plane can be considered conceptual design elements because, although they are not always explicit or visible, they seem to be present by implication. In most art and design classes, students are asked to analyze the structure of a painting or design in order to better understand principles of organization. Learning To Abstract What We See Most of us live in a relatively static environment, whether urban or rural. (Photo courtesy of the Urban Studies Department, Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois.) Linear abstraction. Linear abstraction #2.
ChangeThis tiny owl knits CSS Layouts: 40 Tutorials, Tips, Demos and Best Practices - Noupe Design Blog Jul 28 2008 The main idea behind CSS-based layouts is offering more flexibility and enhancing the visual experience of visitors. Some important tips and related key-factors can help to learn basics and keep essential techniques in mind. And this is what this article is all about. Finding the perfect Layout that have Total Flexibility, Equal Height Columns and just works fine. So we’ve decided to take a deep look at articles about CSS-based layouts and the result was a list of 40 tutorials, resources and best practices offering gorgeous and valid CSS-based Layouts. You might be interested to check other CSS related posts: CSS Layout Tutorials 1-Three column fixed layout structure using CSS- This post explains how to realize an HTML/CSS basic structure to design a simple three column fixed page layout with standard elements (logo top bar, navigation bar, text stage, center column for post categories and right column to insert Google AdSense 120X600 ads), to use in your projects. Best Practices
Public Domain Clip Art A Little Bit of DC