Programs of Study
The Department of Psychology offers research-based Bachelor of Science programs that focus on the experimental and biological approaches to the discipline rather than on a clinical approach to Psychology often found at other universities. We do not have any BA programs based in the Social Sciences; Psychology at the University of Toronto is based in the Life Sciences. The Department of Psychology at the St.
Teacher Resources
The Library of Congress offers classroom materials and professional development to help teachers effectively use primary sources from the Library's vast digital collections in their teaching. Find Library of Congress lesson plans and more that meet Common Core standards, state content standards, and the standards of national organizations. Discover and discuss ways to bring the power of Library of Congress primary sources into the classroom. Go to the blog Subscribe to the blog via e-mail or RSS.
HMB220H - Introduction to Neurobiology - Online Course
An introductory course that explores the neuroanatomy and neurophysiology of selected types of human behaviour. Topics (may vary yearly) include addiction, sexual behaviour, and autism. Critical analysis and debating of the available scientific evidence is used to enrich learning.
Teachers - Overview - The Civil War Through a Child's Eye - Lesson Plan
Back to Lesson Plans Lesson Overview The Civil War through a Child's Eye lesson focuses on the use of historical fiction and primary sources to expand students' perceptions of the Civil War era.
Preparation — UCLA Psychology Department: Home
The Department of Psychology invites applications from students of high intellectual and scientific aptitude, especially those interested in shaping the future of psychology through research. The Department offers the Ph.D. degree, a five year, full-time program. Candidates seeking only the M.A. , part-time, or limited student status are not admitted. A Bachelor’s degree (Bachelor's or Arts or Bachelor's of Sciences) or its equivalent from an accredited university worldwide is not required to apply to our program, but is required to enter our program. A Master’s degree is not required to apply or enter our program.
Teaching Resources
VocabularySpellingCity’s Teaching Resources pages provide free lesson plan ideas and supplemental materials for teachers in all subject areas and grade levels. K-12 teachers can access background information on grade level topics to assist in creating extensive lesson plans for English Language Arts concepts like grammar or figurative language. The Educational Topics section offers teachers information on research-based best practices, such as how to effectively implement literacy centers. To further enhance lesson plans, teachers will find free K-12 literacy teaching resources and K-12 content specific vocabulary lists.
Application & Instructions — UCLA Psychology Department: Home
BE SURE TO READ The Ph.D. Program: An Overview and Preparing for Admission PRIOR TO READING THIS SECTION! In addition, be sure to visit the link to the specific program to which you plan to apply for additional information.
Social Studies
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University of British Columbia
Each year the Department accepts between 15 and 25 students from approximately 300 applicants. Although exceptions are sometimes made to the following requirements, these are rare. Master's Degree The usual prerequisite to the MA program is a four-year BA or BSc with a major or honours in Psychology. Students should have at least an 80% (or a GPA of 3.5) average in the last two years of undergraduate courses.
Teaching Resources
Xpeditions is now archived in National Geographic Education's new website— If you liked Xpeditions, you'll love the new media-rich Explore the new site now for activities, maps, interactives, videos, homework help, and more! Please note: to search for Xpeditions content, check the “include archive” filter.
Faculty — UCLA Psychology Department: Home
A., Barr, C.S., Blendy, J.A., Oslin, D., Goldman, D., & Anton, R.F. (in press). The role of the Asn40Asp polymorphism of the mu opioid receptor (OPRM1) gene on alcoholism etiology and treatment: a critical review. Alcoholism Clinical and Experimental Research. Ray, L.A., Bujarski, S., Chin, P.F., & Miotto, K.