Nik's QuickShout Tecnologia e a presença social The English Blog Adult Education and Technology Um exemplo real de observação de sala de aula O coordenador precisa adotar uma posição de colaborador, e não de fiscal, junto ao docente. Foto: Manuela Novais Um dos recursos mais valiosos que o coordenador pedagógico pode utilizar no processo de formação continuada é a observação de sala de aula. Assistir à interação entre professor e alunos no momento em que ela acontece é uma excelente maneira de coletar dados reais e, a partir deles, ter subsídios para discutir com o docente as possibilidades de intervenção. Para o coordenador, é também ocasião para verificar se a formação oferecida tem impactado efetivamente no dia-a-dia da escola e corrigir falhas. O problema é que nem sempre o professor se sente confortável com a presença do coordenador dentro da sala. Esse desconforto é fruto, principalmente, da ausência de clareza sobre o que será observado e das reais motivações da observação. Gostaria de compartilhar com você uma observação que realizei na escola em que atuo, como parte de uma formação sobre cálculo mental. Um abraço,
Kevin's Meandering Mind « If you don't live it, it won't come out of your horn. ~ Charlie Parker Ellclassroom Over the course of my 15 years of teaching in the classroom, there has been a continual debate over management vs. engagement. The argument is that if you create an engaging lesson, then management issues will fade away like a bad stain in the washing machine. The opposite has also been stated, if you have good management then “engagement” (which has been confused with compliance, in this instance), also increases. We need to look beyond the either/or to the both/and. A classroom should have good student management in place, but it should also include lessons/activities that are engaging. It is very difficult to have one without the other. The Management Side: It has been my stance for years that each teacher must decide for themselves what type of management system they want to have in their classroom. For those of you that are curious, I have a couple of podcasts of my management plan. The Engagement Side: The answers to these questions will help guide your lesson planning.
What do Principals Look for When They Hire? I like having student teachers in the building. They are predominantly bright and keen and excited, and they bring an influx of positive energy to our school. They also remind me that teaching and learning is fun and sometimes a little bit scary, and as much as the universities are doing a better job than ever preparing students for their work, there is still an awful lot to know about working with kids and working within an organization that cannot be learned by coursework alone, and the practicum sessions really help with that. It is also a great reminder of the power of a learning community and amount of collective wisdom on a staff. The first thing I want to clarify is that I never have seen teaching as a job. You need exact or very good credentials. Congrats, you made the short list and are going to be interviewed. Know something about the school where you are applying. Here are some quotes and contributions from other principals to add to the mix: Johnny Bevacqua, St. 1. 1. 1. 2.
The Best ESL/EFL Blogs “The Best…” list is going to be an expanding one. These are the ESL/EFL blogs that I subscribe to now, but I’m sure there are many more out there that I just don’t know about… I hope you’ll contribute their url addresses in the comments section! The criteria I used included that they are updated regularly (more-or-less), their focus is ESL/EFL, and that they provide information that I’ve found useful in my teaching. Here are my picks for The Best ESL/EFL Blogs (not in any order): David Deubelbeiss ELL Classroom Learning the Language Adult Education and Technology Life Is A Feast Learning Technology Blog Nik’s Daily English Activities Nik’s Quick Shout Technology News Burcu Akyol’s EFL Blog Jamie Keddie Kalinago English Six Things TEFLtastic Carl Dowse Movie Segments to Assess Grammar Goals Seth Dickens Carla Arena Think And Dream In English Teacher Boot Camp Ozge Karaoglu’s Blog The English Blog English Raven Marmara Elt/EFL Resources everythingESL Marisa Constantinides – TEFL Matters Ken Wilson’s Blog Related
Mrs. L's Teaching Blog Nik's Learning Technology Blog