Vine for iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPod touch (3rd generation), iPod touch (4th generation), iPod touch (5th generation) and iPad on the iTunes App Store Majestic SEO : Backlink Checker & Site Explorer Becoming-Tech 3 Ways To Use Vine In The Project-Based Learning Classroom - Project-based learning (PBL) — an educational approach in which students work together to solve real-world problems — is redefining how many kids learn. Vine, a social video app purchased by Twitter, is growing in popularity — and fast. What happens when the two collide? PBL teachers across the country intend to find out. What Is Vine? Recently we took a more general look at Vine in the classroom, but in short, Vine is video’s answer to the popular photo-sharing app Instagram, with a bit of tumblr and twitter thrown in. This deceptively simple application allows users to capture and share six-second video clips–rather than pure gif animations–through social media. This is precisely some teachers have adopted Vine as an educational tool, especially in the PBL classroom. 3 Ways To Use Vine In The Project-Based Learning Classroom Vine and project-based learning classrooms might be a match made in pedagogical heaven–or at least #edtech heaven. How are teachers using Vine? 1. 2. 3.
How to Create a Useful Twitter Retweet Bot Twitter can be used in various, almost countless ways. In this post I am sharing a tip on how to create a useful Twitter RT bot that can be used to collect various Tweets around a keyword or a hashtag and retweet them. And before you start throwing stones at me calling me a Twitter spammer, let me give just a few examples of how this bot can be used to create real value: Think of a Twitter RT bot that will be used to collect Tweets around some SEO conference. So, I guess I made it clear why you might find this tutorial handy. Create a Yahoo! 1. Once you decided to create a Twitter bot, I suppose you already have the topic. 2. The reason I use Yahoo! Use Twitter search to grab the RSS feed. Filter your feed. Drag the Operator > Filter pipe from the navigation and add the following: Now, connect all three pipes (feed, filter and output) together and you are done! 1.First, drag Operators > Loop Pipe and insert it before the “Pipe output” Pipe; 2. 3. (!) And the output looks like this:
Newsvine How To Develop Android Apps Lesson 1: Create Project Sunshine with a Simple UI (5-8 hrs) Start by installing Android Studio, you’ll create your first project with a simple list-based user interface. You'll then build and deploy it to virtual and actual devices. Android Studio, Gradle, and debugging toolsUser Interface and Layout managersListViews and Adapters Lesson 2: Connect Sunshine to the Cloud (8-10 hrs) Replace the mock data with real weather data by connecting Sunshine up to an Internet back-end courtesy of the Open Weather Map API. Threading and ASyncTaskHTTP requests on web APIsAndroid Permission System Lesson 3: Create New Activities and Navigate Apps with Intents (8-10 hrs) Give your app structure and create more complex Activities. App navigation with Explicit IntentsImplicit Intents to incorporate 3rd-party apps Share Intent and the Android sharing frameworkBroadcast Intents and Broadcast Receivers Optional Project: Popular Movies, Stage 1 (5-10 hours) Optional Project: Popular Movies, Stage 2 (4-6 hours)
3 New Ways to Use Twitter at Live Events If you use Twitter, chances are you’ve tweeted from a live event. But there’s so much more Twitter can offer. In this article, I’ll share three secrets you’ve likely never heard of… But first, why do you attend offline events? Is it the lunch (invariably chicken and rice)? No, no and no. And in that regard, Twitter has a starring role. Beyond live tweeting, Twitter tools can give you a whole other level of live event benefits. #1: Follow ‘Em All With BlastFollow When I’m at an industry event where the attendees are almost universally interesting or relevant to my business, I want to follow them on Twitter. It’s an incredibly simple and effective concept. The system also shows you a list of everyone using the hashtag, and notes whether you’re already following them. #2: Keep a Digest With Twapper Keeper Having to decide between concurrent sessions is incredibly frustrating at good conferences. If any of those scenarios sound familiar, please welcome Twapper Keeper into your life.
<i>The Edupunks' Guide</i>: How to Do Research Online | Online Learning on GOOD It’s the best of times and the worst of times to be a learner. College tuition has doubled in the past decade, while the options for learning online and independently keep expanding. Anya Kamenetz's new free ebook The Edupunks’ Guide is all about the many paths that learners are taking in this new world, and we're running excerpts from the book all week. We're also asking GOOD readers to doodle your learning journey and submit the result by Sunday, September 11. There’s been a revolution in the way people spread knowledge. More and more people around the world are building on this knowledge revolution to explore new modes of learning and to transform what we mean by “education.” For many, the first step in an online learning journey is a simple Google search. Start with Google, the most-used search engine on the web. A successful online research session will leave you with 20 open tabs or windows at the top of your screen. Top Free Learning Resources Online
Tools for Monitoring Conversations in Twitter by Brian Solis Originally published at PR 2.0. We all know Twitter is an essential example of the conversations that help define Social Media. What if we could find the conversations that were important to us, even if we don’t follow the people engaged in those conversations? I think it would transform one of the hottest conversation-based communities on the Web into a goldmine of information and and catalyst for forging new relationships. In August 2007, I wrote about a public discussion including Chris Messina, Stowe Boyd, and myself on the value of creating channels within Twitter. Twitter leads the way for other forms of MicroMedia and represents a white hot medium for connecting people in a way that no one would ever believe possible.Along with its growth and continued rise in global popularity, the noise level in Twitter is also deafening. But up until recently, the conversations taking place on Twitter was progressive yet finite. Enter Tags need to be one word for now.
Sema Dress A VIRTUALLY TRANSPARENT DRESS: HOLD YOUR PHONE OVER THE TILE - and unveil Venus! //By reading the patterns with a mobile phone, underlying naked skin comes to the fore! Instead of being “dis-plays” on inaccessible AR-goggles, displayed on gadgets of everyday life, on the handy screen of a mobile phone. (see SM-Standard Model gadgetry as defined by RoYa, LS mag, issue 5, 2008) These Game Fashion series introduce a semacode-fashion-pattern as urban dress code 2008/09, to trickster mobile phone and surveillance cameras. dress-code //How does it work: If a player takes an image of a pattern-design of the fabic with a mobile pone camera, each pattern is replaced by an image. By reading the patterns with a mobile phone, underlying naked skin comes to the fore on the mobile phone display. QR-garments can be worn as modern camouflage battle dress. //Future features: Taken images upload to Web 2.0, create an artificial character by actions in real life.
How to Use Slideshare to Grow Brand Awareness and Capture Leads How to Find Websites and Domains owned by a Person? Learn how you can find the other websites (or domain names) that are owned by some person using online lookup tools. Say you are on a website and would like to know which other web domains are owned by the same person who owns that website. Is it possible? Yes there are some easy workarounds (and tools) that can help you find domains owned by an individual or a company though you may not be successful on every hunt. Step 1: Reverse Whois Lookups with Google When you register a web domain, your name, contact address, phone number and other details are stored with the domain in a public registry database that anyone can access online using a Whois Lookup tool. Go to and enter the domain name that you are trying to research. "PHONE_NUMBER" "STREET_ADDRESS" Replace Phone Number or Street Address in the above search queries with the actual data from the whois database. Step 2: Perform Reverse IP Lookups
Alexi Tauzin - Le blog d'un Community Manager: Les 14 facteurs principaux qui vont augmenter ou diminuer votre nombre de followers sur Twitter Le nombre de followers est important pour une bonne partie des personnes qui sont sur Twitter. Pour preuve, le nombre croissant d'outils, d'études et d'articles de blog sur "Comment augmenter son nombre de followers sur Twitter". Ce nombre de followers permet, entre autres, de mesurer (relativement) la notoriété d'une personne ou d'une entreprise sur Twitter, mais aussi, d'un point de vue plus personnel, de satisfaire ses besoins d’ego et de motivation personnelle. Voilà pourquoi trois chercheurs de la Georgia Institute of Technology et de l'Université du Michigan ont publié une étude sur les facteurs qui influencent la croissance du nombre de followers sur Twitter. Pour se faire, C.J. Voici les résultats de cette étude, qui regroupe ainsi les 14 facteurs principaux qui influencent votre nombre de followers sur Twitter, par ordre d'importance : Comme toujours avec les études, il existe certaines limites, notamment la taille du panel.