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10 Beautiful Social Media Infographics

10 Beautiful Social Media Infographics
This series is supported by Ben & Jerry's Joe, Ben & Jerry's new line-up of Fair Trade and frozen iced coffee drinks. Learn more about it here. Infographics help communicate information in a digestible manner as they creatively present data in an understandable and engaging format. With social media growing at an ever increasing pace, there is now a wealth of data about how people interacting with one another on the web. Naturally, infographics have proven an excellent aid in expressing high volumes of social web information in a clear, visually appealing manner. Here are 10 infographics that prove as beautiful as they are interesting. 1. This is a global map of social web involvement which illustrates that hundreds of millions of web users are creating and sharing content every month. Interestingly, it reveals that despite the Twitter hype, microblogging is still not a mass social activity and is nowhere near the size and scale of blogging. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

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