Apple by the Numbers [INFOGRAPHIC] Keeping up with Apple's growth is like sneezing with your eyes open — it's nearly impossible. That's why every so often we like to bring you an update of the latest Apple news, numbers and trends. The infographic below was designed by Sortable. It shares the latest Apple profits, revenues and cash-in-hand, along with the company's reach — 30% of smartphone users in the U.S. have an iPhone. SEE ALSO: The iPhone 5 Might Look Like This [PICS] Along with an impressive iPad market share (62%) and an astounding number of employees (over 30,000), don't forget one of Apple's most valuable properties — the App Store. Are you one among the millions of Apple customers? Thumbnail courtesy of Tibneo, DeviantArt.
Windows 8 Plans Leaked: Numerous Details Revealed | Windows 8, Windows Phone 8, Office 15 | Stephen Chapman @ MSFTKitchen A big thanks to @floo1989 for the heads-up! Over the weekend, the Italian Windows site “Windowsette” got a hold of some super secret squirrel Microsoft presentations apparently laying around on the internet somewhere. I took a look through every single one of these, slide-by-slide, so I’m quite confident these are the real deal. Microsoft Looks to Apple Included in these presentations is a rather telling (but obvious) slide which shows that Microsoft is clearly paying attention to Apple while planning Windows 8. Windows 8 Prototype Machine Speaking of Apple, I think the following prototype looks like some rejected Mac prototype (i.e. Windows 8 Product Cycle The following slide isn’t too telling in and of itself, but it serves to show how Microsoft has chosen to divide its Windows 8 product cycle into 3 main phases: Of note, these slides were apparently leaked or inadvertently released after being given to one Derek Goode at HP. Windows 8: Identity Evolved Windows 8 Consumer Target Audiences
[Infographie] Apple : l'impact des lancements de produits sur l'action depuis 2007 L’iPhone 5 deviendra enfin une réalité demain, lors de la conférence tant attendue d’Apple à San Francisco. Ce qui sera, selon la majorité des analystes Apple, le plus grand lancement de la firme jamais réalisé, devrait affoler le cours de son action. La société d’analyses statistiques allemande Statista a réalisé un ensemble de graphiques, repris par Finansakrobat et décrivant les fluctuations de la valeur du titre Apple sur un indice 100, pour chaque produit mobile lancé depuis 2007. On découvre ainsi qu’à J-5 du lancement d’un nouveau produit de la marque, l’action passe de l’indice 98 à 100, pour retomber à 95 à J+5. Concernant les iPhones, c’est le lancement du premier, en 2007, qui a le plus fait augmenter la valeur de l’action, passant de l’indice 96 à 112 en seulement 6 jours. L’action est cependant restée constante pour le lancement des trois iPads (2010, 2011, 2012), stagnant à une valeur de 100.
X Invasion 2 for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store Aussie men with facial hair have more sex - Are you up to the Man of 1000 Faces challenge? | The Daily Telegraph Aussie men have more sex with facial hair ... are you willing to join the Man of 1000 faces campaign? Source: The Daily Telegraph AUSSIE women find facial hair attractive and more men have sex and are "wilder in the bedroom". A national survey found 6 in 10 women agreed that men with facial hair have much more sex appeal than their cleaner cut counter parts, showing that today’s woman will put up with the occasional pash rash in return for a sexier looking bloke. Nearly two thirds of the men asked also agreed that having well-groomed facial hair gives them a much better success rate with women. A whopping 75% of men also confessed that sporting facial hair makes them ‘feel’ more attractive to women, with 76% declaring they feel more interesting with well-groomed facial hair and 68% going as far to say they think their chin rug gives them more personality! Australian stylist and grooming expert Jeff Lack, says:
Exclusive: Yoko Ono talks about LENNON remasters coming this October | IMAGINE PEACE Dear Friends In this very special year, which would have seen my husband and lifetime partner John Lennon reach the age of 70, I was surprised that so many musicians from all over the world sent me their ideas of how they were making a tribute to John this year. But I was surprised the most by a call from EMI presenting me with a very ambitious project to get John Lennon’s voice – his singing, his music and his lyrics – out to the world this year. Going to Abbey Road every day and remastering the songs from his individual albums & singles – 121 of them – was very trying as a personal and professional experience. His voice could help us change the world for the better that is now in confusion and sadness. It was a joyful and painful experience at the same time for me as I worked, since I kept having the urge to tell John in person how much I still respected him and loved him as a fellow musician, listening to what he had done on every turn so effortlessly. love, yoko ➝ Amazon (USA, UK) 1.
Suivre vos envois postaux avec votre compte Twitter [Article mis à jour le 28 juin 2010] Vous possédez un compte Twitter ? Grâce au nouveau service Suivi avec Lisa proposé par La Poste, recevez, dès qu'elles sont disponibles, les informations de suivi de vos courriers et colis postaux dans Twitter, par message privé (Direct Message).Le principe Il s'agit d'un service automatisé et gratuit. Une fois abonné au compte Twitter de suivi, il vous suffira d'envoyer à ce compte un message privé, avec le numéro de suivi à 13 caractères d'une lettre ou d'un colis, pour recevoir en retour les informations de suivi, également par message privé. Pour vous abonner 1 Connectez-vous sur la page du compte Twitter suivi_avec_lisa en cliquant sur ce lien : 2 Si vous n'êtes pas connecté à votre compte, un bouton jaune Inscrivez vous est affiché en haut de la page. Revenez ensuite à la page précédente, et tapez sur la touche F5 pour actualiser la page. Pour suivre un courrier ou un colis
HorseShoes PRO™ for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store Le pont, le vit et le FSB 24 juin 2010 | Partager : Un phallus géant de 65 mètres par 27 est apparu nuitamment sur un pont-levis de Saint-Pétersbourg. L’organe a été peint sur le sol en un temps record par le collectif moscovite Voïna (La guerre), spécialisé dans l’art de rue. Cible de cette action : le bâtiment du FSB (Service fédéral de sécurité), dont les fenêtres donnent sur le pont Liteïny. Les quarante artistes ont opéré en vingt-trois secondes avant de prendre la poudre d’escampette. VuvuzelaOff for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store
Earth's Gravity Seen in HD | Universe Today Want to stay on top of all the space news? Follow @universetoday on Twitter New map of Earth's gravity field from GOCE. The sleek and sexy-looking GOCE satellite has provided a new, finely detailed look at Earth’s gravity – in high definition. GOCE stands for Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer. The geoid is a measure of the lumps and bumps in Earth’s gravity, and shows how the surface would look if an ocean covered the earth, also known as surface of equal gravitational attraction and mean sea level. GOCE in orbit. The GOCE team presented their initial data at ESA’s Living Planet Symposium. “Over continents, and in particular in regions poorly mapped with terrestrial or airborne techniques, we can already conclude that GOCE is changing our understanding of the gravity field,” said Floberghagen. “The computed global gravity field looks very promising. Anaglyph images created from an ESA video animation of global gravity gradients. Souces: ESA, BBC Tagged as: GOCE
ReBounce: evolved breaking for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store