Digitally excluded households miss out on 1bn savings a year Blog » It’s Not About the Tools. It’s About the Skills Many times, I see eyes glazing over, when I excitedly speak with parents or administrators about blogging, skyping or podcasting with students. Many of them, unfamiliar with the tools, will immediately feel uncomfortable. Some will automatically and immediately steer the conversation back to what they know: What about learning the basics, like reading, writing, math and science? I usually try to explain and emphasize, that these skills are precisely what are being taught. Parents and administrators, unfamiliar with the tools, also seem worried that “important” academic time is being lost and wasted! In an attempt to explain that there is so much more involved when using technology tools, I blogged a few months ago, We Podcasted Today So, did you learn anything? Take a look at the visuals below: Podcasting Skill Video Conferencing Skills Blogging Skills Wiki Skills Digital Storytelling What are some other technology tools you are using in the classroom? Disclaimer: Podcasting Skills
Becta home DosPuntoCero » Artículo sobre páginas de Facebook y bibliotecas El sitio de redes sociales Facebook lanzó en noviembre de 2007 una forma de presencia institucional, las páginas Facebook . Si hace unos años nos planteábamos si estar en Facebook o MySpace , parece que la situación se ha redirigido a plantear si hay que estar en Facebook y/o en Tuenti , aunque el sitio español continúa buscando un elemento de presencia para organizaciones y empresas (bueno, distinto a la publicidad de pago). Para las bibliotecas que optan por Facebook el debate es sobre si el modelo de presencia debe ser el perfil (como un usuario más) o una página (como una organización, más). Con esa idea escribí hace ya unos meses el artículo “ Las bibliotecas universitarias y Facebook : cómo y por qué estar presentes ” en El Profesional de la Información vol. 17, núm 6 (nov-dic, 2008) . En él se plantean los criterios para seleccionar una red social u otra y porque prefiero las páginas a los perfiles. ¿Y vosotros? Corrección importante (18/01/2010) Lamento mucho mi error.
Technology - Why $50bn may not be much between friends Even by the standards of the dotcom bubble, when billionaire twenty-somethings seemed to be minted daily, the news that 26-year-old Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is worth $12bn – at least on paper – has turned heads. If a new bubble is inflating in Silicon Valley, Facebook looks like proof. The social networking site was, until recently, seen as little more than a time-sink for teenagers. But the $50bn price tag slapped on by Goldman Sachs – the closest thing Wall Street has to an official stamp of approval – has seen investment euphoria over hot Californian start-ups reach levels not seen since the heady early 2000s. Mr Zuckerberg is best known as the preternaturally smart (but socially awkward) Harvard dropout from the film The Social Network, a strong contender for this year’s best picture Oscar. Yet his company is now judged to be worth twice what Google was valued at when it went public. This has set up a fascinating tussle over the future of the web.
The seven secrets behind great teaching - Features - TES Connect Teaching skills: ways to help improve teacher’s effectiveness Comment:3.5 average rating | Comments (46)Last Updated:7 March, 2014Section:Features What makes the good stand out from the rest? Stephen Covey’s business self-help book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, has sold more than 15 million copies. The book lists seven principles that, if adopted as habits, can help people become truly effective at what they do. But what makes teachers highly effective? The TES magazine teamed up with business psychologists Crelos to analyse the personalities, motivations and behaviour of 15 award-winning teachers to uncover the seven habits that make them successful in the classroom. How the research worked We chose our research group to represent a cross-section of the teaching population - from teaching assistants, primary and secondary teachers to heads, who were assessed through a series of tests and interviews. 1. 2. 3. This behaviour is collectively the most prominent among teachers.
7 Things You Should Know About Facebook Information literacy—the ability to negotiate the opportunities and risks of the Internet age—is increasingly important. Facebook, a leading social networking site, highlights the information literacy challenges college students face. The site allows individuals to create profiles that include almost anything they want to post and dynamically links their information to others with similar information. The "7 Things You Should Know About..." series from the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI) provides concise information on emerging learning practices and technologies. In addition to the "7 Things You Should Know About…" briefs, you may find other ELI resources useful in addressing teaching, learning, and technology issues at your institution.
Social graph This animation shows the different types of relations between social objects. User Eva is a friend of Adam and Kate, though Adam and Kate are not friends themselves. Peter's photo was "liked" by many users, including Eva. The term was popularized at the Facebook F8 conference on May 24, 2007, when it was used to explain that the Facebook Platform, which was introduced at the same time, would benefit from the social graph by taking advantage of the relationships between individuals, that Facebook provides, to offer a richer online experience.[2] The definition has been expanded to refer to a social graph of all Internet users. Since explaining the concept of the social graph, Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, has often touted Facebook's goal of offering the website's social graph to other websites so that a user's relationships can be made aware and put to use on websites outside of Facebook's control.[3] This can be accomplished through the Facebook Open Graph API. Issues[edit]