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RSA Shorts - The Power of Quiet

RSA Shorts - The Power of Quiet

How To Do Japanese Gift-Wrapping Japanese-style gift-wrapping, called tsutsumi, uses paper and cloth to create simple but elegant wrappings for gifts, presents and packages. Furoshiki refers to using a large piece of cloth for the wrapping. These techniques are perfect for birthdays, holidays, weddings, or even everyday marketing and shopping. They also support and promote recycling and recycled goods. Trying to figure out wrapping paper with these methods gets really easy, as single sheets of paper work well to not only wrap most common items, but that's exactly the sort of paper size that is best for reuse. Gentle colors and contrasting accents are often hallmarks of Asian gift-wrap but there are occasions or styles where you will see bold colors and vibrant patterns. Here is some history, links and videos providing information and tips so you can create these fantastic but simple works of gift-wrapped art for yourself!

iBooks Ideas I was intrigued that a few people saw my recent article about iBooks Author as a criticism (in the negative sense). That wasn’t my intention at all, and indeed I’m very enthusiastic about the ecosystem (iBooks Author, its file format, iBooks 2 as a reader/viewer, and the iBookstore as a storefront and delivery mechanism). My piece simply acknowledged that, as in any situation, there are trade-offs to be made, and that a book isn’t a project to be undertaken lightly or without due consideration. Earlier today I posted a list of fifteen suggestions, and received a few more in response, and thought I’d write up that list to hopefully inspire potential authors and even traditional publishers. Choose Your Own Adventure. And so forth. I’m excited about the iBooks 2 ecosystem, not just because it’s got people really talking and thinking about education, but because it finally puts a powerful tool into everyone’s hands and says “show me what you can do with this”. Footnotes:

How to Chat up an Introvert A woman told me that she only likes introverted men, and asked how she could meet them. Good question. Where can one find introverts, and when you do, what's the best way approach them? I've been giving this some thought. Wandering around bookstores. In public places, body language can help. For heaven's sake, don't make a big fuss about it. Furtive glances at each other can only take you so far. Try to get past chit-chat to at least semi-substantive conversation quickly. Eye contact is usually a good sign that you've penetrated an introvert's wall of indifference. No great mystery here. Personally, I like doing stuff (and this goes for making new friends as well as dating). Your thoughts? My book, The Introvert's Way: Living a Quiet Life in a Noisy World , is available for pre-order on Amazon .

11 Superpowers of an Introverted Child There are several myths about kids who are introverts: They are nervousThey don’t like other peopleThey don’t want to be socialThey are basically shy people If you’re an introvert, you are not anti-social, you just react to your environment differently than some kids. You are certainly not shy; in reality, there is a notable difference between introversion and shyness. Shyness manifests when you’re scared of being judged negatively. An introvert is someone who prefers quiet or less stimulating environments—someone who recharges his or her energy by getting plenty of alone time. Because society often tells us that we can get ahead by coming out of our shells, or being go-getters, introverts can sometimes feel like they are the only ones who want to sit quietly and think. Here are 11 superpowers of introverted children: You have deep friendships You may feel overwhelmed or tired at a big, noisy party, but you love spending time catching up with very close friends. You have amazing ideas

Negen YouTube-kanalen waar je slimmer van wordt Slim zijn wil natuurlijk iedereen, maar om dit te worden moet je meestal de boeken in. In het digitale tijdperk waarin we leven kan het gelukkig ook op een andere manier. YouTube heeft namelijk genoeg kanalen om jezelf iedere dag een stukje slimmer en wijzer te laten worden. Check hieronder de top 9 YouTube-kanalen waar je slim van wordt. 1. Met meer dan 120 video’s online, is Veritas – dat in het Latijns waarheid betekent – een populair kanaal. 2. Ook dit kanaal is al razend populair. 3. C.G.P. 4. Deze korte maar verhelderende filmpjes van Henry Reich laten tekeningen zien in een time-lapse. 5. Eigenlijk zegt de titel al genoeg. 6. Ook SciShow is weer zo’n populair kanaal waar onze hersens uiteindelijk blij mee zijn. 7. En omdat we dan toch slimmer willen worden, doen we dit natuurlijk het liefst zo snel en leuk mogelijk. 8. Wiskunde en wetenschap, dat zijn de twee kernwoorden van het kanaal. 9. Bijna elke week komen ze met een nieuw filmpje.

Den oändliga historien Just när det kändes som att samtalsklimatet blivit mildare, som att barns rättigheter hamnat lite mer i fokus och vuxnas oro lite mer i bakgrunden slår Nyhetsmorgon i tv4 till med full kraft. De har en barnpsykolog som svarar på tittarnas frågor ibland och idag valde hon att prata om nätpedofiler. Ni får själva se klippet och göra er en uppfattning men i min värld var det som att kliva fem år tillbaka i tiden. Märkligt nog var hon påläst. Men slutsatserna, att det är skitfarligt för alla hela tiden, de grundar sig inte på de fakta hon redovisade. Psykologen fokuserar mycket på sin egen oro och det verkar vara vuxnas oro som är det viktiga. Det är väldigt tråkigt att ett tv-program med så många tittare avslutar med råd direkt från 90-talet.

The introvert’s guide to dating Though there are a few fans of the “cold call” approach to dating — the idea that we’re supposed to encounter a total stranger in a bar or at a party and sell ourselves between bursts of deafening music — introverts detest the idea. Why? Look at what defines an introvert The brains of introverts become very active in response to what’s going on around them. The inner bells and whistles go on, and the introvert wants to crunch the data, understand the story, to make sense of it all. Because there’s so much activity inside, too much activity outside (noise, social input) can turn a “fun” event into an exhausting chore.Introverts like to think first and talk second. Here’s the good news: Romantic cold calling is more suited to cinema than real life, and the path to finding love can take a wonderfully introverted course. Here’s a road map Warm up. More dating tips 4 Signs your Prince Charming is a fake Help!

How Spending Time Alone Helped Me to Find Peace and Rediscover Happiness “All of our unhappiness comes from our inability to be alone.” – Jean de la Bruyere Being alone and being lonely are not the same thing. I am used to spending time alone. I’ve been single for years and I was technically an only child until I was fourteen. However, over the past two years I learned how to really be alone and I have grown to love it. This has caused many people in my life to worry about me. Up until two years ago I had always been a socially active person. The truth is that I found it exhausting but I didn’t know any other way to be. I am a very private person and although I connect with people easily, I am selective about making friends and letting people into my life. I always felt like I didn’t quite relate or fit in, but at the same time I didn’t want to stand out or be different — I wanted to feel part of the group. Depth and substance. I grew up with young parents who had a volatile relationship. So peace and alone time is something I had never experienced.

Dying grandmother uses Oculus Rift to walk outside again Roberta Firstenberg had long loved walking outside and caring for her garden. However, a hard battle with cancer had weakened her so that going outside was no longer possible. In a bid to give her one more view of the outside world, Roberta's granddaughter Priscilla, an artist, programmed an Oculus rift to give her grandmother the chance to walk again. As The Rift Arcade reports, Priscilla reached out to Oculus last fall in the hopes of getting a dev kit Roberta could use. Priscilla went on to help work on an experimental build filled with waterfalls and butterflies, but her grandmother's cancer spread before she could finish. Update 5/2 4:00pm: A previous version of this article stated that Priscilla helped develop the program for her grandmother on Oculus.

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