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Mitchell Joachim: Don't build your home, grow it!

Mitchell Joachim: Don't build your home, grow it!

'Living' buildings could inhale city carbon emissions A graphical representation of London's "living" skyline as envisaged by award-winning architect Richard Hyams. Over the next 40 years, "living" buildings could absorb carbon emitted from the city Synthetic biology enables scientists to create life-like matter in the labKnown as "protocells," these chemicals could be applied to buildings in the form of paintOther chemicals will let buildings regulate their own temperature and produce own power London (CNN) -- What if buildings had lungs that could absorb carbon emissions from the city and convert them into something useful? What if they had skin that could control their temperature without the need for radiators or air-conditioning? Science fiction? "Not as such," claims Dr Rachel Armstrong, senior TED fellow and co-director of Avatar, a research group exploring the potential of advanced technologies in architecture. A drawing of protocells reacting with carbon to produce artificial limestone shells. "And not only that," added Armstrong.

The Future is Now – A Letter to Arup by Rachel Armstrong This post is also available in: Chinese (Traditional) Response to The Under-imagined Future of Transport by Susan Claris I don’t agree that the importance of forward-thinking long term planning is over sold! In fact, the future is very poorly invested in and governments are currently slashing funding for basic science which underpins technological and economic developments. As for the issue of under-imagining, I don’t think that there is a crisis in this capacity at all! An example of how an alternative future has been well imagined and is being developed in the form of international collaborations between design, engineering and science is the field of synthetic biology applications for the built environment. Take for example, NY architect Mitchell Joachim’s vision of a ‘blimp’, soft car system for the city of New York – a well imagined scenario where if one of the proposed vehicles ‘runs over your sister’ (heavens forbid!) Real budgets are needed for open research & development. Dr.

Runaway Universe | How Big is the Universe? By Brent Tully Posted 11.11.00 NOVA How big is the universe? Could it be infinitely large? If the universe has an edge, what is beyond the edge? Our experience of the everyday world does not prepare us to grasp the concept of an infinite universe. There are billions of galaxies in the visible universe. The Visible Universe There is an edge to what we are able to see and could ever possibly see in the universe. This horizon describes the visible universe—a region some 28 billion light years in diameter. While we can never directly "see" the whole of the universe or glimpse its farthest horizons, we can discover how it is behaving This view of the universe fits with the currently popular idea that the universe began with a vast expansion of size. If this grand idea is correct, then the universe is larger than we ever could have imagined. The universe began with a vast explosion that generated space and time—a hard thing to visualize. Cosmic Acceleration A Puzzling Expansion Microwave messages

Culture-Clash-Protokoll: Tod, Anstand und Echtzeitweb (Anmerkung: Dieser Text entstand aus einer gewissen Ratlosigkeit heraus und erhebt keinen Anspruch auf die Richtigkeit seiner Schlussfolgerungen (sofern vorhanden).) Aus Gründen, die hier nicht weiter wichtig sind, gehörte ich zu den Ersten, die am vergangenen Dienstag vom Tod des Düsseldorfer Künstlers Stefan Demary erfuhren. Stefan und ich waren miteinander bekannt, aber keine dicken Freunde. Es war ein Tod mit Ansage, Stefan war schwer krank. Aus einem Impuls heraus habe ich dann Stefans Wikipedia-Eintrag aktualisiert, also Sterbedatum und -ort hinzugefügt und die Zeitform des Textes angepasst. Vorhang auf für den Culture-Clash: Heute erreichte mich die E-Mail eines gemeinsamen Freundes, die bis zum Rand mit Gift gefüllt war und in der er sich darüber erregte, dass ich den Eintrag so zeitnah verändert hatte. Den E-Mail-Schreiber würde ich – wie die allermeisten Zeitgenossen in meinem Alter – als Semi-Offliner bezeichnen. Klingt bescheuert?

Creating 'Living' Buildings The University of Greenwich's School of Architecture & Construction is poised to use ethical synthetic biology to create 'living' materials that could be used to clad buildings and help combat the effects of climate change. Researchers from the University of Greenwich are collaborating with others at the University of Southern Denmark, University of Glasgow and University College London (UCL) to develop materials that could eventually produce water in desert environments or harvest sunlight to produce biofuels. In collaboration with an architectural practice and a building materials' manufacturer, the idea is to use protocells -- bubbles of oil in an aqueous fluid sensitive to light or different chemicals -- to fix carbon from the atmosphere or to create a coral-like skin, which could protect buildings. ''We want to use ethical synthetic biology to create large-scale, real world applications for buildings,'' he says.

Association for Robots in Architecture - Is the Universe a Holographic Reality? - Global One TV The Universe as a Hologram by Michael Talbot Does Objective Reality Exist, or is the Universe a Phantasm? In 1982 a remarkable event took place. At the University of Paris a research team led by physicist Alain Aspect performed what may turn out to be one of the most important experiments of the 20th century. You did not hear about it on the evening news. Aspect and his team discovered that under certain circumstances subatomic particles such as electrons are able to instantaneously communicate with each other regardless of the distance separating them. University of London physicist David Bohm, for example, believes Aspect's findings imply that objective reality does not exist, that despite its apparent solidity the universe is at heart a phantasm, a gigantic and splendidly detailed hologram. To understand why Bohm makes this startling assertion, one must first understand a little about holograms. This insight suggested to Bohm another way of understanding Aspect's discovery.

15. Deutscher Trendtag am 15. September 2010 in Hamburg mit dem Thema Flow Control. » Dr. Eckart von Hirschhausen„Es braucht den Mut, das Scheitern als Teil des Prozesses zu umarmen.“ Das Thema des 15. Deutschen Trendtags ist „Flow Control“. Ihr eigenes Buch über das Glück ist ein Bestseller. Die Kernidee von meinem Buch „Glück kommt selten allein“ lautet: Glück ist nicht ein Gefühl, sondern fünf verschiedene. Kann man Glück managen? Klar! Sie vergleichen Ihren eigenen Wechsel vom Mediziner zum Kabarettisten als Sprung ins richtige Element – ähnlich wie ein Pinguin, der sich im Wasser ungleich wohler zu fühlen scheint als an Land. Dabei geholfen hat mir, dass ich nicht wegwollte von etwas, sondern hin zu etwas. Was hilft, sind Orte, an denen man sich ausprobieren kann, ohne dass gleich die ganze Existenz auf dem Spiel steht. Sie sind aber auch Trainer für Manager und Entscheider. Eine Zufriedenheit mit sich und seiner Arbeit gelingt, wenn ich einen übergeordneten Sinn in meinem Tun erkenne. Und was können Manager für das Flow-Erlebnis ihrer Mitarbeiter tun? Viel ist schon erreicht, wenn man Menschen nicht demotiviert! Haben sie das? Das Interview führte Maria Angerer

Metabolic Materials as a Measure of Architectural Quality | By Rachel Armstrong Between the 1830’s to 1840’s, the modern public health movement was started in Britain when Edwin Chadwick, advocate for the Poor Law, brought his vision of public health through sanitarianism into being through public works. This ultimately resulted in the construction of modern day water and sewage systems that set standards of urban infrastructure throughout the developed world. Today we are facing a similar urban crisis of environment due to the consequences of living in industrial pollution for the last 150 years. This crisis, like the situation in the 1830’s, is directly related to our development and predilection for cities, which is only set to increase. Global warming is a symptom of technological progress coupled with environmental belligerence and is facilitated by the industrial practices of capitalism. Architecture is a technology of environments. In order to do this we need to find the right kind of language. References:

KERB 19 / Paradigms of Nature: Postnatural Futures “So no, I don’t accept that the future is over-sold : it’s productised an as a result it’s over constrained by our current ways of thinking and immediate practices …” - Rachel Armstrong, letter to ARUP Have you ever wondered how a single cell can finally transform in a complex organism? And how the survival of this organism depends on the key relations set with its species and the environment. But what if we perceive humankind and its manifestations as part of nature? The traditional one-way dependency on technology and machines is presented here as a reciprocal, way to understand the new paradigm of landscape, architecture, and design. Buildings approaching the forms of mountains and caverns; structures that appear as rivers and clouds: the contemporary architects producing these conditions advance an agenda that we can provisionally term the “architectural reconstruction of nature.” So, how can we now synthesise technologies with living systems? Dr. You can buy and read KERB 19.

Howstuffworks "How Holograms Work" ­If you want to see a hologram, you don't have to look much farther than your wallet. Th­ere are holograms on most driver's licenses, ID cards and credit cards. If you're not old enough to drive or use credit, you can still find holograms around your home. They're part of CD, DVD and software packaging, as well as just about everything sold as "official merchandise." ­Unfortunately, these holograms -- which exist to make forgery more difficult -- aren't very impressive. You can see changes in colors and shapes when you move them back and forth, but they usually just look like sparkly pictures or smears of color. ­On the other hand, large-scale holograms, illuminated with lasers or displayed in a darkened room with carefully directed lighting, are incredible. If you look at these holograms from different angles, you see objects from different perspectives, just like you would if you were looking at a real object. Holograms have other surprising traits as well.

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