Michele Filomeno - Photographer Agency - Paris / New York / Milan 9 0 0 0 Badge creator Use Flickriver Badge Creator to create a badge linking to your photos, your group or any other Flickriver view. You can place your badge on your Flickr profile, Blog or Website. Add to your iGoogle or Netvibes page Flickriver widget for iGoogle or Netvibes can display almost any Flickriver view - most interesting today, by user, by group, by tag etc. Clickr on one of the buttons below to install: Embed on your Web site To embed this view, Copy and Paste the following HTML code: Black background ( preview ) : White background ( preview ) : Firefox and Chrome addons Adds a 'Flickriver' button to your browser. Install in Firefox Install in Chrome Search plugin Add 'Search on Flickriver' to your browser's search box. "View on Flickriver" Greasemonkey script A Greasemonkey script that adds Flickriver links to various Flickr photo pages - user photos, favorites, pools etc, allowing to quickly open the corresponding Flickriver view. Install "View on Flickriver" script Bookmarklet
Semblanza - eduardo warnholtz Photo, comparer les prix photo L'évolution de l'appareil photo Depuis les premières tentatives de reproduction datant du XIIIe siècle, l'idée de pouvoir immortaliser un moment unique n'a rien perdu de son attrait. Un appareil photo actuel n'a cependant plus grand chose à voir avec la chambre noire ou Camera Obscura d'antan, même si celle-ci posait les principes de base de la photographie en concentrant les rayons lumineux à travers un petit trou pour les afficher sur une surface de projection. Le principe de la photo et la complexité des modèles d'appareils - comme par exemple ceux qui sont proposés par les fabricants leaders du marché comme Canon – ont évidemment subi d'importantes améliorations. On trouve ainsi aujourd'hui des modèles à double lentille qui permettent la prise de clichés en 3D, et l'usage de la chambre noire s'est singulièrement raréfié depuis l'avènement du numérique. L'appareil photo numérique, un produit phare On trouve aujourd'hui peu de foyers qui ne possèdent pas d'appareil photo numérique.
Abandoned Places In The World Do you love creepy old buildings? Have you ever wanted to explore a ghost town? Whether you’re looking for the scare factor or you simply have a passion for history, you would probably enjoy visiting some of the interesting abandoned places in the world. Picture yourself standing in the halls of an abandoned hospital, a cool breeze rushing past with moans that make you wonder if it’s haunted. What you might find in abandoned places in the world is beauty. If you aren’t fortunate enough to have interesting abandoned places near you to explore, you might enjoy our original list below. Update: Here are two more very interesting links for everyone. Photos of Abandoned Buildings: Modern Day RuinsThe Poetry Of Forgotten Places When starting on this post for some reason I was thinking that there are not many abandoned places in the world, at least the cities. The abandoned places can look charming or they can look frightening, we tried to present it all. Gunkanjima, Japan San Zhi, Taiwan
lassehoiledotcom COLT + RANE El desayuno de Jonathan Franzen >> Vano oficio Foto crédito: storuman Un encuentro de escritores no tiene por qué ser distinto a un encuentro de plomeros o proctólogos. Supongo que todos son una feria de vanidades o egos revueltos, como diría Juan Cruz; en todos el tema principal de conversación en el desayuno o en el bus de traslado es el dinero; las conferencias pueden ser aburridas o divertidas según el ánimo del expositor y la percepción del oyente; de todos los invitados regresarán luego a sus casas para hacer lo que siempre han hecho, sin mayor variación, dejando atrás, en el aeropuerto, la idea de "comunidad" que existía hacía solo unos instantes, mientras se despidían en lobby del hotel. Del 26 al 29 de Enero, la ciudad colombiana de Cartagena de Indias volverá a recibir al Hay Festival. Recuerdo la vez que me tocó ir a Cartagena. Leo que el sábado 28 Juan Gabriel Vásquez entrevistará a Jonathan Franzen, y de inmediato mi memoria viaja a la entrevista pública en el Hay Festival Xalapa 2011 entre Eduardo Lago y Richard Ford.
Sally Mann Pictures Sally Mann X CLOSE 1: Elle a aussi, rare occasion, travaillé plusieurs mois dans le Yucatan : autre vigueur végétale,... Sally Mann photographs by Sally Mann Since I’ve taken up photography full time, I have immersed myself in the... Sally Mann Commemorative Postage Stamp copyright Ted Orland. Sally Mann Self Portrait #5, 2005 X CLOSE Sally Mann’s “Proud Flesh” Sally Mann Self Portrait #2, 2005 X CLOSE Diese Seite drucken Share | At Warm Springs, 1991. photographs by Sally Mann Sally is such a brave and thought provoking photographer, but I especially... ...to the Contemporary Art in Italy - UnDo.Net - Guida all' Arte Contemporanea in Italia Sally Mann Смотреть дальше Sally Mann Sally Mann did a series called At Twelve . photographs by Sally Mann The real treat for me was to watch Sally directing the members of her... Sally Mann: What Remains UNITED STATES WASHINGTON, D.C. • Corcoran Museum of Art • Ongoing (f. 1951) Sally Mann Virginia, Emmett, and Jessie, 1989 by Sally Mann from Immediate Family .
Anything Worth Seeing / ANTILIMIT MR. BIUTIFUL Antonella Arismendi