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Startup Pack for developers - 15 deals worth $10,000+ for FREE!

Startup Pack for developers - 15 deals worth $10,000+ for FREE!

Web 2.0 Productivity Tools The web continues to grow, and Web 2.0 tools are emerging constantly. One of the most difficult challenges for an entrepreneur is choosing which tools are the best for getting the job done. Here are some of the more mainstream Web 2.0 tools you can use to improve your business operations and team productivity. Project coordination and collaborationIn the past, people typically created project plans in Microsoft Project or another standalone or semi-collaborative project management tool. What makes these tools efficient is that as long as you already have a browser installed you don't have to install any additional software. Sales force automation and CRM software servicesContact management, sales force automation and customer relationship management have been around for quite awhile. Again, the best advantage of using software as a service for entrepreneurs is the time-to-market aspect. Project collaboration is one of the most effective uses of Wikis.

6 Business Apps That Make Life Easier Welcome to the Year of the Social Business App. A swarm of new business tools coming to phones and desktops near you promise to boost efficiency and streamline collaboration by borrowing social features from the likes of Facebook and Twitter. But do they really work? As CEO of HootSuite, I preview hundreds of social business apps--from virtual rolodexes to group notepads. And, to be honest, lots of these apps are more trouble than they’re worth. But the best of the bunch really do make life easier. Here on Biz Perfect for: Meeting your LinkedIn contacts offline Here on Biz bridges the gulf between the virtual world and the non-virtual one we call real life. UberConference Perfect for: Making conference calls slightly less unbearable Ah, the dreaded conference call: a half-dozen anonymous voices droning out from tinny little speakers. Evernote Business Perfect for: Social notetaking Perfect for: A salesperson’s best friend Kiind Perfect for: Social gifting HootSuite Yes, this is my company.

#WebTools: Les 10 outils indispensables au lancement d’une startup Lorsque vous lancez votre startup, il est primordial de bien choisir les outils que vous allez utiliser pour gagner du temps et accélérer votre croissance. Voici une liste des outils utilisés et recommandés par la startup Breaz, une place de marché qui met en relation les meilleurs développeurs avec les plus belles startups et entreprises tech en Europe. Article proposé par Edouard Rosenblum, cofondateur de 1. Mockflow Mockflow est un outil qui permet de réaliser des maquettes de son site. Avant de faire appel à un designer, nous avons “mockupé” l’ensemble des pages de breaz. 2. Oubliez Skype. Il est possible de créer plusieurs “rooms” correspondant à chaque sujet de conversation. 3. Asana vous permet d’intéragir avec vos équipes de développement et de design simplement. 4. mention Avant de lancer breaz, j’ai travaillé chez mention pendant 1 an et demi. mention est un outil de veille média qui vous informe en temps réel de ce qu’il se dit de votre nom, marques ou concurrents.
