IDEO | A Design and Innovation Consulting Firm PLEO design - TEDxKraków | service design Zespół Projekt powstał w ścisłej współpracy z fantastycznym zespołem organizatorów i wolontariuszy TEDxKraków. Interdyscyplinarność i duże zaangażowanie uczestników procesu projektowego umożliwiły opracowanie adekwatnych i możliwych do wdrożenia rozwiązań. Metodyka Projekt został opracowany w oparciu o metodykę Service Design Thinking. Insighty W fazie eksplorowania nastawiliśmy się na zebranie możliwie największej ilości informacji istotnych z punktu widzenia projektu. Głównymi celami jakie postawiliśmy sobie podczas gromadzenia insightów, było zidentyfikowanie: silnych i słabych stron przedsięwzięcia wszystkich zagrożeń i szans okazji do drobnych usprawnień i innowacji punktów styku uczestników z konferencją poszczególnych faz przed, w trakcie i po konferencji
Schools Stuffed Giraffe Shows What Customer Service Is All About | Huffington Post Most people have experienced outstanding customer service in one form or another — an attentive server at a restaurant or a retail store employee who goes the extra mile. A thriving industry comprised of consultants dedicated to training companies how to adopt exemplary customer service has blossomed over the past couple decades. For example, The Walt Disney Company Institute will help bring some of that “Disney magic” to your business. At my company, we’ve always pushed our employees to go the extra mile for clients because the ripple effects of terrific customer service extend beyond mere satisfaction and retention. Hotel chain Ritz-Carlton has a storied reputation for great customer service. Recently, my family and I experienced the Ritz-Carlton signature customer service in a way that will be talked about in our family and at my company for many years to come. “Joshie is fine,” I said. That very night, the Ritz-Carlton called to tell us they had Joshie. (Stuffed and real)...
Companies Welcome to the Virtual Crash Course in Design Thinking Welcome to the’s Virtual Crash Course resource page! We know not everyone can make a trip to the to experience how we teach design thinking. So, we created this online version of one of our most frequently sought after learning tools. If you choose to participate, in 90 minutes you will be taken through a full design cycle by participating in The Gift-Giving Project. Through this experience we hope you will take away some of the basic principles of Design Thinking and start to adapt them into your personal and professional routines. Below, you will find three sections: Gear Up!
A Bike Helmet Inspired By A Woodpecker's Head What's the Latest Development? As a graduate student, designer Anirudha Surabhi suffered a concussion when he fell from his bike, despite the fact that he was wearing a helmet. From this, he decided to try to build a better bike helmet for his final student project. Consequently, starting this month, customers in the UK and Japan will be able to buy the Kranium, a super-strong helmet that was inspired by woodpeckers: specifically, the way in which they are able to do their job without suffering any brain injury. What's the Big Idea? Surabhi discovered that a woodpecker's beak is separated from its skull by flexible, spongy cartilage that serves as a shock absorber. Photo Credit: Flickr/Richard Masoner/Cyclelicious Read it at BBC Future
The Power of Asking the Right Questions Some think tenacity is the secret to following through on New Year’s resolutions. I think it’s more about asking the right questions and having the confidence to act on them. I talked with my friend Don Norman recently about the value of asking interesting questions—a central tenant of design thinking. Don is a fascinating guy. A former Apple exec, academic, and author of The Design of Everyday Things, his latest adventure is teaching an online course at Udacity based on key concepts from his book. The two of us sat down at IDEO to discuss how design thinking not only makes you better at design, but also gives you a set of problem-solving tools to help improve everything in your life, from advancing your career to throwing a great dinner party. Whatever you’ve resolved to do this year—exercise more, learn a language, change jobs—I hope you’ll take my advice on how to start designing your life to create real, lasting, and meaningful change in 2014.