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Elastic lists Just a short post, but another demo is online. It is a demonstration of the “elastic list” principle for browsing multi-facetted data structures. Click any number of list entries to query the database for a combination of the selected attributes. The example data is based on the Noble prize winners dataset used in the Flamenco facet browser. Elastic lists enhance traditional facet browsing approaches by • visualizing relative proportions (weights) of metadata values by size • visualizing unusualness of a metadata weight by brightness • and animated filtering transitions. In unfiltered view, the brightness shows a trend measure, indicating a rising number of prices of the last years. In filtered views, a brighter background indicates a higher weight of the metadata value compared to the overall distribution. You can also switch on little sparklines to see the temporal distribution of each metadata value:

Animoto Video Maker 10 free tools for creating infographics | Infographic Done right, infographics can be a great way to make sense of complex data. The best infographics transform complex information and data into graphics that are both easy to grasp and visually appealing. The only problem is, infographics that look like they were simple to make are often anything but. Exclusive offer: Save 15% on Adobe Creative Cloud now Here, we've selected our top free tools and apps for making infographics. Give these free tools a try and let us know which ones you get on best with on Facebook or Twitter. 01. Visme promises to help you 'speak visually'. 02. Canva is a powerful and easy-to-use online tool that's suitable for all manner of design tasks, from brochures to presentations and much more besides. It features a dedicated infographic maker that you can use for free, with hundreds of free design elements and fonts at your fingertips, and many more premium elements that you can buy for up to $1. 03. Google's chart tools are powerful, simple to use, and free. 04.

Taposé - Collaborative Content Creation The Best Resources For Creating Infographics Infographics are visual representations of data design to help communicate information clearly. They are great for English Language Learners, and the rest of us, too! The information can also be either serious or humorous. To see examples of some of the best ones, you can visit: The Best Infographics — 2010 The Best Interactive Infographics — 2009 You can find even more at The Best Sources For Interactive Infographics and A Collection Of “The Best…” Lists On Infographics. Of course, you don’t need online resources to have students create their own infographics that can be used towards achieving numerous learning outcomes, as I recently posted about at What A Great Infographic To Use As A Model For Students. However, creating them online can also be both useful and fun — for both teachers and students. Here are my choices for The Best Resources For Creating Infographics: I’m going to start-off with some of my previous “The Best…” lists, including: The Best Tools To Make Simple Graphs Online

Keynote Los 10 mejores créditos iniciales cinematográficos | El pájaro burlón Una película puede ser mejor, peor, horrible, maravillosa, detestable, obra maestra, etc… pero si tiene una secuencia de créditos iniciales, ésta valdrá por sí misma. Hay veces que recordamos únicamente el opening de un film por su potencia, por su carisma y su fuerza; y no nos engañemos, ¿qué es el inicio de una película sino precisamente uno de los elementos más importantes de un film? Para mí lo es: a mí el inicio de una película puede conseguir atraparme de forma absolutamente hipnótica desde el primer segundo, o también lanzarme a un profundo abismo de tedio tan sólo empezar. 10- Los Renegados del Diablo (The Devil’s Rejects, Rob Zombie, 2005): En el 10º puesto tenía que incluir estos (¿cómo definirlos?) divertidos, atrayentes, atractivos, sucios, violentos, créditos iniciales de Los Renegados del Diablo. 9- Arma Letal 3 (Lethal Weapon 3, Richard Donner, 1992): Sí, lo sé, muchos os estaréis riendo ahora mismo. 1- Superman (Richard Donner, 1978): Indiscutible.

Explain Everything ™ iPhonelle, iPod touchille ja iPadille iTunesin App Storessa Hacia una definición de infografía | Boris Alexander Greiff Tovar Cortesía de Shutterstock Discutir sobre infografía requiere precisar que se trata de un término acuñado como acrónimo, resultado de la conjunción de las voces inglesas information y graphics (gráfica informativa). Esto no define demasiado. De hecho, para la mayoría de la gente son muchas las cosas incluidas dentro del concepto de infografía: diagramas de flujo, gráficas de datos, organigramas, líneas de tiempo, mapas, planos e instructivos, etc. Sin embargo a la luz de recientes definiciones es posible ahondar más en este concepto. La infografía es un medio bastante joven. Precisamente es en el ámbito periodístico donde se detectan los primeros esfuerzos por definir la infografía, en especial en la escuela española. La infografía es una visualización de información, estructurada y graficada desde lo estético en función de lo analítico, para presentar temas ocultos, oscuros y complejos en términos claros, sencillos y reveladores. ¿Cual es el problema de esta definición? Author

Prezi Title Sequences by Kyle Cooper Upload Bridget LaMonica Loading... Working... ► Play all Title Sequences by Kyle Cooper Bridget LaMonica6 videos5,777 viewsLast updated on May 10, 2014 Play all Sign in to YouTube Sign in History Sign in to add this to Watch Later Add to Loading playlists...
