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Cut&Slice me - Photoshop plugin to export your assets - cut and slice me

Cut&Slice me - Photoshop plugin to export your assets - cut and slice me
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MockFlow - Online Wireframe Tool Free Arpeggiator VST/AU Plugins For Windows & Mac! I needed an arpeggiator plugin for a work in progress music project yesterday, so I browsed the web to see which tools the freeware VST plugin world has to offer. As a result of that search here’s another BPB Freeware Studio article featuring the best freeware arpeggiator VST/AU plugins for Windows and Mac. Arpeggiators can be an awful lot of fun, especially if you produce electronic music. You can use them to trigger your virtual synthesizers and come up with exciting new bassline and lead sequence ideas without actually playing a keyboard. Also see: Free Step Sequencer VST Plugins Free Arpeggiator VST Plugins The plugins below are listed in alphabetic order. Arp4midi by xoxos (Windows)ArpLite2 by SynArp (Windows)BlueARP by Oleg Mikheev (Mac, Windows)hypercyclic by mucoder (Linux, Mac, Windows)Kirnu by Arto Vaarala (Mac, Windows)RandARP by CodeFN42 (Windows) Special thanks to Numanoid for helping us refresh the list! Do you think that a certain plugin is missing from this list? Final Words, des gabarits papier pour esquisser vos sites réactifs Lorsqu’on est dans la phase de création d’un site, il est toujours plus facile d’essayer des choses « à la main » sur papier. Mais on perd beaucoup de temps à dessiner le gabarit sur papier quadrillé, pour toutes les tailles que l’on souhaite supporter pour son Webdesign. Le site propose des gabarits A4 à télécharger et imprimer pour un grand nombre de tailles courantes pour les sites réactifs (mobile, tablettes, navigateur, …) et pour différents systèmes de grilles connus. Les gabarits sont proposés en deux finitions, avec ou sans grille. Ils proposent des emplacements pour noter ses remarques, afin de ne rien oublier ou pour préciser un élément. Parfait pour gagner du temps et de la précision dans ses webdesigns et les définir comme des pros. Téléchargez les gabarits à imprimer

Layrs Control 2 - free PS extension updated Layer name editor Allows you to rename layers and folderwith great control and functionality Credits: Paul Riggott & Evgeny Trefilov Remove Unused effects Allows you to remove unused effectson all selected layers Credits: Paul Riggott Flatten all layers effects Allows you to flatten all layers effectsin selected layers Credits: Jeffrey Tranberry & Evgeny Trefilov delete empty layers Allows you to delete all empty layersin photoshop file Credits: Paul Riggott rasterize smart objects Allows you to rasterise each and everyselected smart object in to individual layer new find similar files & folders Allows you to find files and folders withsimilar names Convert to smart object Allows you to convert every selectedlayers into individual smart objects

7 Rules for Creating Gorgeous UI (Part 1) Introduction OK, first things first. This guide is not for everyone. Who is this guide for? Developers who want to be able to design their own good-looking UI in a pinch.UX designers who want their portfolio to look better than a Pentagon PowerPoint. If you went to art school or consider yourself a UI designer already, you will likely find this guide some combination of a.) boring, b.) wrong, and c.) irritating. Let me tell you what you’ll find in this guide. First, I was a UX designer with no UI skills. My portfolio looked like crap, reflecting poorly on my work and thought processMy UX consulting clients would rather buy someone’s skills if their expertise extended to more than just sketching boxes and arrowsDid I want to work for an early-stage startup at some point? I had my excuses. “I majored in engineering — it’s almost a badge ofpride to build something that looks awful.” These “rules” are the lessons from those hours. This article is not theory. This is the Krav Maga of screens.

Catanya 1.0 Download (Free trial) How to Create Your Own Embroidery Patterns Road Rash: Race It Old School Style Threshold Technology Release Comes This Fall Simple tools to create notes and stick them on your desktop Disable the Windows key shortcuts Vivaldi improves its tabbed browsing experience Yahoo admits to a breach that compromised 1 billion accounts Facebook launches a Parents Portal You can now use Skype's real-time translator in normal calls Got a Netgear router? Grille d’audit pour analyser et évaluer la qualité d’un site web Pour évaluer la qualité d’un site web, on fait ce que l’on appelle : un audit. C’est un outil managérial qui permet de vérifier que votre site/blog/boutique en ligne répond correctement aux différentes « bonnes pratiques » et que celui ci est bien adaptés à votre cible : les internautes. C’est audit facilitera grandement la conception de tous vos wireframes, spécifications fonctionnelles et assurer que le site répondent aux besoins du client. L’audit d’un site à une place très importante dans la phase de conception web. Pour vous aider nous avons découpez cet audit en 3 parties : TELECHARGER LA GRILLE D’AUDIT POUR SITE WEB (pdf) On peut ainsi différencier plusieurs dimensions dans cet audit : Pendant l’audit mettez vous à la place d’un utilisateur normal qui vient d’arriver. Il faut également prendre en compte la particularité d’un blog ou bien d’un site de e-commerce qui ne répondent pas aux mêmes contraintes techniques, et aux mêmes attentes vis à vis des internautes.

romashamin/Size-Marks-PS #130 Monitoring with God Need to ensure your background processes stay up and running and don't use too many resources? Check out the god gem as shown in this episode. Download: source codeProject Files in Zip (121 KB)mp4Full Size H.264 Video (27.9 MB)m4vSmaller H.264 Video (16.9 MB)webmFull Size VP8 Video (42.3 MB)ogvFull Size Theora Video (38.9 MB)

Street Art 360 – Street Art & Graffiti Around the World
