trading cards > Adorno, Theodor (#7) > Beauvoir, Simone (#20, bootleg) > Beck, Ulrich (#24, bootleg) > Benjamin, Walter (#31, bootleg) > Burchill, Julie (#29, bootleg) > Butler, Judith (#2) > Compte, Auguste (#26, bootleg) > Deleuze & Guattari (#16, bootleg) > DuBois, W.E.B. (#28, bootleg) > Duchamp, Marcel (#18, bootleg) > Emin, Tracey (#9) > Foucault, Michel (#3) > Giddens, Anthony (#1) > Gilbert & George (#10) > Girl Power (#15, bootleg) > Goffman, Erving (#6) > Greer, Germaine (#27, bootleg) > Hooks, bell (#11) > Jung, Carl (#19, bootleg) > Kohut, Heinz (#21, bootleg) > Lacan, Jacques (#17, bootleg) > Lefebvre, Henri (#12) > Luhmann, Niklas (#32, bootleg) > Marx, Karl (#25, bootleg) > Pierre et Gilles (#14, bootleg) > (#22, bootleg) > Postmodernity (#5) > Psychoanalysis (#8) > Psychologists (#4) > Said, Edward (#13, bootleg) > Walkerdine, Valerie (#23, bootleg) > Weber, Max (#30, bootleg) + > The Bowling Green Bootlegs (5 emerging theorists)
Sociological Research Online - Home page Table of Contents abduction (Igor Douven) Abelard [Abailard], Peter (Peter King) Abhidharma (Noa Ronkin) abilities (John Maier) Abner of Burgos (Shalom Sadik) Abrabanel, Judah (Aaron Hughes) abstract objects (Gideon Rosen) accidental properties — see essential vs. accidental properties action (George Wilson and Samuel Shpall) action-based theories of perception (Robert Briscoe and Rick Grush) action at a distance — see quantum mechanics: action at a distance in actualism (Christopher Menzel) adaptationism (Steven Hecht Orzack and Patrick Forber) Addams, Jane (Maurice Hamington) Adorno, Theodor W. (Lambert Zuidervaart) advance directives (Agnieszka Jaworska) Aegidius Romanus — see Giles of Rome Aenesidemus — see skepticism: ancient aesthetic, concept of the (James Shelley) aesthetics aesthetics of the everyday (Yuriko Saito) affirmative action (Robert Fullinwider) Africana Philosophy (Lucius T. Outlaw Jr.) B [jump to top] C [jump to top] D [jump to top] Damian, Peter (Toivo J.
The Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology Sociology Careers At Kent Sociology can be studied with a variety of other subjects. The destination statistics below reflect all types of combinations available. Here are the occupational groups in which Sociology graduates nationally first gain employment, based on recent data. Clerical & Secretarial Management & Administration Associate Professional & Technical Occupations Personal Services Sales Professional Occupations These are examples of the employment areas first entered by Sociology graduates. Here are some examples of jobs where a Sociology degree may be useful. You can find a list of all the main jobs open to graduates of any subject by clicking here Here are some examples of the transferable skills developed as a result of studying Sociology. The latest destinations for all subjects including undergraduates and postgraduates at Kent can be found at Careers and Employability Service Resources SOCIOLOGY LINKS - Useful Websites
Qualitative Sociology Review For a long time, we have observed an increased interest in qualitative sociology, and the use of an interpretive frame to understand human actions, social processes, meanings and definitions, and new social theory generally. In order to enable a free flow of information and to integrate the community of qualitative sociologists, we have decided to create an open-access, international scientific journal. Qualitative Sociology Review publishes empirical, theoretical and methodological articles applicable to all fields and specializations within sociology. Volume XIII April 2017 is already available! All sociologists who make use of an interpretative paradigm and a qualitative research methodology are welcome to submit their articles and support our initiative.
Child poverty facts and figures Home/ Child poverty facts and figures June 2015 There were 3.7 million children living in poverty in the UK in 2013-14. That’s 28 per cent of children, or 9 in a classroom of 30. London is the area with the highest rates of child poverty in the country. Child poverty reduced dramatically between 1998/9-2011/12 when 1.1 million children were lifted out of poverty. JRF | The Joseph Rowntree Foundation A Virtual Library of Useful URLs Subject Headings Arranged by Dewey Decimal Classification: 000-999 We are in the process of updating all the resources in the virtual library The library will remain closed until we have updated all the links. The update will include only the most useful and authoritative websites on the internet. If you would like to suggest a high quality website then please use our contact form. We thank you for your patience. In the meantime please view our other resources by searching or browsing our literature and research guides. While the update in is progress we have deactivated all the links. Classification of Websites is loosely based on the Dewey Decimal System. To Virtual Library 001.4 Nobel Prizes, Awards, Rewards (Prizes, etc.), Contests, Competitions 002 Books See also 028 Books and reading, (eBooks), (e-Books) 004 Computers, Computer literacy, Computer systems 004.03 Computer science - Dictionaries, (Computer terms), (Computer jargon), (Computers - Jargon), (Computers - Dictionaries) 004.67 Internet, World Wide Web (WWW) 100 Philosophy 200 Religions
COURSES and CURRICULA RESOURCES © 1996-2015 AByT ! All Rights Reserved. Civilizations ConflictConflict Management and Social Systems - Instructor: Guy Burgess (University of Colorado at Boulder, USA). CriminologyBS Criminal Justice(BS) - Kaplan University The Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice is designed to provide you with a solid foundation in criminal justice and a broad liberal arts education to help prepare you for a new career or advancement within the field.* Contemporary Debates in Criminology - Eamonn Carrabine (University of Essex, UK) Crime, Communicatoin and Culture - Eamonn Carrabine & Paul Iganski (University of Essex, UK) Criminological Imagination - Paul Iganski & Eamonn Carrabine (University of Essex, UK) Criminological Theory - John Hamlin (University of Minnesota Duluth, USA) Our conception of the crime “problem” and our response to crime, particularly in terms of policy and programs, is predicated on a number of basic assumptions. CultureComputers and Human Values - Roger B. Labor Sociology