Realm Wars Dev Site Downloads Realm Wars builds come in two varieties. The stable builds are more polished versions of Realm Wars that correspond to project milestones. In addition more up-to-date builds appear on an approximately bi-weekly schedule. These work in progress builds are partially untested, representing the most recent changes and additions to Realm Wars. Listed below are the downloads that are currently available from this site in regards to the Realm Wars project. Latest Stable Builds (includes music) Realm Wars Builds Hosted by Maxgaming LLC. Newgrounds.com — Everything, By Everyone Vindictus March 2014 Patch Notes Mar 18 2014 New threats are always on the rise in Vindictus, forcing mercenaries like Lann and Fiona to live a life of hardship as they struggle to hold back the tide of evil. Thankfully, new scrolls uncovered by some of the wisest sages in the land are helping these brave warriors tap into new reservoirs of strength and resilience.