25 Ways To Get The Most Out Of Twitter Twitter may very well be the single most important tool for teachers right now. Considering many are not even using the service, that says a lot about how effective the platform is for learning, engaging, development, and more. In an effort to make sure you are getting the most out of Twitter, we’ve compiled a very lengthy list of tips and tricks. See Also: 45 Simple Twitter Tips Everyone Should Know About Katie and I went through our list and narrowed it down to the top 25. Follow folks who are interesting to you. Just tweet!
25 Ways To Use Twitter To Improve Your Professional Development Although LinkedIn gets a lot of love as a professional social media site, Twitter is a force that can’t be ignored by up-and-coming young professionals. It’s a great place to get connected and informed, and an especially good resource for growing professionally. But how exactly can you use Twitter for professional development? Check out our list to find 25 different ways. Keep your Twitter profile employer-focused : Maximize the space that you have in your profile to share a professional description of yourself. Cash in on your good karma that you’ve earned by helping others and call in a favor yourself.
Design a Custom Twitter Header in 8 Simple Steps Howdy! Maybe you’re one of those who haven’t updated their Twitter headers yet, or maybe you’ve heard it already but you’re not just into creating your own design due to a lack of inspiration? Well, that’s not a problem at all now, this tutorial is for you. I’m going to show you how to create your own, and showcase some Twitter headers for your inspiration. Before we get started creating our own design, let’s take a look at this list of inspiration to boost up your creativity level. Use of Self Portrait Select your best photo and align it properly to with the avatar. @Rosen @RyanSeacrest @db Branding Select the best product you own and showcase it. @Starbucks @krispykreme @PlayStation Vector Illustration Using Vector art is always good to look at. OrganikSEO @Vimeo @Adobe Dark Backgrounds Dark background makes the avatar picture and text pop ups more. @VandelayDesign @wpbeginner @Behance Creative Very creative how they present their interest by the use of illustration. @laurenonizzle @imjustcreative @twitter
9 Ways to Improve the Signal to Noise Ratio on Twitter inShare378 Even at 250 million Tweets per day in addition to the updates across Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, and every other feed that we willfully subscribe to, information overload is in of itself a fallacy. But the feeling the overload of information is very real and a reflection of our inability to pull the levers necessary to decrease noise and improve signal. Doing so, requires some very blatant actions that don’t simply reduce the volume of the information we don’t care to see as often, it requires disconnecting from human beings. I know…so what right? It still is what it is. Think about why you Tweet or update your status. We are as guilty by our inaction as others are for their action. So, what makes a Tweet worthy of response or sharing? While we await tools that will save us from ourselves, the research team documented nine best practices to use as an editorial guideline of sorts. 9 Ways to Improve the Signal to Noise Ratio in Social Networks 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Vocabulaire Twitter : 15 Mots et Symboles à Connaître ! Lorsque l’on débute sur Twitter, on peut se sentir un peu perdu notamment à cause du vocabulaire et symboles spécifiques à l’utilisation de Twitter. A quoi sert le @ et # ? C’est quoi RT, DM et FF ? Le signe @ : Le « @ » est toujours accolé au pseudo d’un compte Twitter et permet de faire savoir à son destinataire que vous lui adressez un message. Le Hashtag ou # : Son utilisation et sa présence peuvent paraitre un peu énigmatique mais en fait c’est tout simple. Le verbe Tweeter : Egalement utilisé avec l’orthographe « twitter » comme le nom du service, l’anglicisme « tweeter » correspond à l’action de poster un tweet (message) sur le réseau social Twitter. Un Tweet : Un tweet ou twit est un message posté sur Twitter. ReTweet ou RT : Comme expliqué précédemment dans un article sur la fonction Retweet, un message contenant « RT » est un message déjà publié par une première personne et republiée par une autre personne. Direct Message ou DM: FollowFriday ou FF : Following ou Abonnements : FotD
Twitter presenta Vine: facciamo storytelling? Twitter ha lanciato Vine, un’app che ti permette di creare e condividere brevi video di (6 per la precisione). Mi correggo, non sono semplici video ma delle gif. Ovvero delle sequenze di immagini che riproducono un’azione. Non è strana la vita del web 2.0? Storytelling Il bisogno di raccontare una storia è uno dei più antichi, e la sua forza è pari solo a quella della controparte. L’errore fondamentale? Chi vive di social media marketing ragiona per aggiornamenti e tweed, mentre i professionisti del video si affidano alla combinazione di immagini e suoni. Tutto semplice Vine come Instagram, quindi? Ma non possiamo ignorare il carico virale di questi codici, di piccole app come Instagram e Vine che trasformano la realtà in storia. Come usare Vine? Questa è l’evoluzione naturale della nostra riflessione sull’app Vine: come utilizzarla per fare marketing? Attenzione, c’è spazio anche per la politica. C’è chi dice no E indovina chi è? La tua opinione Fonte immagine
I migliori tool gratuiti per il marketing con Twitter - GUIDA Quando utilizziamo Twitter a scopi aziendali potremmo doverci occupare di campagne di Digital PR e di individuazione di influencer o più semplicemente magari siamo interessati a sapere che grado di propagazione ha un nostro tweet o chi sono i nostri followers che ci leggono più spesso e retwittano e molte altre informazioni utili. Ci sono una serie di strumenti gratuiti che ci vengono in aiuto nello svolgimento di queste attività e in questo post ho voluto elencare quelli che noi di Webinfermento utilizziamo più spesso e di cui ci riteniamo maggiormente soddisfatti. Social Bro è probabilmente il mio preferito social media dashboard/analytic per Twitter. E’ uno strumento che utilizzo da un anno e ancora molto poco conosciuto e sottovalutato, soprattutto in Italia. Topsy Nostalgia di Google Real-Time Search? ReTweet Che livello di propagazione virale hanno i vostri tweet? TweetWally Parrotfish TweetLevel Twylah
Comment faire de la veille d’information avec Twitter Nous allons voir dans cet article comment mettre en place des outils pour détecter automatiquement les informations qui correspondent à vos centres d’intérêts. Nous allons également mettre en place un robot pour automatiser cette veille Imaginons que nous sommes intéressés par le “crowdsourcing”. Utilisons Twitter pour faire notre recherche Nous allons commencer par utiliser Twitter comme cible de notre recherche. Twitter propose une API pour pouvoir effectuer des recherches et retourner leurs résultats en flux RSS. La même requête au format rss sera : Comme vous pouvez le constater deux paramètres ont été ajoutés : filter:links et -rt Le premier permet de filtrer tous les tweets qui ne contiennent pas de lien et ne sont que du bavardage. Utilisons Google Alerts pour faire notre recherche Ciblons à présent Google. Nous allons utiliser Google Reader pour centraliser nos différents flux. Utilisons Yahoo Pipes pour retravailler le flux rss crowdsourcing
10 Basic Twitter Tips to Increase Site Traffic | Blog creation, what do you need a blog for, and how do you make it right and successful. The amount of Twitter followers is increasing daily. With the help of this top platform increasing site traffic of the personal web site has become easier. The basic factor which makes Twitter so popular is its easy usage and top status among users. While working on the creation of the most appropriate tactics of site development one should keep in mind that Twitter will become the main factor which will help to increase site traffic. Taking to consideration that Twitter is actually a blogging and social media area, site developers should keep stick to the basic 10 tips which will help in its usage. Tip#1. Tip#2. Tip#3. Tip#4.
30 Things to Tweet About Your Brand Businesses often experience a loss of direction a few days into Twitter. Once they have had enough of following influential people and greeting people in their network, there seems hardly anything worth doing. If you too are facing a similar Twitter-crisis, relax, this post is especially for you. Just use a little bit of imagination and you can transform your Twitter-space almost magically. Here’s food for thought when you run out of things to tweet about: New announcements from your brand.Teaser previews of offerings you are working on.Related interesting news from the industry.Trivia related to your product: history, technology, anything! Following these tips will make your brand interesting on Twitter, and people will want to participate and connect with you. If you like this post, follow or pick up conversation with Sorav on Twitter: @SoravJain | Sorav Jain is a Social Media Speaker and owns a Digital Marketing Blog. Connect: Authored by: Sorav Jain See complete profile
Tweepi v2.0 :: a geekier, faster way to bulk add quality followers 7 Twitter Strategies for Growing a Great Following You’re likely on Twitter. But are you connecting with the right people? Do you want to build a quality Twitter following? If so, keep reading. In this post we will explore sometimes obvious, yet seldom implemented, techniques of building a following on Twitter as well as few methodologies you may have not considered but should find quite useful. The inspiration for this post came from the book Twitter Power by Joel Comm. Let’s get started. #1: Look for people you already know This one is a no-brainer but it often goes unexecuted. You can tell Twitter to cull the list of contacts from your existing accounts on Gmail, Yahoo, AOL and LinkedIn. This method is limited to web-based email and unfortunately there is no simple way to search your Outlook contacts for Twitterers. But there is a way around that: Open a free web-based email account such as Gmail or Yahoo! Done! There are additional implications, of course. #2: Twijazzle your blog So how do you Twijazzle your blog? Amen, brother Joel. How?
26 Twitter Tips for Enhancing Your Tweets Almost anyone these days can throw together 140 characters and call it a tweet. But to use Twitter for maximum business impact there are many tried and true content sources ready to be used. In this post I’ll introduce practical ways to use good content for your tweets, everything from A to Z. #1: Answers Think about the questions your customers and prospects asked you this past week. To get started, create a list of questions, and answer them in your tweets one by one—paying particular attention to the most relevant at this time. #2: Behind the Scenes Anne Handley refers to this type of content sharing as the “insider’s view of your company,” where you have the opportunity to share updates about the projects and work you’re currently involved in. #3: Case Studies Dust off those case studies and offer them via your tweets for immediate download. #4: Daily Deals #5: Events When you’re hosting or attending an event, you can send out a tweet to let followers know about it. #6: Factoid #7: Guide