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How Does Google Work? Learn How Google Works: Search Engine + AdWords

How Does Google Work? Learn How Google Works: Search Engine + AdWords
The following infographic was created years ago when Google had a content-first focus on search. In the years since then, the rise of mobile devices has caused Google to shift to a user-first approach to search. We created a newer infographic to reflect the modern search landscape here. Vote on Hacker News, or Bookmark this on Delicious 600 Pixel Wide Version <p><a href=" src=" border="0" alt="How Google Works." Large Version <p><a href=" src=" border="0" alt="How Does Google Work?" Related:  Week 6: Google: A Deeper Dive (*=Key reading)

Lesson Plans – Search Education – Google Picking the right search terms Beginner Pick the best words to use in academic searching, whether students are beginning with a full question or a topic of just a few words. Advanced Explore "firm" and "soft" search terms, and practice using context terms to locate subject-specific collections of information on the web. Understanding search results Learn about the different parts of the results page, and about how to evaluate individual results based on cues like web addresses and snippets. Engage additional search strategies, such as generalization and specialization. Narrowing a search to get the best results Apply filtering tools and basic "operators" to narrow search results. Compare results for basic searches with ones that use operators to discover the impact the right operator has at the right time. Searching for evidence for research tasks Draw stronger terms from preliminary search results, identify evidence, and explore using various media to locate specific types of evidence.

Webmapping Retour à la page d'accueil de la veille Le Webmapping désigne, au sens large, tout ce qui relève de la cartographie en ligne sur Internet. Sous ce terme générique, on englobe différents types d'applications cartographiques allant du simple visualiseur à l'outil de cartographie thématique, voire au SIG en ligne. Leur point commun est d'être accessible à travers un simple navigateur Internet. Source : Cartographie Données générales Cartographie interactive de l'Observatoire des territoires Agriculture Cartographie interactive (Géoclip) dans Géoconfluences autour de l'agriculture et du développement durable Eau, Environnement Communications Cartes des transports maritimes Une carte du trafic maritime en temps réel Milieu urbain Géopolitique La cartographie comme outil de propagande Images satellites SatBeam, site de localisation des satellites en activité Cultures et religions Cartographie d'une enquête sur la religion aux États-Unis source : liste de diffusion géomatique INRP .

Facebook Now Drives More Traffic to Web Sites Than Google - The Steve Rubel Lifestream The Clip Report: An eBook on the Future of Media In the early 1990s when I began my career in PR there were clip reports. These were physical books that contained press clips. It seems downright archaic now but that’s how I learned about the press - by cutting, pasting up and photocopying clippings. Today my role is to form insights into how the entire overlapped media landscape - the pros, social channels, and corporate content - is rapidly evolving and to help Edelman clients turn these learnings into actionable strategies. Today I am re-launching my Tumblr site with a new name, a new focus and a new format. It all kicks off today with a 15-page installment of The Clip Report.

According to Google, Google docs is not (yet) a good alternative to Microsoft office ! The battle between google and microsoft is in progress, with a big battle Microsoft office / Google documents. Every day news come about new companies switching from Microsoft office to google doc. Last week, Dave Girouard gave an interview to ZDnet Asia. Dave Girouard is an important guy in google (he’s one of the company’s four presidents including founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin), so his words are important. And what he said in this interview was a big surprise for me. To make it short, he explained that google documents is not the good solution for enterprise yet, it will be in 1 year ! His exact words are : We wouldn’t ask people to get rid of Microsoft Office and use Google Docs because it is not mature yet he expects Google’s online document application, Google Docs, to reach a “point of capability” next year that will serve the “vast majority’s needs”.

Google’s Evolution of Search, my lament, and will a giant listen? When I watched Google’s recent video on the Evolution of Search, I found myself looking back nostalgically. But not in the way I was supposed to. I realized that my goals for student inquiry and information seeking are different from Google’s goals for user question answering. That we see our end user’s needs differently. And that I miss the Google I used to know. The celebratory Evolution video shares: The thing is, we are not always looking for answers. So, I continue to mourn the loss of Wonder Wheel, Directory, Newstimeline, Google Squared, Google Sets, FastFlip, the + operator, Google Labs itself, and most recently the Timeline that appeared in the left après-search search option panel. I also mourn the recent hiding of Advanced Search under the gear. Please understand that I am usually the first kid on the block to embrace change, the first kid on the block to teach and model resilience. I think we lost a lot these past two years, but . . . Who am I to make a suggestion?

Comment le web de données change-t-il la nature de la toile ? En rendant les contenus du web lisibles par les machines, le web sémantique bouleverse notre univers informationnel et ouvre de nouvelles opportunités propres à redéfinir la nature du Web : d’un web de document à un web de données. (ce billet est issue d’une note de synthèse, réalisée dans le cadre de mes activités universitaires. Il s’agit d’un bilan de lecture autour du web de données. Il m’a semblé intéressant de le republier ici pour solliciter l’avis des connaisseurs de ce sujet, et ouvrir le débat) 1. A peine avons-nous commencé à explorer les nouveaux modèles d’affaires du Web 2.0 que déjà se profile un nouveau paradigme prometteur : le web de données. Les applications du Web 2.0 reposent de plus en plus sur la gestion, l’analyse et l’exploitation des massives quantités de données issues des UGC. Nos historiques de navigation sont enregistrés, tous comme nos requêtes sur des applications tierces, et l’immense champ des flux de données plus ou moins bien structurés. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Worldwide Online Search Market Grows 46% US, China Lead in Total Number of Searches During December 2009, Internet users conducted 131.3 billion online searches, compared to 89.7 billion online searches in December 2008. The US led all countries in total online searches, conducting 22.8 billion. This represents 22% growth from 18.7 billion in December 2008. China ranked second with 13.3 billion searches, a 13% increase from 11.8 billion a year earlier. Japan came in at number three, growing 48% from 6.2 billion to 9.2 billion searches, followed by the UK, which grew 35% from 4.6 billion to 6.2 billion searches. Russia, France Lead in Search Growth Russia experienced the highest percentage of online search growth during December 2009, shooting up 92% from 1.7 billion to 3.3 billion searches. Brazil ranked third in online search growth, increasing 53% from 2.4 billion to 3.8 billion searches, which placed it eighth in total number of online searches. Google Dominates Total Number of Searches Yandex Leads Growth

BNF (French National Library) is ready to surrender to Google ! The BNF is the French National Library. For years, and especially when Jean-Noël Jeanneney was in charge of the BNF (2002-2007), BNF has refused to discussed with google to scan it’s books. Jeanneney wrote a book about it : “Google and the myth of Universal knowledge : a view from Europe”.The argument is that google is a US private company so : they will make money with it, wich is against french idea of universal access to booksthey will not scan everything, but they will make choices, and the criteria will be an US angle At one point of time French people wanted to launch an initiative “against” Google initiative to scan books Gallica. Today we learn that some discussions are ongoing between Google and the BNF. The reasons are easy : governments do not give money to do Gallica, and google proposes to do it for free. This is a very important news, it should make a lot of noise …

How Google Took Over the Classroom - The New York Times But that also caused problems in Chicago and another district when Google went looking for teachers to try a new app — effectively bypassing district administrators. In both cases, Google found itself reined in. Unlike Apple or Microsoft, which make money primarily by selling devices or software services, Google derives most of its revenue from online advertising — much of it targeted through sophisticated use of people’s data. “Unless we know what is collected, why it is collected, how it is used and a review of it is possible, we can never understand with certainty how this information could be used to help or hurt a kid,” said Bill Fitzgerald of Common Sense Media, a children’s advocacy group, who vets the security and privacy of classroom apps. Google declined to provide a breakdown of the exact details the company collects from student use of its services. Mr. Some parents, school administrators and privacy advocates believe that’s not enough. Mr.

Open Facebook Search Google set to acquire Waze for $1.3b The acquisition follows months of speculation involving Google, Facebook and Apple. Sources inform ''Globes'' that Google Inc. (Nasdaq: GOOG) will acquire Waze Ltd. for $1.3 billion. The acquisition of the Israeli navigation app and traffic report start-up will be completed after months of reports that Waze would be sold to either Google or Facebook Inc. Ra'anana-based Waze has almost 50 million users. Reports about a possible sale of Waze are not new. Another reason was that Waze insisted that its Israeli employees should continue working in Israel, which Facebook did not accept. In the past few months, there have been numerous reports that Apple Inc. Waze has developed one of the most popular navigation apps on the market. Waze was founded in 2009 and in October 2012, it announced a $30 million financing round from Horizons Ventures, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, and iFund. The deal will turn some Waze founders into multimillionaires. Comments Your comment Load more comments

*An Animated Look at "How Google Works" [Infographic] “Have you ever wondered how Google works? Sure, it has a complex algorithm that looks at hundreds of variables, but in simple terms…do you know how Google works?” via Quicksprout “Just Google it” has become the definitive expression for searching online for practically anything. It’s the go-to term that reinforces just how ingrained in our everyday lives Google truly is. On a planet of over 7 billion people, it’s stunning to imagine just how many online searches Google performs in a day, let alone an hour or a minute. This infographic is an animated look at how Google works to bring us all those results. “What makes Google so beautiful as a search engine is that although a lot of complex processes are taking place in the background, from a user perspective, it’s simple and easy to use. Part of the process of using Information Fluency is understanding how the tools we use for online searches yield the results we need. Download a printable version of this infographic
